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TOPIC: Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report

Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271671090

Two experienced doctors in PMMA penile bioplasty ( I think Dr. Samy around 8-10 yrs and Dr.C. 6 yrs) prefer different conc., also when I asked Dr.Valter in Rio he told me he uses 30%, I am not saying one is wrong and the other one is right, I always respect the technique of Dr.C. because he could easily inject 30% without to bother mixing the different conc., this guy he might be right for better aesthetic result (he is smart) but the thing I don\'t understand if he injects @ 20% 15 cc\'s in some patients and 22 cc\'s in the other so if he increase the volume a bit more e.g. 7-10 cc\'s e.g. 30 cc\'s wouldn\'t be so dangerous , so if he doesn\'t like to use the 30%, he knows he has to inject more volume for the 20% than with the 30%, that depends if the 20% is really 20% or it is less than that ???
IMO to have few rounds (e.g. 3) better than to have too many rounds (e.g. 5-6) I will post that in the infections, complications, risks of PMMA\'s thread.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271705620

Although the wife would prefer I go see Dr. Samy Passy and get my Girth up to par, I\'ve booked Round 2 with Dr. Casavantes after speaking with Wade. I go in on February 22. My current gains are approximately .4375\" in circumference. Wade was shocked that my gains were lacking and agreed that my penis is longer and is an excellent responder. That said, I\'m on the fence about my decision. I DO love and trust the good (conservative) doctor ... alas, the wife wants me to be in the 6.25-6.75 Inch Girth range. Wade assured me that my gains would be greater this time. I hope so. I cannot afford to go again anytime soon. Wish me luck.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271715640

As I suspected, I\'ve experienced further loss. I attribute this loss to healing and feel I heal faster than average so perhaps I\'m reaching my final \"6 month\" size... early. My current gains are minimal and are between .25\" - .375\" with a \"10\" quality Erection. I always measure at my fullest which is usually shortly before I ejaculate. I took a Cialis last night and worked up a \"spot on\" Erection and was very disappointed.
I don\'t believe it accurate to measure gains until one is 6 months post operative from their last procedure. It sets one up for disappointment. I will be uploading another chart that reflects my current loss. Although I\'ve scheduled with Dr. Casavantes, I am now really starting to consider cancellation as I cannot justify $2,500.00 for a quarter Inch gain or possibly less. Measuring when one is less than 6 months out will most likely give a VERY false reading.
I\'m interested in hearing from those that are 6 months+ and have not received a second Round. I\'m still happy that I did it but am really bummed about the final outcome as far as size is concerned. Aesthetics are more than acceptable but the volume ... just isn\'t there.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271717278

EP is almost at the 1 year mark. He has had multiple procedures but his Erect gains are better than 1.5\" at the the base and an Inch plus at mid shaft. Don\'t give up hope - it might take a few procedures but I would think you would attain your goals easily. Stay the course and keep the faith brother!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271717918

M7 in my opinion concentration isn\'t the issue here, but volume. The surface area of you penis is about 35% bigger than EP\'s. Yet you only had 2cc more volume than him. Olafspo has a smilarly big penis to yours, he recieved 20cc of 30% and has said he can hardly see the difference. Dr C has said he\'s oppossed to using 30%, but maybe you should ask if he\'d be prepared to inject 25cc+ in your penis given it\'s size. Personally, if i was having this done tomorrow, I\'d rather have 10%, but more volume.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271718117

Thanks for the words of encouragement BJ! I am optimistic but also have other factors working against me.
I am a good bit longer than brother EP by at least an Inch.I\'m a family man putting my wife through college so funds are limited.It is EXTREMELY difficult to get away from the family and employer.Taking into consideration the law of diminishing returns, I\'d require twice as many rounds as EP to achieve the same gains in circumference.EP was not subjected to the new price increases as I surely would be.I was STOKED immediately post op from R1. I knew I would lose a good bit but honestly expected at least a half Inch gain. Wade said to expect 3/4\" minimum and likely a 1\" gain. Perhaps I\'m just not a good responder? I\'m confident that neither Wade nor Dr. Casavantes would knowingly deceive me. They are first class people and excellent at their craft.
I\'ve followed everyone from this forum that has undergone penile bioplasty. Some have better results than others. Sizemic is VERY young and I\'m sure that worked to his advantage. I do see where improvements could be made to help ensure everyone achieves adequate gains. For starters, it only makes sense that a longer penis will need more volume to achieve similar gains. I honestly felt I was \"short changed\" and could have easily received double the cc\'s I did for R1. As hoddle10 and others have pointed out, an average penis (6\"Lx5\"C) receives around 60 cc\'s of fat during a FFT procedure. At over 7 inches in length, I\'m quite confident that my penis could handle such volume. After my peyronie\'s surgery, my penis stayed at a Girth of OVER 7 inches for several weeks due to swelling. It is NOT a matter of the skin not being able to handle it so it must come down to aesthetics.
I\'m awaiting the input of EP, swampman and a few other well trusted comrades before I purchase a plane ticket. I need reassurance that I\'ll come out with better gains before I take the plunge. At least if I have to go to see Passy, I already have a Brazilian Visa.
@EPIt\'s not just about pleasing the wife good buddy. I\'m doing this mostly for me! With gains of 1/4\", I have to reassess my financial obligation to gaining Girth. It seems that most patients gain less on subsequent rounds. If that held true for me, it would be a total waste of time and money. I have nothing but the highest respect for Mel, Wade and Dr. Luis Casavantes.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271718350

In my humble opinion flying to Brazil is a terrible idea. You\'ve got such a good sized penis as it is. In my opinion you don\'t anymore size, but respect the fact it\'s your decision. But I think even by discounting the health risks (which we can\'t really quantify), the aesthetic risks are far too great to risk of such a great looking penis as yours. Most of the guys on the forum would kill to have a Dick like yours. Yet you are seriously thinking of flying to Brazil to have high volumes of a high concentration PMMA, by a Dr that, as of yet, I don\'t think we\'ve seen any before and afters. And even if he did show them to you, they wont be anywhere near as valuable as the photo evidence we see here, as he\'ll show you his best work.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271719218

@hoddle10I really appreciate your concern. My penis is only 5.25\" MS. Dude... that\'s barely over average and I\'m a solid 7+ inches in length. After 3 children, it does very little for the wife; if anything at all. Dr. Samy Passy has as much/more experience than Dr. Casavantes and I\'ve seen pics of his work and every pic shows at least as good an outcome as what we see here. Had I gained at least 1/2\" from R1 with Casavantes and crew, I wouldn\'t even consider it as I have report with Dr. Luis, Wade and Mel and genuinely love them as professionals and friends. I KNOW my penis can handle much larger volumes. Of this I have NO doubt.
I can always use Avanti Derma for a touch up. I understand that Dr. C is reluctant to use 30% and I respect his decision. However, at my length especially, I would really benefit from 30cc\'s + in order to obtain a significant increase in Girth at a permanent level. For all I know, I may still lose size in the coming months and I\'m only at a .25\" - .375\" gain! That\'s $2,500.00 for 1/4\" (hopefully permanent) gain in circumference. When I crunch numbers, I always do so conservatively and a trip to Brazil makes the most sense from a pure financial viewpoint. It would also mean less rounds and therefore, less ongoing trauma and risk of infection. Having email correspondence with Dr. Samy Passy, I feel comfortable with him.
As far as Brazil goes, I already have my Visa from my peyronie\'s surgery. I also am very happy with the local food and ... ahem... sights. If I could convince Dr. Casavantes to use 30cc\'s, I would buy the plane ticket NOW! I\'m still very much on the fence about this and am duly grateful for your opinion and the opinions of others with experience.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271719434

M7 in my opinion concentration isn\'t the issue here, but volume. The surface area of you penis is about 35% bigger than EP\'s. Yet you only had 2cc more volume than him. Olafspo has a smilarly big penis to yours, he recieved 20cc of 30% and has said he can hardly see the difference. Dr C has said he\'s oppossed to using 30%, but maybe you should ask if he\'d be prepared to inject 25cc+ in your penis given it\'s size. Personally, if i was having this done tomorrow, I\'d rather have 10%, but more volume.

I wholeheartedly agree hoddle10. However, I would need at LEAST 30 cc\'s. I\'m conservative regarding my length which is actually a good bit over 7 inches. Again, I do respect what you\'re saying and appreciate your genuine concern for my well being. You are indeed a good friend.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271734497

I\'m 80% sure I want to return to TJ to see Dr. Casavantes again. I\'m just concerned that the volume won\'t be enough to give me a solid 1/2\" increase long term. I believe I would need a minimum of 28-30 cc\'s.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271737682

I think you should get him on the phone and discuss with him prior to going. I think he would talk to you about it, you could get his professional opinion on risks, he would hear your case for size. If you were really going for 30 cc\'s there might be an increase in the cost. I noticed for touch up procedures there is an additional cost for each cc over a certain amount. I would bring this up, tell him you\'re ready to pay the additional cost - assuming you are - and see what he has to say. I would also plan on staying 48 hours post op locally to ensure you can manipulate the PMMA until it sets and tell Dr C that - another good point to your argument for more volume and the same one I used while there.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271749135

@samartmansmartman,You\'re from Brazil?
Have you made any procedure with Dr Valter (from Rio)?
In discussion forums on PE in Brazil had many complaints about members Dr. Valter about the post-op and the material used by him.
Despite all this I have many positive reports about it too so I\'m looking for information about who has performed PMMA with him if you can say something grateful Thx Bro!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271749598

carlos_labrada wrote: @samartmansmartman,You\'re from Brazil?
Have you made any procedure with Dr Valter (from Rio)?
In discussion forums on PE in Brazil had many complaints about members Dr. Valter about the post-op and the material used by him.
Despite all this I have many positive reports about it too so I\'m looking for information about who has performed PMMA with him if you can say something gratefulThx Bro!

Dr Valter uses 30% metacril so it owuld be really useful if you take the time to translate some of the complaints his patients have made.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271750255

Okay. I\'m going through with my appointment to see Dr. Casavantes. What can I say? I love the team and they\'ve earned my trust. I am going to push \"volume\" on Dr. C so hard that I\'ll probably get bitch slapped by Wade or Mel... My penis can handle it and I\'ve got the funds to pay for it so I\'m trusting it won\'t be a problem. The average volume of fat injected into a 6\" long penis is 60mL (60cc\'s). My penis is a good 7.25\"+ and I\'ve already received 23cc\'s. That leaves 37cc\'s for an average length penis. 30cc\'s should be well tolerated. According to those that know far more than I, my gains should be approximately .6\" if I receive 30cc\'s. That would make this man very happy indeed. It would be worth the extra $750.00 to me. That would give me a solid 6\" MSEG.

Enough to carry me till\' my mother\'s house sells... then I\'ll be booking an appointment every 6 months for the next 10 years.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271750806

I don\'t think 60cc is the average, but I know some surgeons do use 60cc of fat. Mr Viel uses 50cc, I think Giunta uses the same, but Reed used to use 60cc I believe. But you have to remember that though this much is injected, in most cases less than 50% of the initial volume survives. However, the fact they are prepared to inject so much volume, does suggest they are confident that the skin can take this volume without worry of pressure Necrosis.

M7, seeing as you seem to be in regular contact with Dr C and his team, could you ask if he\'d be prepared to inject 30cc of 5%, or is it that he doesn\'t like high volume no matter what the concentration?

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