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TOPIC: Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report

Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272739685

miracle7 wrote: @RondoA MS Girth of 6.25\" is all I need to rock her world. I will stop when I have solidified that number.

Glad your goals are within sight. You deserve it big guy!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272743302

Thank you sir! Congratulations are in order for you as well apparently. I\'m definitely not out to be the biggest, but to be everything I can be in every area of my life. Wife is happy at that size and so am I. I know where the end of the road is now. Time to get to work building some collagen. I\'ll be following your PR.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272743944

If i was that big, i would have tried to become a porn star.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272748603

I don\'t think that would fly with the spouse.

Swelling is subsiding as I am 5 days post op now. Still feels massive. I can tell I\'ve lost a little size but not much at this point (1/8\"). I\'m not going to measure incessantly as I did in R1. Going to try to focus on career and making some $$$$ for R3 which is inevitable. Thanks to all who are wishing me well. You guys are great.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272749465

Drive on man drive on!!!!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272768294

I like the Username change

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272768724

Thanks Skipper! I couldn\'t resist. I just checked and have only lost 1/16\" from immediately post op. I\'m 6 days out. As E.P. had commented, the Metacrill' seems to hold up better perhaps due to the carrier. I was afraid I\'d lose more by now but it seems very persistent. I feel VERY confident I\'ll end up with at least a 6\"MS measurement from R2 with a whopper of a base. Too early to tell but may need some Kenalog or product near glans. There\'s fluid buildup and Wade said it was fine so I\'ll have to play the waiting game. Also, my length has come back so technically, I\'m Miracle7.27\"x6.2\". Haha. Thus far, I\'m very happy with the volume gained and am supplementing like a madman. It takes many, many months though to ascertain long term gains. I was huge after R1 up until around 3 months when it began to shrink. Lost around 3/4\". Feeling large and in charge right now though. Also, Dr. Casavantes offered me 30% if I\'d sign a waiver. I\'m happy with the texture/feel of 20% so I declined. He\'s very much a stand up physician and I was made to feel like family during my stay. I can\'t wait to return to TJ to see them again and visit some new sites I\'ve become fond of...

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272832434

Couldn\'t resist... Had to measure at 11 days post op. Still sitting on a 1 Inch gain. Much less dissipation than R1. Will need touch up but if I keep this size, I\'ll likely desire very little more Girth. MSEG is happily 6.2\" and BEG is pushing 7\". Also, I am 6\" plus all the way till\' about 1/4\" away from my glans. Oddly, it looks quite good with the taper. ??? Who knows?

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272833332

Rad dude I hope you gain more and no loss! You can call that thing the punisher!!!!!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272833479

@7x6 - keeping my fingers crossed that you maintain that size for the foreseeable future

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272874984

Thanks gentlemen!

I\'m officially two weeks out now. Some size loss (about 1/16\") at this point. I believe I\'m at the low point. Collagen deposition should begin soon and persist up to 8 weeks. If I stay the size I am now (and gain nothing from collagen), I\'d be very happy with my results from Round 2. If I gain and sustain that gain from collagen deposition, I\'ll just go for a touch up 6 months from DOP and call it quits. I\'m still 6.5\"BG and 6.125\"MSEG. My wife loves it and so do I. I can tell she wouldn\'t mind an extra 1/4\" to 1/2\" though. Hmmm. Will wait it out and see where I end up. So far, the Metacrill seems to hold much better than the NewPlastic.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272879217

Hey M7,
Cool you have placed the photos in detail to us.
It looks like you can now complete a large block.

It hurts so much this time of healing?

Good to see that everything is going well

Congratsss man!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272879540

Good to hear 7x6. I\'ve lost just a tad but still over 6\" mid and I\'m at 4 weeks post op now. I\'m a realist and figure I\'ll be one happy dude if I\'m at 5.5\" or bigger mid shaft 4 months from now. Wonder what the max cc\'s anyone has ever received - counting all rounds. I\'m at 44 cc\'s now and I\'ll put another 44 in if that\'s what it takes. lol

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272882152

You should be in the collagen deposition stage right about now. Notice any growth yet?

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 6 months ago #1272886387

Maybe a bit but if your results from round 1 are indicative, pardon the pun!, of how the body handles PMMA, than the collagen growth isn\'t long term and eventually goes away. That being said, I figure I was as big as I will be after round two at the 1-2 day post op size - before the swelling really gets going, and more likely a bit less than that. We\'ll see where I\'m sitting at the 6 month mark but my guess is that it will be close to 5.5\" which is still a .75\" gain. With another 44 cc\'s, if the Girth growth metric remains the same, I would get another .75\" and a 1.5\" overall gain - a final mid Girth of 6.25\" which is fine with me. Bottom line, I\'m more focused on the health and functionality of my junk than any collagen growth and will keep doing the PMMA thing until I hit my Girth goal.

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