Hey bro so this is something I've never really been quite clear on, you said the filler does not shift around but essentially feels like it is indeed just your natural penis. I've read a few users say that which is a relief (back when I joined some years ago I imagined a hollow cylindrical mass that was not attached to the shaft but just encapsulating it and only held relatively in place by the skin haha).
What I'm not understanding though is how is the feel when flaccid? If the PMMA feels like a normal erection, is it stiff while flaccid?... or does a flaccid feel pliable and like a flaccid should as well? I understand collagen will build around the PMMA and I've read that possibly includes angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels throughout or at least around the filler) so I imagine that would probably mean the filler is soft like a flaccid penis but then becomes basically erect, so to speak, in sync with the cavernosas as the actual penis itself becomes erect?