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TOPIC: Chester's Chicken Coop

Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293786330

Ok fellas, I\'ve been getting PMs about how to go about becoming a Ladies Man, so I\'ve decided to start a thread dedicated to this. Frankly, it\'s pretty hard to do that without sounding like you\'re full of yourself. However, to be a true ladies man you have to be the complete opposite of that. I\'ll be elaborate later in this thread. Now for a little backgrounder. I\'m 42, Hispanic, 5\'10\", fit, speak five languages, own a small business and make very attractive women part with their panties every weekend. If that sounds impressive, it wasn't always that way. In high school I was a bit overweight and rough around the edges. I attended an all-boys school so I had very little interactions with girls as a teen. It took many years of practice and experimentation to arrive at my current status, and it all started with losing my virginity at the ripe old age of 20. I accomplished said feat after losing 70lbs when I started college, from boxing. Lesson #1: Women do care about looks, alot!

This thread is mainly for the young fellas out there that still haven\'t gotten the hang of dating. Women can be cruel, but you can get past any snatch by exerting superior confidence, respecting women and playing things cool. I\'ve called this thread Chester\'s Chicken Coop because your confidence must allow you to believe that you\'re the top rooster in the coop. Some of you may recognize content from previous posts, and this is done simply to compile it into one thread.

Lesson #2: Size matters most when you want to keep her, NOT when you\'re trying to get her. Guys, do not send women Dick pics! A woman doesn\'t care, nor does she want to hear anything about your Dick until after you fuck her various times and is very comfortable with you.

Lesson #3: Make her comfortable, and you can make her do anything.
When it comes to women, it\'s all about making them comfortable and getting them to *feel* like they can do anything in your presence. Of course they have to be attracted to you first. If you believe you already have a woman attracted to you, then you already know what the next part is. One of the best ways to get a woman truly comfortable is to make her feel that you are the most confident guy she has ever met. Think of clever, tasteful ways to accomplish this.

Lesson #4: Don\'t worship her. She\'s just another dude, like you.
Too many guys put women on a pedestal without even knowing them. I used to worship girls that actually turned out to be pretty shitty people. Respecting women is one thing, but worshipping people you don\'t even know it\'s just silly, and very common with young guys that have no experience. This is a sure-fire way to turn her off.

Lesson #5: Mr. MOJO RISIN
How do you build your \'tude? Go on YouTube and type \"Ice-T Iceberg.\" Listen to that song for a week and walk around town with that song in your head. When you come across the hottest chick you know (the one who\'s car tires you\'d lick clean if she asked you), imagine her begging you for mercy because she didn\'t bring you enough money and offering herself, and her hotter younger sister to you, as solace for her shortage. Stone cold pimpin.

Lesson #6: Eat Pussy and like it.
Get acclamated to the taste of pussy. A lot of young and inexperienced guys are turned off by it but you have to make it a key part of your arsenal, if you want to keep women happy sexually. Trust me, it grows on you. I hated beer in my early 20s. Now I love it.

Lesson #7: Put her on the nightshift.
Instead of focusing on one woman, talk to as many as you can, and keep each one busy with something that connects you. Ex: Give each one a little errands to do for you. Doesn\'t matter what it is, can be very minor. Just get into the habit of having them do stuff for you. This exercise becomes very beneficial over time, but its most profound impact is on your confidence. You\'ll start getting into the habit of women doing stuff for you, instead of the other way around.

Empower yourself and build your confidence. When you do that, you can have women eating out of your hands, literally.

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293786480

Now I\'ll give you an everyday life example of my day today. I went to the gym, which I do once a week, strictly for weight lifting. At 190 lbs I\'m solidly built, with good muscle tone, but not overtly muscular. Remember Lesson #1. During my previous visit, I had observed a smoking hot, tall female trainer with a very nice round ass. Today she was talking to the Boxing instructor, who knows me and always says hello to me. During their chat, he looked over my way and said hello, which presented the opportunity for me to go up to the pair. We started chatting, and the instructor introduced me to the female traininer. She smiled, flipped her hair and started talking to me about all of the programs she wants to incorporate at the gym. I didn\'t ask for any of this information. I\'ll keep working on that until it\'s tap-ready. Lesson #8: Take notice of extracurricular behavior, and act upon it.

There\'s another woman that I\'ve noticed at this gym. She\'s older, but very fit. Probably in her late forties. Not that pretty but she has a ridiculously sexy body that is right up my alley. She\'s tall and very thin, with delicate curves. She\'s been there every single time I\'ve gone to this gym. We occasionally look each other\'s way but never say anything. Today I noticed that she did something that she\'s done the last three times I visited. When I was leaving the gym, she was exiting as well, causing us to walk together into the parking lot. One time is random, twice can be a coincidence but three times is definite interest. This time I stopped at the doors and pretended to search for my keys. This caused her to \"accidentally\" bump into me and, not surprisingly, we started talking. I\'ll start working on that too, for the tapping.

Grow your network wide, Boys. Strike up conversations anywhere; at the gym parks, coffee shops, library, book stores, etc.

Open for questions.

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293786865

I think there is definatly some truth to #2 and #4 in my experience

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293797215

FarmerJohn, I\'m familiar with paranoid schizophrenia. My brother has it. He appears completely normal, and can pass for a perfectly normal person, except when he starts talking. He\'s a cumpulsive liar, which I believe is something that \"soothes\" his condition, as it gives him a sense of control over his interaction with others. Many of the behaviors you described in your last post resemble that of my brother. Simply put, they\'re not normal. The main difference I believe, is that you seem to recognize this. This is important. Self-awareness is key, as you could be oblivious to behavior that repels others. However, this is excessively difficult given your condition. The key to getting with *any* woman is making her comfortable. When she\'s comfortable she can laugh, she can smile, which makes her think about you making her laugh and smile in her bed. However, to make someone comfortable, you have to first be very comfortable with yourself. This is incredibly difficult for someone with your condition. I suppose if you\'re a really good liar, you could lie your way into making others comfortable around you. You probably already do some of this already, which can help with your confidence in social situations. My best advice to you is to start doing healthier things that improve your confidence, such as conditioning your body (exercising with weights, running, etc), improving your mind (reading, learning new languages), enhancing your artistic side (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc). Consistency is usually a big problem for those with paranoid schizophrenia. You have to be consistent. Develop a routine and get into a habit of consistently engaging in one, or several, of the above things.

Now I\'m going to share something with you that may sound counterintuitive, but it is important for you to understand. While women can be exceptionally cruel, and you should never put them on a pedestal, you must always respect them. A woman\'s warmth and creative power brought you into this world, you must always treat them with respect and dignity. You need to release any anger you\'re harboring towards them, and make peace with any maladies they have inflicted on you. This may take time and a lot of understanding, but it\'s very important for you to accomplish this. A woman can tell when a man is harboring anger for them, and this is highly repelling. Many of us here have been victims of a woman\'s cruelty (myself included), however, we must always develop ways to find forgiveness and understanding, so we can move on healthier and stronger than before.

FarmerJohn, I won\'t lie to you; it\'s going to be a heck of alot more difficult for you to be a true ladies man, but it\'s definitely possible. In fact, done properly, you may find this pursuit quite healthy, constructive and therapeutic.

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293797667

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293800594

Chester, what would be your success rate if you were a janitor or an airport porter?

I don\'t think these chicks give a shit about your self-confidence. They get laid because they want to fuck and get married because they need security. Who wants to get fucked by a filthy homeless guy in the streets with a mountain of self-confidence ...

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293800826


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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293801037

jogift wrote: Chester, what would be your success rate if you were a janitor or an airport porter? I don\'t think these chicks give a shit about your self-confidence. They get laid because they want to fuck and get married because they need security. Who wants to get fucked by a filthy homeless guy in the streets with a mountain of self-confidence ...

Cracked me up.

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293802954

chester wrote: FarmerJohn, I\'m familiar with paranoid schizophrenia. My brother has it. He appears completely normal, and can pass for a perfectly normal person, except when he starts talking. He\'s a cumpulsive liar, which I believe is something that \"soothes\" his condition, as it gives him a sense of control over his interaction with others. Many of the behaviors you described in your last post resemble that of my brother. Simply put, they\'re not normal. The main difference I believe, is that you seem to recognize this. This is important. Self-awareness is key, as you could be oblivious to behavior that repels others. However, this is excessively difficult given your condition. The key to getting with *any* woman is making her comfortable. When she\'s comfortable she can laugh, she can smile, which makes her think about you making her laugh and smile in her bed. However, to make someone comfortable, you have to first be very comfortable with yourself. This is incredibly difficult for someone with your condition. I suppose if you\'re a really good liar, you could lie your way into making others comfortable around you. You probably already do some of this already, which can help with your confidence in social situations. My best advice to you is to start doing healthier things that improve your confidence, such as conditioning your body (exercising with weights, running, etc), improving your mind (reading, learning new languages), enhancing your artistic side (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc). Consistency is usually a big problem for those with paranoid schizophrenia. You have to be consistent. Develop a routine and get into a habit of consistently engaging in one, or several, of the above things.

Now I\'m going to share something with you that may sound counterintuitive, but it is important for you to understand. While women can be exceptionally cruel, and you should never put them on a pedestal, you must always respect them. A woman\'s warmth and creative power brought you into this world, you must always treat them with respect and dignity. You need to release any anger you\'re harboring towards them, and make peace with any maladies they have inflicted on you. This may take time and a lot of understanding, but it\'s very important for you to accomplish this. A woman can tell when a man is harboring anger for them, and this is highly repelling. Many of us here have been victims of a woman\'s cruelty (myself included), however, we must always develop ways to find forgiveness and understanding, so we can move on healthier and stronger than before.

FarmerJohn, I won\'t lie to you; it\'s going to be a heck of alot more difficult for you to be a true ladies man, but it\'s definitely possible. In fact, done properly, you may find this pursuit quite healthy, constructive and therapeutic.

Thanks for taking the time to help me.

Did you Google my name that I sent you in the PM? How on Earth will I get anyone to overlook that?

It\'s bad enough I may have just made my Dick unappealing for life.

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293805507

You guys have me cracking up right now. I\'m sitting on the couch at a lady friend\'s place on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, about to bang her. Will reply in th AM. G\'nite fellas ;-) ;-)

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293812596

Reklaw wrote: I think there is definatly some truth to #2 and #4 in my experience

Yep, it would seem like common sense but a lot of guys fail big time in these two areas. Very often I\'m sitting in a woman\'s living room, drinking her wine, while she\'s telling me about some \"idiot\" that sent her a dick pic. Then I go bang the shit out of her in the other room. Then I come on this board and tell guys not to send dick pics. :-)

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293812786

jd123 wrote: Chester you stated you were once a \"prize fighter\". I\'ve been in a lot of street fights and fought in a few mma fights. I\'m 6\'2 and muscular. When you portray this uber, super confidence, do you ever run into guys that don\'t mesh well with that act (it seems like your acting and perhaps had to learn it in a sense)...I\'ve always done well with women but I don\'t exude anything that I\'m not. I suppose it isn\'t as applicable because I\'m not a woman....but a man like myself can sense false confidence like a shark does blood.

Very insightful point you raise, Jd. Confidence definitely plays a very big part in establishing attraction, as women feel safer and more comfortable with a man with few worries. It sets the tone for a woman to \"let her hair down\" and go with the flow. This is especially important in the beginning, as a woman is trying to get to know you.

Everyone\'s confidence is different. You don\'t have to display \"Uber\" confidence in order to get a woman to be into you. I also wouldn\'t say that my personal confidence is an \"acting\" job. I also don\'t know why my confidence level would be of interest to any man who I \"run into.\" Confidence is a personal thing, and is built up by personal experiences, over time. My background is different from yours. Yours is different from others. I\'m sure that growing up in the Bronx, fighting in the streets, then professionally in rings around the world, and winning, can certainly increase a man\'s confidence. By the time I was 21, I had already fought on pay-per-view for a world championship. I had also sparred with top 10 WBC, WBA and IBF
boxers, then I\'d go to an English class, because I was still in college. Yet I had only lost my virginity the year before! That is to say that now, at 42, I have much more confidence than I did when I was a very accomplished kid. I was very rough and ignorant to the ways of sexual courtship. Only after the many, many dozens of experiences that I\'ve developed with women of all around the world, have I been able to arrive at where I am today.

When I was much younger, if I ran into a man that had a problem with my confidence, he would be the one with the problem. Nowadays I smile, and ask the woman next to him what she\'s drinking. ;-)

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293813205

jogift wrote: Chester, what would be your success rate if you were a janitor or an airport porter?

I don\'t think these chicks give a shit about your self-confidence. They get laid because they want to fuck and get married because they need security. Who wants to get fucked by a filthy homeless guy in the streets with a mountain of self-confidence ...

I laughed out loud at this one. Still laughing. Jogift, even if this thread doesn\'t help one man at all, I\'d still be happy that it was the spawning ground for the last sentence in your reply!

Ok seriously, you bring up an excellent point, and that is security. Women over 30 definitely care *much* more about security then those under 30. And frankly, adjusted for 2016, I\'d say it\'s more like 25. So does money matter? As women get older, yes, it does. But what does security yield? Confidence. In addition to being a good fighter, a great dancer, fluent in several languages, and an artist, I\'m also a successful business owner, and I can tell you that my financial success has certainly contributed a firm layer to my confidence. But it\'s not everything. I used to valey park in my early twenties and I was still getting lots of ass. So how was it that a 22 year old male was banging a 45 year old hot milf? I\'ll tell you how. Not every girl cares about security. There are some that care about it more than others, and some that just want to fuck a hot guy.

Case in point: Lorraine, sexy 35yr old professional blonde chick I dated last year, wanted me to come over tonight. She\'s one of these really hot sexy women that look super professional in the office but are demons in the bedroom. This crazy chick sucks my Dick as I drive through the streets of NYC, at all hours! Can\'t even wait to get back to her apartment so I can slam her raw. But a big part of why she\'s into me is because I have status. While I\'m not a materialistic person, I do drive a Lexus and I own high-profile credit cards, like the American Express Platinum and Chase Sapphire cards. A chick like Lorraine cares about shit like that. The only reason I have these things is because of my job (which requires a certain image). Left to my own devices, I\'d shop at Walmart and drive a Kia, but that\'s not the world I live in. Lyn, on the other hand, is the sexy, young-looking 52 yr old wife of a rich British businessman, who developed a debilitating illness and is chronically hospitalized. She lives in a high-rise on the west side, and I\'m going there tonight to stuff that ass properly. She doesn\'t give a shit about money because she\'s actually richer than her husband. She visits him every weekend but every now and then she has natural human needs, which I serve a couple times a month. Two different women, both Cock-hungry sluts but with different views about security. And outside of them, there are a multitude of different perspectives on security.


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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293815017

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Chester's Chicken Coop 8 years 3 months ago #1293815209

Jd, please ask the woman standing next to you what she wants to drink.

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