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TOPIC: Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho

Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283921154

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I just wanted to let everyone know that on Aug 12, I had the glans and shaft (lipen D and P) procedure done by Dr Cho and I know I should of started a progrees report earlier, but for whatever reason I did not. I also do not have any pics with my measurements. I do have a pic of my Erect penis that I sent to a girl prior to the procedure, but it does not show the measurements. My measurements prior depending of EQ ranges from BPEL 6 to 6 1/4 and my Girth ranges from 4 3/8 to 4 1/2 from mid shaft to base and my head is very small at 3 1/2 when Erect. I\'m fully aware that\'s real hard to follow and get a good assessment on how successful the procedure went without any visual proof, but again I do have a pic of my penis not with the measurements and Dr Cho took before and after Flaccid pics, which are good to have, but it\'s not a good indicator on how successful the procedure went. Don\'t get me wrong, I want to increase my Flaccid size, but I\'m mostly concern with my Erect size. Lastly, I know my Dick and I really do not need any pics with measurements to see if the procedure was a success. I said this, but I\'ll start taking pics with measurements on a weekly basics to track my progress. I\'m considering another round in Nov and I want to know and track how much I gained.

I do not have a long track record with PE, back in \'06 I bought the size genetics with the pro solution pills and the PE gym membership. I did it for like 3-4 months religiously and I think I gained like 1/4 Inch, but again I did not take before and after pics (you think I would of learned my lesson back then). So it\'s hard to remember what I gained. I did not do any further PE after that, until now.

Before I start on how the procedure went.... have to point out that I owe a great deal and I\'m very grateful to everyone on this forum, especially does that posted their experiences with Dr Elist. I was going to see Dr Elist and get the implants, but 3 weeks prior I found this forum. Thank God I found this forum prior, I\'m still counting my lucky stars. And because of this forum, which I have read the progress report from everyone like 3 X, I was able to make an informed decision on getting the PMMA procedure. I always hated that I had a very small head and thin/\"normal\" Girth. Once I knew that there was a doctor in Korea that did both, I knew that I was going to get it done. I thought that I was going to be the first one on this forum to get the glans done, but I got PM by someone that wants to stay anonymous - he got the glans procedure done in early June and he\'s extremely happy with the results. He and jimmyjames have helped me\'s always easier when someone was gone thru what you are going thru. Thank you guys!

I live closer to Korea than to Mexico, so that made the decision to see Dr Cho easier. Of course, the main reason was that he did the glans. I have been exchanging emails with the Doc and he answered all my questions and when I arrived at the clinic I had additional concerns and he again answered all my questions. His english is not great, but it\'s not that bad, you\'ll able to communicate with him, you just have to take it slow.

My impression of Dr Cho - he is very personal and easy going, it\'s apparent that he\'s passionate and loves what he does. Even though, he charges you an arm and a leg (you get what you paid for and I rather pay more for quality), he\'s more concerned about aesthetics than injecting you with whole bunch of PMMA and making more money. For glans he charges $700 per cc and he usually injects 5 - 8 cc. For shaft he charges $700 per syringe and each syringe contains 3.2 cc.

He does not have you fill out any medical paperwork, or any liability form. He just takes your name, DOB and phone number. After discussing the procedure, he takes me to a small room right next to his office with his assistant, he inspect my penis and he notice that I have a lot of extra/loose skin behind at the bottom of my shaft. He tells me that this is not good and that he will have to inject the lipen a little different - more in the front of shaft than behind. I started to think negative thoughts, but he assure me that he has seen this before and the results come out good. He said that if come back in Nov that he would remove the extra skin for 1K. We do not go into details about this and he injects local anesthesia and then he goes to work on my shaft -I want to say that he did like 6 injection points and he injected 7 syringes (22.4 cc). After he inspect the shaft and is happy with the work, he administers anesthesia on my glans and starts to go to work. He uses just one syringe and he injects on the bottom of my glans on 2 different sides. He then makes 2 injections point right by my urethral opening/tip right by my hole. After he finish, he tells me that he usually does not inject lipen D around the urethral opening but because my head is so small that I needed it. I ask him how many patients he has done this to and he said that when Dr Casavantes came to see how he did the glans procedure that he performed 20 glans procedures in front of Dr C and out of those 20, he injected 10 patients at the tip. After his assistant wraps my penis, Dr Cho gives me clear instructions to keep the wrap as long as possible and only to unwrap it when I shower, but to wrap it quickly again. I asked if I should message it, but he was adamant not message it and that I\'ll get better results with just the wrap. He then injects me with steroids, because I was warned by the Doc and by the anonymous that I\'ll get severe pain after the glans procedure. He gives me steroid pills and pain killers. And I return to my hotel.

About an hour after I arrived to the hotel, my glans start to hurt like hell. I take the pain killers, but the pain will not go away, but after an hour the pain finally subside. But I get the same pain like every 4 hrs and I take the pain killer and the pain goes away.

The next day I go and visit the Doc and he inspect my penis and he ask me how many pain killers and steroids I had taken. I tell him that I took about 5 pain killers and 3 steroids. He tells me that I took too many and that\'s why my penis is not swollen. I told him that I followed his instruction, to take the pain killers when I felt severe pain and to take 2 steroids per day, that I only took one extra pill of steroids. He tells me to stop taking the steroids and to only take the pain killers when the pain is severe that the pain has to be on a scale of 8 out 10. And to not take more than 4 pain killers a day. I do remember him saying not to take more than 4 pain killers a day, but when that pain kick-in, I really did not care. I ask him if taking too many meds could effect my results. He said that the most important thing is my health and that I should not be taking that much medicine. That night I flew out of Korea and 13 hrs later I was home. I still have pain, but not as severe as yesterday, but it still hurts like hell.

I paid 8K for the procedure and I spent roughly 2K on travel for a grand total of 10K(damn I\'m good at math) . I know that is a lot of dough, but this is the route that I wanted to take.

I\'ll start measuring weekly starting next Tuesday, if I do not have any pain and will post the pics and status every Tuesday, God willing. But, if you have any questions/concerns, feel free.

I have attached a couple of pics:

1. My Erect penis
2 and 3 are before and after pics at Dr Cho\'s office
4 and 5 are 4 hrs after the procedure
and the last two are my current status

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283921208

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I forgot one important thing...he injected 5 cc on my glans and 7 syringes on my shaft (22.4 cc).

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283921804

Great report bori,the best of luck to you,looking forward to your updates in the future...

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283922105

How much overall size increase did Dr. Cho let on for you to expect in the glans? ... after many rounds of PMMA I figure my glands should have some attention next.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283924282

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He said that the minimum gains are about 50% of original size at the Flaccid state, now I\'m trying to find a way on how to best explain how he measures the glans...he does not measure by circumference. He measures the depth and width, for example my glans measured prior to the procedure 3.3 cm by 3.7 cm and a day after the procedure it measure 5.2 x 5.5 cm in the Flaccid state.

He\'s up front and tells you that he does not know how much you\'ll gain at the Erect state and that he has never measure the glans at the Erect state from any of his patients. I know that this maybe a show stopper, but one of the member in this forum got the procedure in Jun and he said that he gained almost an Inch at the Erect state.

My glans at the Flaccid state is the same size as when it was Erect, now I have not had an Erection and because of the pain I do not want one right now, but once I get an Erection, which I anticipate will be next Tuesday...I will measure my glans with an Erection and I\'ll post my findings.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283924456


How long did he say you can expect the glans enlargement to last?

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283926074

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Looks really good Bori! I look forward to seeing how the glans procedure evolves. I\'m glad I could help you with my advice.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283927552

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He said that around five years that you would lose half of your gains and that you should keep and maintained the rest.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283929202

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Today, I woke up with this tremendous pain. The same kind of pain I got the first night (I had not gotten this kind of pain since, until today) and I think this is one of the reasons I got this pain....

Before I left the clinic in Korea...I practice unwrapping and wrapping my penis like 4 times in front of Dr Cho and his assisstant to make sure that I knew what I was doing. I knew that this was going to be an important/critical part in reaching my goal and Dr Cho stressed how important it was to keep a good wrap. Last night, I took a shower for the first time since Tuesday morning (the day of the procedure). I unwraped the bandage and I tried my best not to get my penis wet and I only felt very minor discomfort while I shower - it was a very quick shower....a cat\'s shower, then I rewrap it.

I think I wrap the bangage too tight and that\'s when I woke up with severe pain. I took one pain killer and it did not do anything and then I unwrap my penis and I felt a little better, but the pain was still unbearable. I think this was the worst pain that I have experience so far. I waited like an hour to see if the pain killer will start kicking in, but It did not do anything. I was praying to God to please make it go away. The pain continue, so I took one steroid and like in 15 minutes the pain subsided completely. But, every time I take a steroid pill, my swelling goes away and penis shrinks\'s still fat, but it goes back to my normal length and I do not want that to effect my Girth gains.

I emailed Dr Cho with this concerned that steroids may negatively effect my Girth gains and once I get an answer - I will let everyone know.

I have attached 2 pics...the 1st is before my procedure and the 2nd is after I took steroid pill to control the pain. My apologies for the quality of the pics...the iPad air camera sucks.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283931137

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I received an email from Dr Cho and he said that taking steroid does not really effect Girth gains, but that it could interfere with collagen formation and could delay the fixation of the material to the tissue.

Well that sounded like steroids does effect my Girth gains, but he assured me that it does not and the amount of lipen is what effects Girth gains...that steroids just delays the inevitable. No matter what, I\'m going to try to avoid steroid unless I get very very severe pain. I was warned by the Doc and by a anonymous member that I was going to be in a lot of pain for a couple of days. The Doc said I was going to be in more pain because I had both procedures done at the same time.

I do feel way less pain, it feels like I have an ADS with a noose - just some discomfort.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283942061

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Day 4 after the procedure

I have not gotten a good night sleep since the procedure. I get about 4 hrs of sleep....I get up like every 2-3 hours at night with some discomfort, last night was the first night that I did not get up with some kind of pain, just discomfort. I\'m taking Tramadol and one of the side effects is insomnia and I\'m definitely experiencing this.

The Doc told me that this was going to happen for the 1 week. Again the pain is way less, but it sometimes hurts a little.

I will take the bandage of next Tuesday, per the Doc\'s orders and if there is no swelling- I do not have to wrap my penis. At that time, I will take measurements.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283944444

Just give it time. Like any surgery there is going to be a healing period. You will come through this and sleep like a baby in no time.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283945049

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thanks bro, I\'m definitely going to be patient and I\'m not going to rush anything. I was fully aware that this is a marathon not a sprint.

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283954555

All the best Bori!

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Bori's Glans and Shaft (Lipen D and P) with Dr Cho 10 years 6 months ago #1283957911

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Hans, tks, how are you doing?

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