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TOPIC: At the PMMA start line.

At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275103070

I\'ve been creeping about for 4 months(ish) on here and finally figured out how to post.
I\'ve been struggling with size my whole life. I realized something was different when I was in grade 7 in the gym locker room. Since then ( I\'m 37 now ) I have been going to great lengths to make sure no one sees my junk. I have been distracted by my insecurities for far too long.
I will need to get a proper tape measure but I\'m roughly 5.5 NBPEL
3.0EG at base
3.5 EG at mid shaft and top
I would be happy as a clam if I could gain a little bit of extra Girth but what I\'m really looking for is aesthetics. I\'d like to reverse the taper and have a larger base.

I had an appt booked with Dr C in August but decided to post pone until after my trip to Italy, In case there were any complications. I have decided that i feel the most confident in getting PMMA over any other type of PE.

I\'m now looking at October or November. I\'m single now so I\'d rather get it done while I don\'t have to explain what I\'m doing to anyone.

The information on this forum has been of great help to me. I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and advice. I will be more than happy to post before and after pictures once I get a computer.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275103742

You sound like a good candidate for a PE procedure.

Your length is fine, but there is no point saying your Girth is average, as it\'s clearly below that.

With society as it is I can fully understand your insecurities.

Make sure you are aware of the possible complications and be sure you feel that the rewards are worth the risk. Personally speaking, if I were in your position then I\'d probably go ahead and have a procedure, as for me I don\'t think my life would be massively worse if things went wrong, yet I think would be massively better if things go to plan. But you might be different, so think it about how the worst case scenario would effect your life.

Good luck!

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275105410

You\'re one of the very few people I\'ve seen on here who actually should have PE surgery.

IMO, no one should get PE surgery, unless you\'re less than 4 inches Erect, and less than 4 inches Girth. It boggles my mind to see so many people gettin\' PE surgery done, when they shouldn\'t have done it. Shocking, really.

Anyway, there are plenty of people who can help here. I will say this: Don\'t think PMMA is safe just because there hasn\'t been any major problems reported as of yet. As with any PE surgery, you are taking a HUGE gamble with your junk.

Good luck.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275105627

If you\'ve been creeping here for 4 months you probably know by now that we share very similar pre-PMMA stats. Despite a few nodules & gap, I have a natural looking unit with a nice taper. With your length (which is longer than my NBPEL), and your baseball bat taper, I suspect you can get a lot out of this type of procedure. Depending on your finances & goals, it\'s totally conceivable to break the 5\" EG benchmark, assuming you wish to get this big.

The PMMA Girth may even be nicer than a natural Girth of the same proportion. It seems the PMMA allows the erections to be \"harder\" (not improved EQ, but simply, a stiffer, denser boner), as well as giving a bit of \"heft\" or \"weight\" to your penis.

Good luck, and if you setup realistic expectations (as well as room for the possibility of complications, nodules, etc), I think Hoddle\'s assertion will stand true: you\'ve got more to gain than to lose. Some may disagree with me, but most who probably will have never had experienced owning a Girth below 4.0\". It can be as much a \"mental dilemma\" which is unrelatable to most, as it can be a \"physical inadequacy.\"

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275105987

Hey. Thanks all for your thoughts.
I think the gains out weigh the risks in my case. I\'m fully prepared to deal with irregularities such as bumps etc. i feel like my Dick looks pretty irregular as it is anyways.
I\'d be lying if I said I wasn\'t slightly worried about future complications, but I think the time I will spend worrying about that is going to be less than the time I spend hating the penis I have to look at every day now.

The one thing I was wondering is if FBG can form as a result of systemic infection or auto immune response, maybe taking apple cider vineager daily might help reduce those risks?? It\'s supposed to do wonders for grannuloma annular and helps clean out the lymphatic system, liver etc.

Also stumbled across urine therapy for auto immune it. Sounds crazy but if peeing on myself would help my body fight of systemic infections then sign me up. I\'m going to hold off on that one for the time being but was curious what people though are on the subject.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275106207

Red1975 wrote: Hey. Thanks all for your thoughts. I think the gains out weigh the risks in my case. I\'m fully prepared to deal with irregularities such as bumps etc. i feel like my Dick looks pretty irregular as it is anyways. I\'d be lying if I said I wasn\'t slightly worried about future complications, but I think the time I will spend worrying about that is going to be less than the time I spend hating the penis I have to look at every day now. The one thing I was wondering is if FBG can form as a result of systemic infection or auto immune response, maybe taking apple cider vineager daily might help reduce those risks?? It\'s supposed to do wonders for grannuloma annular and helps clean out the lymphatic system, liver etc. Also stumbled across urine therapy for auto immune it. Sounds crazy but if peeing on myself would help my body fight of systemic infections then sign me up. I\'m going to hold off on that one for the time being but was curious what people though are on the subject.

I would strongly suggest exhausting all medical remedies offered by the performing physician, then all medical remedies by a 2nd or 3rd physician, before I consider \"alternative\" medicine for a complication, if someone were unfortunate enough to have to deal with one like a FBG.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275106598

I totally agree with you should FBG develope. I\'m Thinking more along the lines of preventative measures. Like taking vitamin C to prevent a cold. I\'ve already started taking apple cider vineager daily. It has many health benefits regardless.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275163784

I just booked my appointment with Dr C for November 15 at 10:30am. Super nervous and excited. I\'ve read a lot of stuff on aftercare from everyone on here and it seems that is key to optimal results.

My question is this: if you can give any advice regarding post op care, what would it be?

I\'m thinking of staying at the Marriott in Tijuana after so I can get right into post op care. Then I might spend a couple of days in San Diego to check out the city.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275166125

Quantum wrote: You\'re one of the very few people I\'ve seen on here who actually should have PE surgery.

IMO, no one should get PE surgery, unless you\'re less than 4 inches Erect, and less than 4 inches Girth. It boggles my mind to see so many people gettin\' PE surgery done, when they shouldn\'t have done it. Shocking, really.

Anyway, there are plenty of people who can help here. I will say this: Don\'t think PMMA is safe just because there hasn\'t been any major problems reported as of yet. As with any PE surgery, you are taking a HUGE gamble with your junk.

Good luck.

Quantum - I have to disagree with this post.

I was 4.25\" to 4.5\" EG but always felt totally inadequate. My Flaccid was really small and so was my glans. I played sports and was always one of the smaller guys in the shower. One of my friends in high school actually told me I had a small Dick! I was always extremely self conscience about my size. My size issues caused me to avoid relationshops, I suffered periods of depression, and questioned my self work. Over the years I overcame a lot of these pyschological issues but never got over my size issues.

Two months ago I had my first PMMA session and it changed my life. I was at about 5\" EG and the extra weight really helped with the shrinkage. I just went in for round two yesterday and would be happy if my 6 month results leave me with 5.25\" EG. I don\'t need to be huge but I love the fact that I finally feel like there is Cock between my legs vs. a little pecker.

I would hate for somebody to go in for this procedure with blinders on. The aesthetics are not going to be perfect. If you don\'t follow post-op instructions or are unlucky the results might be really bad. We also don\'t know the long term risks of injecting PMMA into the penis. But the incredible amount of great information posted here should allow people to make an informed decision.

I don\'t think there is a cut-off in size where people shouldn\'t do it. To me I would think that anyone with a 7x5 should be a pretty happy guy. I think that was M7x6\'s starting stats but he made the decision to have PMMA done and got to over 6\". It sounds like he is happy with the results and I\'m happy for him. I was laughing the other day cause Sizemic was asking about going in for round 5. I told him he already had a big Cock and should move on. He said he had some aesthetic issues and wanted a touch-up and if he was going down to TJ again a little extra Girth wouldn\'t hurt. I was shaking my head but he knows the risks and to be honest I get where he\'s coming from.

I guess my point is that everyone should make there own risk/reward calculation regarding PMMA and decide if its right for them.

Red1975 - sorry to hijack your thread brother. I think you will be very happy with the AvantiDerma team. I had the same taper as you with the base skinnier than the shaft. I think this works really well with PMMA because the product tends to move to the base anyway. I was able to get a solid .75\" gain at the base and over .5\" mid shaft. Since my skin at the base is so tight now it seems to push he product up the shaft and keep it there. Wade was thinking they would be able to give me a real nice cylinder shape. Hopefully they can do the same for you. Just plan on a minimum of two sessions and mark sure to follow the post-op protocol to a tee. Best of luck!

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275171674

Agree 100% with imperial. I started off with the same sizes as him. After round 1 I was 5.25. This Friday I go back for round two. I would love to gain anouthe .75. But it has changed my life and cofidence. The only thing I would change is, I would have done it sooner if I had known about it

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275173856

I am very glad that both Imperial and Irishfan are feeling better about themselves. It is a great achievement. Moreover it is clear from their posts that they are not blind gamblers but they have taken their decision after a risk/reward assessment. This is the way to go.I have not had any procedure yet and I currently have no plans to get any in the foreseeable future: with EG below 4.5 I do feel inadequate but my girlfriend who does not know about my insecurities which I have chosen not to share is very happy with our sexual life. Hence, from a risk/reward perspective I do not think I currently qualify as ideal/textbook patient; accordingly I will sit on the fence for the time being.Why have I posted the above: just because it was a good idea for Irishfan, forum members should think carefully before copycatting him. We are different people that lead different lives. Let there be no misunderstandings: I am not against PE procedures. Put differently, I believe that since risk/reward ratios vary from person to person, these should be estimated and considered as key parameter in the decision making process.Finally, something borderline obvious to chew on : assuming you do not have a micro-penis, see what happens if you develop a strong interest in a specific topic which is totally unrelated to PE; it could be anything: French, chess, quantum physics, archery, cooking, macroeconomics, poetry, etc. I strongly believe it would alleviate some of your penis related obsessions. It works with me.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 4 months ago #1275175766

Quantum wrote: You\'re one of the very few people I\'ve seen on here who actually should have PE surgery.

IMO, no one should get PE surgery, unless you\'re less than 4 inches Erect, and less than 4 inches Girth. It boggles my mind to see so many people gettin\' PE surgery done, when they shouldn\'t have done it. Shocking, really.

Anyway, there are plenty of people who can help here. I will say this: Don\'t think PMMA is safe just because there hasn\'t been any major problems reported as of yet. As with any PE surgery, you are taking a HUGE gamble with your junk.

Good luck.

As far as PMMA goes...if one were to even scratch the surface of the treasure trove of threads regarding this topic here , one would see that PMMA is still in its infancy as far as being an option goes, and that long term complication rates are not understood yet...The mods and various members have gone to significant lengths to underscore this. So, yes, anybody opting for PMMA is taking a serious gamble with their penis and overall general health.

Regarding your statement that men shouldn\'t opt for any PE surgery or procedure if they are more than 4 x 4. Well, if the guy in question is happy with the sex and/or can live with it comfortably, then I would completely agree. Why fix it if it ain\'t broken? However, if the size issue affects the man\'s ability to have and enjoy sex, I (personally)
would say he should start exploring options. For most guys, sex is an important part of his life, and if instead of it being something to derive joy and pleasure from, it becomes a source of shame and humiliation (like it was in my case), I think PE should be considered.

When I started, I was 6.3 x 5. Average or even above average. I wasn\'t happy though. I readily admit that there were psychological issues at play. Whatever the reasons may have been though, my life was affected (very) negatively. After I had my first successful dermal graft back in 1996, I went from being depressed (about sex), terrified (of sex), and being a complete a dud in bed, to being extremely confident
(about sex), and enjoying sex immensely.

Other men who have had successful PE surgeries and procedures will tell you the same thing. In fact, other than Eqstudent, I can\'t think of one guy who won\'t say the sex is better with their larger penis.
So I guess it comes down to if your penis size is an issue in bed , and whether
the gamble of enlarging is worth it.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 3 months ago #1275616772

One week to go until I\'m under the Cannula . Getting very excited as this enhancement is something I\'ve dreamed about for over 20 years. No more hiding in the corner of the locker room.
To prepare I\'ve been doing a cleanse. No alcohol, wheat, dairy, or sugar. I\'m taking liver and kidney support herbs, vitamin C, adrenal support herbs, amino acid complex, zinc, and using arnica gel twice daily.
I\'m going to stay 2 days at he Marriott in Tijuana post procedure so I can focus on getting the best aesthetic outcome possible, as that is my main objective. Im going to down load a shit load of tv shows I\'ve always wanted to watch and just hunker down.

I\'ll post pictures after if I can figure out how and update once I\'m there.

Thanks all

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 3 months ago #1275617309

Best wishes Red1975! I\'m two years your senior and hope and pray that you get the best possible outcome. Keep us posted.

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At the PMMA start line. 12 years 3 months ago #1275652718

Good Luck Red!

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