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TOPIC: Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report

Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271751079


It was actually quite difficult to get Wade on the phone. They are very busy and I could detect \"over-worked\" in his voice. I\'ve read many medical articles/literature and understand the the volume injected depends on the patient\'s anatomy. 60 cc\'s is typically not exceeded for the very reason you stated, tissue Necrosis due to pressure. Gaining Girth via FFT or PMMA is a gradual process as there is swelling/inflammation, the carrier and other factors at play. I simply don\'t see any harm in him injecting 30cc\'s of 20% from a volume perspective. My skin will handle it fine and as I\'ve stated previously, I\'m a good 7.25\" Erect. I imagine that volume injected will depend on many factors; many that are not determinable until the actual procedure. Dr. Casavantes carefully watches how the skin responds while administering the PMMA. His is very cautious. Perhaps overly so.

Post operative... within several days, most of the swelling and carrier dissipate so it is not in a completely filled state for very long. After my peyronie\'s procedure, my penis swelled to over 7\" in circumference (I measured ).

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271751092

@M7, I have been going back and forth on Dr. C vs Dr. S. and I really want to go to Brazil to see Dr. S. but I think I will end up with Dr. C and crew. I feel the same way about them and I have the funds to back the extra voulme too. I have tried to ask for extra without being pushy. But if you don\'t get slapped I am going to go in there with my \"checkbook\" in hand too. I am trying to get a Feb appt. too.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271751119

I am scheduled for February 22nd. I plan on being slapped. It is second only to the lidocaine 1%.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271752206

hoddle10 wrote:

carlos_labrada wrote: @samartmansmartman,You\'re from Brazil?
Have you made any procedure with Dr Valter (from Rio)?
In discussion forums on PE in Brazil had many complaints about members Dr. Valter about the post-op and the material used by him.
Despite all this I have many positive reports about it too so I\'m looking for information about who has performed PMMA with him if you can say something gratefulThx Bro!

Dr Valter uses 30% metacril so it owuld be really useful if you take the time to translate some of the complaints his patients have made.

Have you been a patient of Dr. Valter?

Patients who have had problems with the implant reported complete lack of post-op care of him.

Can I help translating and posting something that is relevant to help this session but would like you, and speak whether or not his patient, because as I said above, patients are very satisfied with his work but the positives outweigh the negative reports in Brazil .
The procedure is not regulated penile bioplastic in Brazil, so those who submit to these procedures and may suffer some rejection, is not subject to post-op monitoring by the physician.
After penile Bioplasty is not regulated in Brazil, is unfortunately a problem we face in this country men here if we wish to penis enlargement.
I hope I have helped, if there is greater interest in details can re-post here.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271765098

@carlos labrada
I am not from Brazil, I had only a consultation with Dr.Valter but I decided to get my PMMA by Dr. Samy Passy in 2008.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271774576

I never did a consultation with Dr. Valter, he was on my list for PMMA, but after seeing so many post surgical complaints from him.
I decided to wait to find more favorable than unfavorable reports.
It was very smart on their part, will probably do the procedure in the country where you live, there are many testimonials from members of the group here that perform outside their countries PMMA and end up not getting a good postoperative follow-up, which I think is just as important.
Thank you for reply

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271774589

hoddle10 wrote:

carlos_labrada wrote: @samartmansmartman,You\'re from Brazil?
Have you made any procedure with Dr Valter (from Rio)?
In discussion forums on PE in Brazil had many complaints about members Dr. Valter about the post-op and the material used by him.
Despite all this I have many positive reports about it too so I\'m looking for information about who has performed PMMA with him if you can say something gratefulThx Bro!

Dr Valter uses 30% metacril so it owuld be really useful if you take the time to translate some of the complaints his patients have made.

It uses exactly Metacrill and there were many reports of Nodule formation, and a very bad post-operative monitoring

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271783463

Smartman, did you ask Wade if Dr C would consider using 30% on round two? I think I\'m going to ask for that and sign any waiver they need signed. 20ccs of 30% is pretty close to equal to 30ccs of 20%- not sure which one would be easier on the unit - recovery wise. I would think less volume would be easier. Would definitely stay 2-3 days in SD and closely monitor/massage the unit until the PMMA set. I\'ll shoot Wade a note at the end of the month.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271784132

Dr. Casvantes will not use 30% under any circumstances for penile bioplasty.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271784326

sent you a PM

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 9 months ago #1271843741

@M7 I hear your frustration and boy I want you to be happy...Your biggest problem is your long penis!! Not a bad problem to have really. I think 26cc or a little above at 20% will get you a really great result. Also I would have done the same and stuck to DR C. BEst of luck buddy!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 8 months ago #1271846978


I really like team Avanti Derma. No doubt. I still have reservations as my gains seem to have settled to approximately 1/4\" - 7/16\". I would need a minimum of 30cc\'s @ 20% to achieve at least as much of a gain as R1. I have spoken with Wade and was assured that I would get more Girth from R2. He said that my penis (due to being degloved) was easy to work with but Dr. C wanted to see how I responded since I have a palpable graft and received 20% from the beginning. After Wade viewed my photos (Erect and Flaccid), he said that they would use full concentration and amount. I am hopeful that \"full concentration\" is 30%. Not likely, but hopeful. If I don\'t gain better from R2 than I did in R1, I will book a trip to Dr. Passy and get MAXED OUT to at least a 6.75\" MSEG and then follow up with Dr. C in 6 months for a touch up. I fully expect a permanent 1/2\" gain from R2. I don\'t think that Wade or Dr. Casavantes would knowingly ever lie to a patient. I trust them and that is why I will return. Dr. Casavantes genuinely cares about his patients. That goes a very long way in my book.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 8 months ago #1271852943

Keep after it brother, I think the long slow climb (toward Girth gains) is our best option. Hey... tomorrow is our (being we had the procedure on the same day) 12 week anniversary! I would likely book tomorrow, but I have pressing work issues... Oddly, it appears we have similar results/gains. I don\'t view this as discouraging... but I admittedly had hoped for better retention. I intend to have a second procedure late Feb/ early march. I will request 20% at a recommended volume for best aesthetic and maximum Girth. I would assume in my case this would be 20 or so cc\'s. I know you\'ve done your research regarding volume and concentration, but I would encourage you to consider the reason for Dr. C\'s popularity, which I believe is his (and Wade\'s) conservative approach. I am personally hoping for a summative gain of .75\", which seems reasonable considering an average of those pioneering members after several (2-4) procedures. We\'ll get there... Regards.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 8 months ago #1271860867

Personally, I\'d like to add a solid 1' - 2\"\" to my pre op Girth. This leaves me a little disheartened by the apparent minimal gains achieved from R1. I would estimate my \"finalized\" gain from R1 to be around '\" as I seem to still be shrinking somewhat albeit very slowly. I was still very large 6-7 weeks post op and was content with my gain. My enthusiasm has faded the last two weeks; writhing in agony as my new-found confidence eroded and settled into a shadow of it\'s former self.

I am aware that some view PMMA as semi permanent. From my own research, I believe otherwise. I agree with the vets that the final outcome isn\'t known until 6 months or better. I think it best for future PMMA patients to realize that what they see immediately post op is NOT what they will end up with. I am going to trust Wade that my R2 results will be much better. Wish me luck.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 8 months ago #1271861619


You\'ll get that massive schlong; it just may take a little longer than you thought...
Positive thoughts out to you brother!

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