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TOPIC: Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report

Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273323637

GultzMaster wrote: What should I expect from Round 1?

I know this question was addressed to M7, but I wanted to answer this, not just to you but to prospective members in general.
There is no guarantee to what you may gain after round 1. It isn\'t unusual to see gains between 0.5\"-0.75\", but for some, it has been more than 0.75\" and for others, less than 0.5\". So the best way to make an assessment is to review literally all progress reports both on the old & new forum, then make an educated guess.
Good luck

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273373352

Agree with SO. There are far too many variables at play. 1/4\"-1\" and likely somewhere in between.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273378548

Thanks for that as I am due for my first session in 8 days in Prague.....going to go with what eastender went for and ask for 20cc first round.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273393372

@M7 You know we said we would have a stron word with each other if we felt one was going over the top after reading your R3 plans and R4 too....I felt like saying something..... F&&ck it I am coming to TJ to party with you and EP for R4 lol 6.5 is so yesterday lol NB any newbies reading this.....I am kiddin really I am !!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273425491

@JABMC\'mon bro! Three amigos!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273425555

Yeah whats the worst that can happen....7 Inch Girth and a massive hang over lol

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273481560

Definitely not the worst that could happen but highly likely.
I have a gap similar to GSXR\'s (not as prominent) but will need a good bit of aesthetic correction. On the plus side, I have retained a fair amount of size. I will likely go for another full round and then a final for pure aesthetic reasons.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 5 months ago #1273556014

After email correspondence with Wade, I was informed that my aesthetic issues are easily resolved. That said, I am still seeking an addition 1/4\" to 1/2\" in Girth. As of today, I am 62 days post op. The implant is definitely more palpable post R2. While I can differentiate, my wife cannot. She\'s also more into using \"it\" than inspecting \"it\". LOL Can\'t wait to go back to TJ again and hang with my buds.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273604285

Hey M7- Glad to hear things are holding steady. Did you mention what your aesthetic issues were? I have a similiar feeling this go around (2nd)- good Girth retention with some newly developed, although fairly minor, aesthetic issues. I am considering a 3rd round but am now unsure about concentrations and volumes as I am more about aesthetics than serious Girth gains. I wouldn\'t turn away another 1/4\" as long as the aesthetic was corrected. Good luck as we continue to \'heal\'...

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273621338

I\'m debating if I should stay at the Grand Hotel for a night or just do one in SD. Last time I stayed at my friends and I wasn\'t able to massage as much as I would have liked. I\'m thinking for 24 hours I\'ll stay at a hotel before meeting with with friends. How important do you think it is to start massaging right after the procedure? Will it make a difference if I wait an hour?

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273628580

I am not sure about the first hour, but I am guessing it won\'t matter much. Everything stayed liquidy for the first 3-4 hours with me. What I would pay more attention to would be making sure to keep it unretracted for the first few days using an ADS or something ad hoc.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273632038

What\'s the ADS that everyone has been using?

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273632315

M7- Did Wade imply they could correct the \'ring effect\' if that is what you are referring to? I don\'t have a \'ring\' per say, but I now have a slight ridge that follows the circ scar- which wasn\'t there after round one. I\'m wondering if they would consider or have done \'shallow\' penetrations (meaning not the entire length) with glans side injection to even this out. I had glans side injections the first round with no permanent aesthetic issues. Granted, with the 10% I had minimal gains, but that is really all I\'m after anyway, aside from correction of the ridge. I also have the \'hump\' effect somewhat- that is, the middle is actually as big or bigger than the base, or at least very close. This is pronounced when Flaccid. Do you have similiar issues?

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273635479

Can\'t recommend the GHT enough. Great service and convenient to Dr. C\'s office. I recommend staying an extra day to allow time for massaging and perhaps a last minute check up by Wade or Dr. C if issues arise.

I have a gap... not a ring, a gap. LOL *I also have the hardened ridge that follows the Circumcision scar.* It\'s a really abrupt transition from shaft to neck area. I will try to upload photos when time permits. My life is super crazy at present (wife just in motorcycle accident (she\'s okay) and preparing my mother\'s house to go on the market). I\'m still holding very well. I will likely seek out aesthetic correction for the next 1 - 2 procedures. Correction will also add size albeit minimal. I\'m a solid 6\" MSEG and 6.5\" BEG. Wife is NOT pushing me for more size but said that a \"little\" wouldn\'t be too bad. I would like to end up around 6.25\" MSEG with a base Girth close to 7\".

I\'ve decided to wait. I\'m going to attempt to acquire more length. I know my wife is happy with what I have but I want it. I am still a solid 7\" EL but would like to be closer to 8\". I will be doing manual stretches, pump sessions, Hanging and an ADS for the next 6 months to see what I get.

My testosterone is through the roof and I feel great! Between my herbal regimen, occasional HCG boost, zinger, diet and exercise, I believe my T levels are at least where they were when I was in my 20\'s (I\'m 39 this year). I\'m putting on lean muscle without too much effort, my facial hair has increased in thickness, more confident, EQ is insane (morning wood every morning), etc. I feel very strong. The ONLY thing my body needs is new joints! LOL

I\'m very happy with my overall enhancement and success thus far. I may post body composition before and afters in the future when I reach my goal. I owe much of my motivation to my good friends here at PB\'s. I\'m in constant pursuit of betterment. Thanks for all of the support fellas!



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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 4 months ago #1273661801

Ok gentlemen. Uploading pics. Not best quality Erection due to difficulty holding tape measure and rush to get to work on time. Currently 70 days post op. I expect shrinkage. Still seems to be holding steady. These photos were taken as my morning wood was dissipating. Still pretty impressive IMHO. Also, the gap is evident and is the primary reason I\'m posting. I want others to witness first hand possible complications. The gap is not horrible and according to Wade is easily corrected. I don\'t plan on R3 for some time as I\'d like to gain another 1/2\" - 1\" in EL. I\'m still 7\"+ in length but like my buddy Rondo, would love to hit that magical 8\" mark. I would be happy with a 1/4\" gain however. I\'m very happy with my current size and will only go for touch ups on my next round(s). I can only imagine what sex with another (non childbearing) woman would feel like for both me and her. As my good friend EP warned, \"Be careful my friends\". LOL

****Also in case anybody is wondering, that\'s not a Cock ring. It\'s a magnetic zinger I found on Ebay that supposedly increases testosterone production and EQ. I have found this to be true and highly recommend it. The tape is pulled very tight in every photo. My base is monstrous; probably around 6.75\" - 6.875\".

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