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TOPIC: Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report

Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278784195

Ok brothers... Time for a quick update post Round 4.

I gained a little from the procedure. Gains were not my primary goal. Aesthetics are improved but still require another session. I did, however, perform an experiment since I figured I\'d be back to TJ again. I used a stainless steel bar 1/2\" diameter, covered it in the antiseptic gel and rolled (like dough) the top part of my shaft. After reading the entire PDF article posted by Smartman a while back of the Koreans technique, I became convinced that the human hand (despite Wade\'s meticulous care) is ill suited to evenly and smoothly distribute the PMMA. Guess what? The top part of my shaft is as smooth as a baby\'s butt. No bumps, lumps, hard areas... it is PERFECT. No way would anyone ever guess I had PMMA in that area; it is that smooth. So, after scouring the web for the ideal roller (in my estimation 3\" wide by 1/4\" - 3/8\" diameter) I came up empty handed. I\'ve viewed probably 400+ carpet seam rollers but none that are perfectly suited for the task at hand. I\'ve recruited Smartman to help locate such a roller. I have a strong feeling that I will not need another session after R5 providing I use this roller for the entire shaft and have Wade utilize it immediately postoperative. I personally believe that placing the penis on a flat surgical tray and stretching it out by pulling on the glans and rolling with even pressure along the length of the shaft will yield near perfect results; homogenizing the filler. I am still in awe of just how smooth the portion I rolled is. I am debating between receiving 16% or 20% but will likely just go with 20% and as much PMMA as possible without jeopardizing aesthetics. For the record, I am currently 34 days out and sitting at 8\" BPEL and 6.5\" MSEG. BEG is still 6.75\". Ideally, I will end up at 8\" BPEL x 6.75\" MSEG x 7\" BEG. Another 1/4 Inch and smooth results and I\'ll be on top of the world.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278784642

There is an item that is supposed to be used for canning stuff, like making jelly or whatever. It is used to grab the jars out of the hot water. Someone has turned around and marketed it as the jelq roller. Pretty smart, actually. Not using it for pe, but buying a bunch of them from China for a buck or two a piece and sell them for however much someone will pay. Got sidetracked, but yeah, you could look at that. Not sure what the real name of it is.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278784937

Incredible gains. You must be feeling like you\'re on another level with those stats. Trying to understand the technique you are using post care. Anyway to do a video of it to show exactly what you\'re doing

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278785031

I\'ve often wondered if jelq sticks would be good for post op rolling.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278786575

Got an error on the link you provided. I don\'t think the spongy nature of the jelq device is adequate in rigidity to perform the task at hand. I happen to have purchased the device years ago when attempting manual PE.

I have included the PDF originally provided by Smartman.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278786603


Yes, brother I am content with my size but wouldn\'t mind another 1/4\". My wife handles 7.5\" Girth without issue and enjoys it. That said, esthetics are what I\'m after.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278790286

If you roll with such a force immediately after i feel like youre just gonna push all the PMMA out, theres nothing really keeping it in and imobile besides surface tension or whatever.

Also mentioned asked about rollers in my first round, and they said they use them with face because its just a 2d plane and they have the bone for support. Obviously it seems they havent really tried thinga with the penis, but im sure you could run into anatomical issues.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278795075

The reasons why I think using a roller to homogenize the injected filler is a good idea are :-

1- As we know the korean doctors have the greatest experience in the world about the injection of dermal fillers ( HA, Lipen-10, etc.) for penile Girth enhancement and they were the 1st one who used dermal fillers (HA, Lipen-P and Lipen-D) for Glans enhancement ; they used to do massaging and hand manipulation directly post-injection ---> the results were esthetically not as good as they wanted and there were asymmetries over the shaft ( imagine that was with a temporary filler e.g. HA and I am sure they did their best with the hand manipulation directly post-injection to get the best result but unfortunately they didn\'t get the pleasant esthetic results in the long run ).

So they have changed their technique (directly post-injection) by using a roller (which will provide equal forces over the shaft but in the other hand hand manipulation or massaging will provide unequal forces over the shaft) with a light force to homogenize the product ; and in their article if you see the pictures (dorsal and lateral views - before and after 18 months) they had smooth and v. good esthetic results after 18 months.

2- Dr.C. has mentioned it before that he uses a roller on the face after PMMA injection ( i.e. he found that by using a roller gave him better results i.e. smoother than only with hand manipulation ) but in his opinion in the face you have the bone for support and thats why he can use it only in the face ---> so that means he can use something firm and flat (which can give him a support similar as to the bone in the face) placed underneath the stretched Flaccid penis as a support

3- We know that Dr.C. tried different concentrations of PMMA for penile bioplasty just to avoid nodules or lumps formation ; i.e. he used to inject 30% before like most of the brazilian Dr.s do but he found with this high conc. ---> more lumps and nodules ---> so he started to use 10% instead of 30% which gave him a better esthetic result but never near to perfect in regard of nodules or lumps ---> and he received few complaints about it that the gain is less ---> he changed his technique and started to use the 20% ---> but then he stopped using it ---> and now back to the 10% + 30% ---> still there are some complaints of unpleasant esthetic results ..... so what is next ???

As we know the causes of lumps and nodules (clumping of the beads) are not only the conc. (the higher conc. ---> more lumps) also the weak carrier of the brazilian products (e.g CMC) which is not so strong to carry the beads for that reason they sink early in the carrier, other ingredients which are missing e.g. tween 80, a dynamic organ and directly post-injection\'s instructions . Imo the only option left for Dr.C.\'s team is to try to change his post-injection\'s technique (esp. the 1st 48 hrs) and to get a feedback in regard of the esthetic results e.g. after 3,6,9,12,24 months from his patients.

4- Let us take for an example a cross-section of a penis (post-PMMA) with a lump we will see clumping of the PMMA beads in all directions (a vertical and a horizontal) but surely the size of the lump will be directly proportional with the no. of clumping\'s beads in a vertical axis (i.e. on top of each other). So the idea is to form as much as possible an equal vertical axis of the floating beads along the whole penile shaft ---> so you need a technique which provides equally distributed forces over the beads along the whole penile shaft ????

I think by using a smooth roller to homogenize PMMA by providing equally distributed forces along the whole penile shaft will give us a better esthetic result than using hand manipulation or vigorous massaging which will distribute unequal forces along the whole shaft (I might be wrong but at least we should learn and get the benefit from the other\'s studies who did try both techniques and found which one is the best for them).

Btw these korean use a compressive dressing with an elastic bandage directly after the usage of a roller.

IMO the usage of a roller can reduce the lump formation but it can not reduce the minor irregularities or roughness in a long-term.

I wish you the best Miracle8x7 and I am interested to see your longer term results

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278799638

Congrats on your success with this, Miracle8x7.

But, I wonder about this also. Won\'t excessive force rolling push the PMMA to the sides or down toward the base if rolling it flat on a table? I guess there must be a waiting period before rolling to let some healing / stabilizing start first..?

Miracle, I wonder if your success with this technique is because your almost maxed out & the skin around is pretty tight, holding everything pretty much in place.

Or I\'m guessing you have to roll \'lightly\'. I notice in the Korean pics their not rolling it flat on a table but, just on the surface, looks like light rolling.

jlmb wrote: If you roll with such a force immediately after i feel like youre just gonna push all the PMMA out, theres nothing really keeping it in and imobile besides surface tension or whatever. Also mentioned asked about rollers in my first round, and they said they use them with face because its just a 2d plane and they have the bone for support. Obviously it seems they havent really tried thinga with the penis, but im sure you could run into anatomical issues.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278805941

Good results M8;

The roller is a great idea and I know Dr. C uses it on the face.

But I still think that retraction post PMMA injection, the shape of the penile shaft (straight or curved), massaging technique, and each individual patient\'s body reaction will also effect the PMMA placement.

I have always suggested that an over night stay near the clinic and an additional visit by Dr C or Nurse Wade to check on the patient\'s status is a valid idea. Of course they will need to charge extra for post op care and I would gladly pay for it.

Keeping retraction at bay by the use of an injection to produce a semi Erection is also something one must consider. (Cialas is good but not enough if one has a problem getting erections alone)

I am going for my next session for correction of a few dips and bumps and I will plan with Dr C and Wade to stay overnight and have them check me again. I may even choose to get some PMMA in another part of my body and that by itself will make another visit necessary (one visit for penile PMMA, next day check up and correction if needed and then PMMA session in the body)

Kirk out!

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278807938

Here is a link for the jar lifter that is marketed as the \"jelq roller\"

$7.99 as a jar lifter or $99.99 as a jelq device.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278808793

That\'s hilarious! LOL Good find, briceb.

briceb wrote: Here is a link for the jar lifter that is marketed as the \"jelq roller\"

$7.99 as a jar lifter or $99.99 as a jelq device.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278822043

Posted by bones:

Miracle, I wonder if your success with this technique is because your almost maxed out & the skin around is pretty tight, holding everything pretty much in place.

No way! My skin is still quite loose throughout the length of my shaft. Homogenizing the filler works. And yes, light pressure (just enough to smooth out the filler) is all that is required. According to Dr. Casavantes and Wade, my skin is not a limiting factor at all. I could easily support a Girth of 8\"+. I hope to use such a roller at my next appointment in October. I\'m getting a full session.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278822073

I\'m still 8\" in length. If I hit 9\" one day, I might go for a 9 x 8. Who knows? My EQ is extremely high. Pre Peyronie\'s, I was roughly 9 inches in length. Since I had grafting, I think it is easier to gain back my original length than if I had plication or a nesbit corrective procedure.

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Miracle8x7's PMMA Progress Report 11 years 2 months ago #1278837409

Someone\'s testosterone levels may be a bit high this month......


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