Kenneth "Jeffery" Carney, MD, PHARM is one of the only surgeons in the world who are officially designated as a "penile plastic trauma surgeon". This classification necessitates dual residencies as well as multiple fellowships.

Dr. Carney brought a whole new level of innovation to male enlargement at Rejuvall, with groundbreaking new procedures for penile length, restoring size to patients with engorged fat pads, and new non-surgical girth enlargement techniques. He is inventive, empathetic, and well-liked by his patients.

Dr. Carney was chief of urology at the nation's premier trauma center for two decades (Grady Memorial) and a professor of urology at Emory University for 25 years. He holds a PhD in pharmacology and is the director of a GURS-certified urologic fellowship for plastic and reconstructive urology, where one new board-certified urologist is fellowship-trained annually.

His bio at includes a list of his peer reviewed studies, awards, publications, media appearances, etc.