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TOPIC: My PMMA Journey

My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289360460

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Alright guys, after browsing(lurking?) on here for about 9 months and a lot of deliberation I have decided to take the PMMA Plunge. Although I have only posted once, I have been in contact with two guys that have had the procedure done. With their support and encouragement, and after reading these forums extensively, I have decided that PMMA is right for me. I\'ll start this thread to contribute as is only fair for those that will come after me.

Going into this, my biggest concern is aesthetics. My unit is above average, and I don\'t want to mess it up by getting greedy for gains. I\'d honestly be happy with an end result of .5 to 1 Inch of Girth gain over two sessions. With that in mind, I am planning on going with metacri 10%. After seeing not not so great results with higher concentrations, and the awesome results with @briceb , I think that is the best option for my goals.

My starting stats are as follows:

BPEL: 7.50\"BPFSL: 7.50\"MSFG: 4.00\"MSEG: 5.00\"

My only real concern is that my penis is quite curved. I curve hard to the right and slightly up. Wade has assured me that it won\'t be a problem, but I haven\'t seen many guys with similar issues, so I\'m still a bit worried. I\'ll bring up my concerns with Dr. C and I\'m sure it will be fine.

My appointment tomorrow 9/24/2015. I look forward to hearing what others may have to say through the next few hours. I will be sure to update through the day and through recovery.

Attached are the pictures I sent in for my file. I apologize that they are all rotated oddly, not sure how to correct that on here.

And for reference, one of the guys I talked to is not on this forum(I attached his pictures after mine, he had 2 sessions, I will have to ask what concentrations), the other is Jlmb.

The following user(s) said Thank You: John2023

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289362803

that doesn look like 7.5 inches? you must have big hands. Ive been loking for a recent progress report with DR c . i just filled out my consultation! keep us posted please

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289366528

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Hey now! It is 7.5 inches if you use a Tailor tape along the curve. The caveat being that it is about six on the inside of the curve. Also being that it curves up and to the right, bone press length is not a useful measure. I suppose the most\" fair\"measurement would be to say \"about 7\" as that\'s more accurate (average of sides). Just got to San Diego.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289367080

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Here are some additional pics. First 4 totally hard, last 2 Flaccid

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289381644

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Alright, Time for an update.

As everyone has previously said, great all around experience. The shuttle driver picked me up from the airport and dropped me off on time to the appointment. everyone was relaxed, office very modern and professional Wade and Dr. C introduced themselves to me, then Christian took me back to get photos and prepped up. The Doc and Wade then went over the \"game plan\" clearly answered all my questions and worked to my concerns. Originally they were thinking I would be a good candidate for 30%, but Insisted on 10%. Dr.C later said that 10% and \"low volume\" is the most effective and his personal favorite way of doing the procedure. They both agreed I should for sure see half an Inch gain(wade himself has had two 10% sessions). The procedure went smoothly, felt a pinch here or there but made them aware. They were quick to re numb the area whenever I felt anything(the lidocaine they use does not contain epinephrine, thus its relatively short, but fast, acting). I ended up getting 15 cc of 10% and 3 cc of 30% at the base. Wade mentioned that I have quite thick and tight skin so the product wont move around as much, making the post op care easier. After the session wade went over the massage technique, taking care to explain how to work the circ scar area to avoid the gap, as well as how to use the extender. Both Dr. C and Wade thought it went well and that I should have a good result.

Basic massage/extender directions were to massage every hour and wear the extender as long as comfortable in-between massage sessions, being sure to pull light tension away from the direction of my curve.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289381673

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After massaging a few times here is where I was 3 hours post op. It was pretty sore and somewhat difficult to massage. The swelling is building, but its still manageable

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289381750

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Here I am 15 hours post op. After reading this forum I sort of knew what to expect, but its still a little scary. The swelling had increased dramatically. Remember, the part where my pubes are shaved was my shaft on Thursday. It was bad enough that they gave me cortisol shot and an RX for another oral steroid to take if the swelling didn\'t go down.

As you can see, the base is very very swollen, there is also a gap just after the bulge at the bottom of the shaft where all the product has been squeezed out. Wade helped to smooth this out, but it keeps reappearing ever hour. Its a primary point of concern going forward. Hopefully its just the way the swealling is happening and that the continual massaging will help to delver product there.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289385017

Great write up on the whole procedure. Thanks for sharing.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289387383

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I\'m not done yet. Just about do do another massage in the airport bathroom before flying back to Philly. I\'ll post more pictures when I get home. The shot they gave me helped tremendously. The swelling is way down. My morning wood today looked pretty much like I think my Dick will in 6 weeks. Gained a solid .75 inches, no real gap between the circ scar and the head, just a gradual taper. Im slightly concerned about the 30% being too much at the base. We will have to see. Im coming up on the 48 hour mark, so the most I can do is try and massage some of the 30% up into the gap. Hopefully its not that significant in 6 weeks.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289389687

Thanks for the detailed description of your experience so would. I will definitely be following your thread. I\'m very interested in how the 10% will turn out vs the 30% that most have received.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289392201

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Update. I have been taking pictures but not doing full write ups. Here are pictures from Friday night. about 30 hours post op. first few are Flaccid, Last ones are 80% Erect. As you can see in the Erect pics, the swelling has gone down significantly and my penis is starting to take shape. you can see where the product is, and it is easier to massage.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289392258

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These were taken in the PHX airport after a 15 minute massage on my way home. Timing is about 45 hours post op. they are all semi-Flaccid.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289394119

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65 hour update. The product at this point is pretty much stuck, trying to manipulate yields very little results. The first pic is how I woke up this morning, I was able to manipulate the lumps back into a pretty normal shape with an Erection. I will update at the 72 Hour mark as well, to show what the \"final\" shape is before collagen production. I am taking Wade\'s advice to wear the extender constantly for the next 4 weeks as to force collagen production to occur in a stretched state. This will likely lead to a straighter, less curved Erection, and a very low Hanging \"shower\" Flaccid penis.

I don\'t think I ever said, but I am 26, 6\'1 220 lbs somewhat muscular. If that matters. All entry points are healed at this point too.

And to pictures, the first is how I woke up, somewhat lumpy. After a shower and massage the next 2 are my Flaccid state followed by a body shot Flaccid for more perspective from a distance.

Next is a pic semi-hard with the tape measure. I\'m now sitting at a solid 5.5 inches mid shaft, witch was my goal for this session. I know it will go down in the next few days, but if I end up at this point in 6 weeks I\'ll be quite happy. Thats a solid .5 Inch gain.

The last 4 are me Erect from a few angles. Not a log of \"gap\" around the circ scar, and I am quite happy about that. However, my big concern is the gap I have at the base. They used 10% for most of the shaft, but 30% at the base. I was able to massage most of the gap out, but on the left side at the base, you can see where the thick 30% stops and then dives inward before getting fat again on the shaft. This has been the major problem spot. I think it will lead to an irregularity, the product really is not mobile any longer, and I cant get any to stick in that area. We will see how it works out in the weeks ahead, but I went into this expecting some problems and had already planned and budgeted for a second round. So it is not the end of the world should there be an issue. Also, being that I went with 10%, the gains should not be so dramatic as to emphasize the irregularity. I am still quite optimistic.

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289395740

Looks great so far. the 10% seems to be the way to go. how is the pain and discomfort?

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My PMMA Journey 9 years 5 months ago #1289396370

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hey congratulations, that is one of the best results I have seen on here so far. It looks 100% natural - hopefully you will have smooth sailing the rest of the way out.

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