It\'s been over a year since I bought the x4, but im fairly sure I just bought the standard version. I later on went to get the tougher springs, but I honestly didn\'t see much of a difference between the two.
As cpw mentioned, every guy responds differently, so the best advice I could give you is to try a few different ways and see what works best for you.
Here\'s what worked for me:
#1. The noose. Most guys hate the noose and like the strap, but I\'ve found that if I fold a couple peices of toilet paper around my shaft, just under my glands, and then put the noose around that (with the foam pad as well) I can wear it longer.
It\'s hard to describe, but imagine 2 sheets of toilet paper together, fold them in half and then half again, so technically there\'s 4 layers, and then wrap it around your shaft. After folding the toilet paper a couple times, it should only be about 3/8\" wide, about the same width as the noose and foam padding.
#2. During the day I would wear the x4 totally down as far as it would go. Supposedly, wearing it down over time achieves length and upright achieves
#3. Slow and steady wins the race. Instead of over stretching, I would put myself in the x4, and then turn the screws on either side until I got a decent stretch. I\'ve heard a lot of guys stretch to the max with rods from the start, maybe it worked for them but I found myself always having the take a 5 min break every hour after doing this.
4. It takes a while to get acclimated to it, so start slow. The first week or two SUCKS. Over time, my
Dick seemed to adjust to the device, and that\'s when I began adding rods. After a month or so, I was wearing it 5 days a week for 8 hours a day.
5. Beware of \"newbie gains\". Many have stated, and I believe true, that you see an increase the first month or so of wearing it a lot, only to see the gains slow down over the next few months. That\'s normal. Don\'t fret through, you keep gaining, but it\'s not as noticeable. Best advice is only measure once a week MAX. Measuring every day will leave you feeling like it\'s not working and mentally that is a bummer.
6.Pairing it with the Bathmate or some other pump helps a bit. I don\'t think pumps result in permenant gains. But they don\'t hurt after using an ads.
Overall the x4 does work, with time and dedication. I wish I had more time to wear it these days. And btw, the gains are permenant. Even though I switched to the esl40 and Bathmate, I haven\'t lost any length whatsoever, and it\'s been months. I hope this helps.