If you are looking for El Paso penis enlargement procedure information, PhalloBoards has become the internet's #1 resource for men looking for reliable and honest answers to their questions regarding this procedure. With over 10,000 members, you have the opportunity to ask questions directly to men who have undergone the procedure, as well as a penis enlargement before and after gallery which allows you to see before and after results that are shared by REAL men who are graciously sharing their experiences and results with others. As we're sure you're aware, there is a ton of information on the web about the penis enlargement procedure and other techniques such supplements, the bib hanger, or the the penis sleeve. While we are not here to dispel any information, its important that you do your due diligence to see what possible side effects can happen and make sure you get educated.


Key Information

There is a ton of "stuff" on the web as we're sure you've learned. It can be hard to get the right information you need. A great place to start is our NEWBIE GUIDE which has the answers to frequently asked questions along with a glossary of terms that can help you sort out the "lingo" used within this site and the medical community.

The penis enlargement procedure is just like any other body enhancement procedure, you want to know about possible side effects, expectations, where to start, and much more.

If you have a doctor of choice, that's fantastic! It's important that you have confidence in your physician or clinic when beginning this procedure. If you'd like to back up what you are being told to make sure you have all the right information, you can go to our Doctor's Forum and ask questions directly to the PhalloBoards approved and qualified doctors.

You may not have found a physician yet and exploring your options, you can check out our Physician's Directory with the approved PhalloBoards doctors, no sales, just an extra resource for you on your journey!

Private and Discrete

The PhalloBoards website is 100% private and discrete. You have the opportunity to browse the content of this site from your own private setting. We respect our members privacy and will never sell your information to any 3rd parties.

Again, we encourage you to join the community and get the answers you need! Ask questions, share your experiences, provide physician feedback and much more!