"Do you know if it will be a horizontal cut or a VY log cut? I been thinking about lig cut for quite some time now but I can’t make up my mind because I am kind of worried about the angle drop. I searched online to see if there will be any before and after pics but can’t find none. Also do you know how much are they charging? If it is appropriate to ask such question here in the forum. I would greatly appreciate your response. Thank you."
I’m going to provide a very lengthy response to your question in order to help you and others make the best possible decision for yourself in this regard.
Let’s start with the ligaments themselves. Every guy has a different number, size, tautness and exact location of their suspensory ligaments. They were designed into men during a time of evolution when sex between human beings was often a very violent process. Keep in mind: we might like using our sexual organs for fun, but their sole purpose physiologically is the procreation of our species. Many, many, many years ago we needed a lot of structural support at the base of the penis in order to consummate sex. If we had sex like that nowadays we would probably be charged with a crime.
What you “see” of your penis is where the organ becomes visible from underneath the pelvic bone. Your penis organ actually starts near the anus. The suspensory ligaments are connected to the base of the penis from the pelvic bone.
There are actually four aspects to optimal penile lengthening. One, is the cutting of the ligaments at the base of the penis. The second is the release of the deep ligament. The third is repositioning as much of the penis organ that’s situated on the inside to an outward location as is safely possible. And finally, there’s stretching.
It might be helpful to envision the suspensory ligaments at the base of the penis like the base roots you see around a tree in your front yard and the deep ligament as the tap root of that same tree.
I bring this up because we see lots of patients who had a previous ligament release performed and complained they actually “lost” length. How could that happen? It happens because of patients seeking a minimized scar in achieving penile length.
If we only cut the top suspensory ligaments (like the roots around the base of our imaginary tree) – the deep ligament (the tap root) will still hinder the penis from successful stretching. We found this most common for patients who had a ligament release performed through the scrotum to make it a “scar-less” procedure. Patients who had such procedures and are almost always unhappy with their length outcome are sometimes informed it’s likely “the ligament reattached”. However, we’ve discovered that wasn’t the case when we performed a subsequent lengthening surgery. The reason was rooted in the fact the deep ligament held fast and internal scar tissue underneath the skin from the procedure triggered new tautness and a reduction of penile length.
While a VY-plasty is suitable for some patients, we found that we get the most optimal lengthening results via a 2-3-inch singular incision running straight up from the base of the penis at the pelvic bone. This opening allows optimal access the suspensory ligaments, the deep ligament and repositioning of the penis, as able.
It’s important to understand that the penis doesn’t just “jump forward” following a release of the ligaments – they’re not that tight on 99% of patients. That’s why the penile repositioning is so important for most patients – along with the fact it inhibits the likelihood of ligament reattachment. It leaves a scar akin to a hernia operation which is what most single male patients use to describe where they got it in the future.
The degree of work with stretching on the part of the patient following surgery is often under-amplified by some doctors but a crucial aspect of increased penile length. It starts 2-3 weeks after your procedure with a traction device that causes mild tension on the organ while it’s still healing from surgery. At this juncture, we want to inhibit any post-surgical retraction of the penis and loss of any of the hard-earned gains you enjoyed post-surgical. Tissue will naturally retract following any procedure and you want to make sure your penis doesn’t get involved in that process through mild traction. A couple of months later after things are completely healed, you’ll want to evolve to using weights to stretch the penis organ. Results from stretching are no longer inhibited by the strong ligaments you had cut for length. This program will trigger the cells to slightly tear and grow back larger over time – in a process similar to building muscle mass to your biceps. Alas, it’s time consuming. You need to stretch for two hours daily for six months after the procedure to achieve best results.
The fear of a significant change in erect angle while standing up is most often promulgated by doctors who don’t perform penile lengthening procedures. The angle changes 5-20 degree’s depending upon your present angle when standing up straight. It drops more on a percentage basis if your engorgement points near straight upward and less if you’re presently situated me straight ahead. Most men are prone on a bed when erect and never notice that difference.
A bigger consideration for some if the subsequent “looseness” at the base of the shaft following a ligament release. While most sexual positions are still fine in this state, the force of a partner coming down at an angle as with “cowgirl and reverse cowgirl” are challenging without putting your fingers at the base of the penis to add support. Thus, if “rodeo” sex is your favorite pastime, you need to think long and hard before considering a penile lengthening procedure.
Thus, in summary:
You must have a ligament release in order to achieve real and lasting increase in penile length.
Only cutting the top ligaments to reduce scaring reduces the likelihood your lengthening will succeed. You need the deep ligament cut as well.
The post-surgical erect angle isn’t usually a big deal. The subsequent “looseness” at the base of the penis during rigorous sex is a more important consideration for some patients.
Stretching is required to achieve optimal results. If you’re not able or willing to invest the time in post-surgical stretching, it’s probably not worth your time and money to invest in a lengthening procedure.
We presently charge $9,800 for our optimal lengthening procedure that includes release of top and deep ligaments plus penile repositioning, anesthesia and supporting stretching devices.
Know that’s a lot of information but I hope it helps you make the best decision for your particular case.