Many men choose to use Bellafill as an effective, safe male enhancement method. The PMMA filler is carefully inserted along the shaft of the penis while it remains in a loose, relaxed state. For the patient’s maximum comfort, the treatment area can be numbed with local anesthetic before an injection is administered with a rounded microcannula tip.

With Bellafill, collagen gets immediately absorbed to add volume, elongate the penis, and smooth uneven folds of skin. The PMMA microspheres in the filler remain behind to form a supportive structure that allows the skin to produce collagen more easily, over a longer period of time. Bellafill penis enhancement benefits patients with a normal, average-sized penis as well as those experiencing various conditions such as a buried penis, micro-penis, Peyronie’s disease and more.

Patient Reviews / Testimonials

"Received a “Super P Shot” at Jiva med Spa on 8-1-24. I had previously (8-10 years ago) tried a P Shot. The previous shots worked well, increased size and gave me more control of my penis during sex. Was actually kind of a “sex god” during that period. Now I’m older (63) and things for the last few years had gotten to where it was almost not worth having sex. I could but I was t where I wanted to be so for me it’s not as enjoyable. I read about the Super P Shot that Dr Nanda offered at the Jiva Med Spa and was curious. After an easy video consultation I decided I would give it a try. I am glad I did. The first 10 days my penis felt like it was going to explode and it was beyond huge. Things settled down some, but I am still larger than I have ever been. I also 10 weeks post procedure and this is where I’m at. The length increased about 1/2” but damn the girth was off the charts. Got to where it was too big for the wife (but not the girlfriend,lol). When measured it was almost 7” in circumference. Bigger than a Red Bull can but smaller than a full pop can. My performance started getting back to where it was in my 30’s I had way more control, and could pretty much go as long as I wanted. I use a small amount of tadalafil but it never worked like it does now. If you’re thinking of doing something to help size or performance get the Super P Shot, it was worth more than what it cost in terms of my confidence and sex life. Dr Nanda is a really cool guy and everything is made discreet and very comfortable. I will get another one myself in about 6 months, maybe I can perform like my 20’s then who knows."

Daniel M