If you are looking for information on the San Diego penis enlargement procedure and trying to get quality information to help you decide if this is right for you, PhalloBoards has over 10 years of discussions amongst men regarding penis enlargement procedures and techniques. We're certain that you've been searching the web and found all sorts of claims and marketing tactics promising HUGE results, the community at PhalloBoards works hard to separate fact from fiction to make sure you take the right path for yourself. As with any body enhancement procedure, its important that you do your due diligence and educate yourself. The procedure can be very promising when you have the right experienced physician and have the right expectations. This forum allows you to ask the questions you need answers to, share your experience to help others, view pictures, and more!


Quality Penis Enlargement Information

There are a wide variety of techniques and supplements around the web that you have certainly come across. 2 "techniques" that are widely discussed are the bib hanger technique and the penis extender technique. While we certainly aren't here to dispel the effectiveness of either, you must know what possible side affects could happen. With that side, this site primarily focuses on the penis enlargement procedure used with doctors and clinics, but there is still a wide discussion on various techniques within the forum that you can get the answers to. Many of the men in this forum have tried other techniques and can provide you real experience answers.

If you aren't sure where to start, check out the NEWBIE GUIDE which is a terrific resource that provides answers to frequently asked questions along with a glossary of terms to help you understand the "lingo" used in the penis enlargement industry.

Another resource that is widely used is our Physician's Forum, this is a resource that allows you to ask questions directly to the PhalloBoards approved and vetted physicians and clinics. This is also a great resource if you have found a physician and would like to vet the information you are being told is accurate and correct.

Penis Enlargement Pictures

You can certainly find pictures of before and afters around the web but these can be difficult to fully analyze. PhalloBoards has a penis enlargement before and after gallery with images graciously provided by REAL Men who are sharing their experiences and results with other men to help educate them.

Again, we encourage you to join the community and get the answers you need! Share your experiences with others, answers questions, provide physician feedback and more! Also referred to as the San Diego penis enlargement surgery.