Note: The PhalloBoards site is created for the penis enlargement surgery procedure. Because of the "industry" there are discussions on various penis enlargement techniques, pills, and supplements in this forum. We are not here to dispel or dismiss any particular option but provide REAL information. This site does not sell pills nor promote the use of any pills.

If you have been exploring the various websites throughout the web for techniques, procedures, pills or supplements for penis enlargement information, then you most certainly have come across a wide range of advertisements promising huge results with their #1 "penis enlargement pill". Unfortunately, if it were as easy as simply taking a pill to achieve a larger penis, we're pretty sure most men would have jumped at the opportunity. PhalloBoards isn't here to dispel the use of a penis enlargement pill or dismiss it, we are here to provide an educational penis enlargement resource for YOU to get the information you need from a trusted source.

With a robust community of over 10,000 men, this group discusses the entire penis enlargement industry. And while the site is focused on the "procedure" itself, there are discussions around techniques, pills, and supplements within the general forum. We encourage you to join the community and ask questions, even about penis enlargement pills. You can get honest feedback from other men who can answer your questions and share their own experiences!


Potential Side Effects with a Pill

Ingredients Used in Penis Enlargement Pills can cause side effects including:

Allergic reactions if interacting with other drugs
Low blood pressure
Irregular heartbeat
Potentially increased cancer risk

Some of the less risky side effects than the above include:

Reddening of the face
Persistent headaches
Vision changes
Nasal congestion
Back Pains

The PhalloBoards is a 100% private and discrete site. If you are just starting to explore options in the penis enlargement industry, a great starting point is our NEWBIE GUIDE with frequently asked questions and answers.

Again, this site is focused on the procedure itself, and if you would like to see potential results with the procedure, check out our before and after photos gallery with images provided by REAL men who have undergone the procedure and sharing their experiences with others.