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TOPIC: Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey

Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279196107

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First off, I am very grateful for this site: for the professionalism and support that all members give. I have learned so much from reading this and legacy sites that have come before it.I like to write but honestly don't have a lot of time for it as I am a Software Engineer and am starting a new business / project that requires much of my time.I didn't join for a while but read over everything until I felt like I could contribute or finally had something to ask.I would like to thank all of those that have shared their positive, and especially the negative, experiences. Many of the procedures that I had considered were outlined from some of you who had those negative experiences.Given that, I had never heard of PMMA and had to look it up in order to figure out what everyone was talking about. I was not a fan of injectables because I read many more reports of irregularities, clumps, bumps, and just embarrassing results. The fact that PMMA is injected with a 'stabilizer' makes so much more sense to me.So as you can probably tell, I am leaning toward PMMA. As of this moment, I have an appointment with Dr. C on September 13th. I am both nervous and excited. I\'m nervous because of the permanency and lack of long term experience as well as some of the negative effects that I have seen from patients obtaining dead tissue and what-not on their face and buttocks.I am not a stranger to 'plastic surgery' as I have had a rhinoplasty, chin implant, lipo under the chin, and buccal fat Removal from my cheeks (all in one procedure). The results were amazing. I still look exactly like myself only 10 years younger and just a little better looking. I have also had Sculptra in my cheekbones and jaw line to enhance the collagen and give more definition in my face.So about myself'I just turned 40 in May. You could say I am still having a bit of a mid-life crisis' but that is for a different forum' LOL. I always knew my penis was about average, at best, but was skinny as hell. I definitely had issues with it and have not been with that many women in my life. I have had very long term relationships. Sex has been pretty good and there haven't been complaints in that department but that is because I learned how to move that thing like it was breakdancing inside a woman!!! (No, that's not a joke).What really got me lately is the feedback I've gotten from 4 different women. One didn't want to have sex with me because I was too small, the other three said it doesn't matter how big it is - its how you use it... BUT, 'you could have more Girth'. Ugh' WTFI have been doing manual PE for as long as I can remember and serious stretching and pumping over the last 5 years. I'm so happy to report that I have exactly 0 gains. (SARCASM) I have read with Foreskin regeneration that the younger you are the more success you are apt to have. Well, I am pretty sure that applies to all of it in general. Especially after reading how a few of you guys have gained so much but started in your teens. (Wish I would have known then.)As some of you have posted regarding coitus, you are just tired of slipping in so easily. I know the feeling. It's kind of like just taking a nice penis bath. Where is the grip?So if you are still reading, you might be asking me to tell you what I have that is so bad'BPEL = 6.75' (Bone Pressed Erect Length) (I have no problem getting it all in - to the bone - either... so this is most important to me.)NBPEL = 6\"Mid and Circ EG = 4' (stable along full shaft)
Base EG = 4.25\" (this is only larger because of extra skin formed from PE - yuck!)FL = ~3.5' on a nice warm day.FG = ~3.5'(By the way' back in my teen days the 'correct' way to measure was bone pressed, Flaccid, and stretched.)I have settled on PMMA for a few reasons, but two being cost and the fact that it's permanent. As well as the great detail you all have given in your journeys. I am going to include photos that I sent to Dr. C (I take terrible photos, btw, so I apologize in advance.)It seems like post-op care is the most essential for the best results. I also understand that the different percent solutions can make the difference and don't really know what I want to do right now. It seems like the higher percentage, the better chance of irregularity. But is this from poor post-op? All the women I have been with have told me that they like how my penis looks which seem to be important to them so obviously I don't want to mess that up' BUT I am only at 4' and given the average of .75 ' gain with 20%, I am still only at 4.75 and less than where the majority of you have started! I'm not really sure what to do here'I also wish I understood more about this collagen buildup. It reminds me of a grain of sand in an Oyster and the resulting pearl. Your body surrounds the foreign object with scar tissue to protect itself. So it seems the further distance between 'beads' the softer the tissue will be. Would this be more beneficial and realistic? I did ask Wayne about the difference in Erection and he said that with PMMA your Erection will feel completely natural and sometimes even firmer.So three weeks' and I have to figure out exactly what I want to do. Any and all input will be appreciated and seriously considered.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279211908

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Here are some questions that I just sent to Wade... I realize there have been discussion about them but it is always nice to get the information direct.

I see that LinneaSafe (NewPlastic) is slightly more expensive. What is the difference between that and Metracil? Have you had any different results with one over the other?Obviously I am going to consult with you all when I get there for the correct product and concentration, but do either products have a 20% concentration from the manufacturer yet?

Also, I forgot to put this information for my stats:

Height: 5\' 10\" (rounded up)
Weight: 185 - 190 (fluctuates with water retention)
Build: Muscular
Bodyfat: 12 - 14%

Someone else mentioned something about their 4.5 Girth penis next to their large thighs... Can I relate!!!! Imagine 4\" Girth next to thighs at 30\" each... It\'s like Micro Penis!

? Question: If anyone has flown over 8 hours on the way back, is coach comfortable enough or would you have dished out the extra cash for Business or First Class?

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279213220

You dont seem to be 6.5\" in the photo.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279215164

40 years old....

youve been around for a while. try something new and go big! this is going to change your life for the better! the moment you step back in your room and look at your new fat Dick! Yeaaa!

wear that esl40 stretcher day and night,massage that Dick with the roller! dont worry about any lumps bumps and gaps the first time around. if you use that stretcher, massage and roll your Dick with the roller they give you, nice and slow with even pressure. your gonna be a happy camper!

all my bruising was gone by the start of day 3. my entry holes were near undetecableby day 4-5. i have one very slight small gap at the bottom left side of my shaft just before the start of my Balls. my Dick is even and smooth. only thing i have is a puffy circ sure its going to subside.

today was day six, and i just had amazing sex withmy babys momma! shit was da bomb!

im at an Inch about .8 gain up and down the shaft. sure im guessing it will go down to .5 and then back up a little with collagen. Im going in again. so will you!

go 30% and get as fat as you can. seems like your a good candidate to me.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279215176

oh yea. i had the same question about the two products. wade told me in the office it isnt worth it. the one costs more so they charge more.

then again. maybe they have a better margin on the cheaper product.....

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279224125

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New1inch wrote: You dont seem to be 6.5\" in the photo.

I told you I was terrible at pictures. When I have time and motivation I want to take them in a position that is easily comparable for before and after.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279224181

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bigballer5411 wrote: oh yea. i had the same question about the two products. wade told me in the office it isnt worth it. the one costs more so they charge more.

then again. maybe they have a better margin on the cheaper product.....

Yeah Wade got back to me on that... Here is his reply:

\"Both mentioned products provide the exact same results. I, as well as others in the office have used all three of the registered products available, with identical final results. Linnea safe is more expensive simply due to importation of the product. Metacrill will not be providing a 20% concentration, however we can combine a 10% and a 30% to provide you with a 20% concentration. Please let me know if you have additional questions.\"

I am with the majority of you on the idea of in-house mixing. Though we can not know for sure what the suspension process is from the factory, there is no way in-house suspension is uniform.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279224784

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Thank you for you sharing. I am seriously considering the 30% and am taking your input to heart. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that turning 40 also threw me out there in the dating scene again so I don\'t want to whip out what looks like an entirely fake dick!

With my nose job I ended up with collagen (scar tissue) on each side of my nose and have had two shots of Kenalog that completely evened it out. I am very aware that after-care is crucial to your results. I plan on taking everyone\'s advice and applying what makes sense to me. I also have a couple ideas of my own and will share them as I go.

I plan on putting together a list and pictures (if I\'m not lazy) of everything that I plan to use in my post-care.

I am really surprised not to hear the use of ice as this was a MUST during my other procedures. Did anyone ice regularly to control the edema?

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279230970


Yes I did use ice regularly to control the edema and the swelling ; it was the advice of my treating Dr. he asked me to use it immediately and only for 15 min. and not more (and keep moving it frequently on the penis) then you should wait for 45-60 min just to allow the area to warm then you can repeat it again . You can do the icing only in the 1st 48 hrs post-injection.

I used to do it while lying on my back; I found in this position it is much better for the reduction of the edema.

N.B. Don\'t use ice directly on the penile skin just use something as a buffer in between e.g. a small towel or a 4x4 gauze :-

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279273652

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So I just got a call from Dr. C\'s office. He\'s not going to be there on the 13th so I am rescheduled for the 9th. Good thing I didn\'t get plane tickets yet!

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279275403

jbeau wrote: So I just got a call from Dr. C\'s office. He\'s not going to be there on the 13th so I am rescheduled for the 9th. Good thing I didn\'t get plane tickets yet!

I need to be posting in my own thread. But, I get such a kick out of reading other guys that are about to pull the same trigger i just did.

Day 11 for me. This is by far the best money I\'ve ever spent!

Check it out. I read this forum for close to 3 years. old and current. No matter how many times youve read it, at least for me. I was not ready for day 7...

i was black and blue until the morning of day 3 everything was back to normal! all the sudden \"poof\" like magic, not a trace of bruising. by day 4 all injection sites were sealed and pretty much undetectable. I realize now by day 6 i was still a little swollen and sore (at the base and a little at my inflamed circ scar). Buuuut that wasnt stoppin meat all! I got down with the finest pussy ive ever had, and it was freaking amazing. at this time an easy 1 Inch increase. and a bit more where the circ scar was inflamed. MAJOR DIFFERENCE....BIG! been with my babys momma 3.5 years... I felt like the man,she knew it and i knew it.. DONE DEAL!

ok DAY 7!!! i woke up a little swollen and sore from hard sex. I took a few ibp 600mg worth. and took it easy all day. Wait..... i went to the gym for a light workout. I came home took a hot shower relaxed ate and then went to measure my Dick.

I looked down and right before my very eyes i was shriveling away! everything was almost gone! i was up for hours! buggin out! OMG! my Dick is gone! back to normal! HAHAHHAHA

I wasnt ready for that at all! from feeling like HE MAN tiny tim.... seriously it was depressing..

For the first time in 2 weeks i slept more then 6 hours.i got a good ten hour rest. BRO!!! i woke up and i was fuller!!! over the next two days, everything came back and then some!

So just be ready.. Whatever your day is... that size is gonna drop, and its going to drop fast! But, i guess as long as your body is producing collagen it comes back!

get rest! take your vitamins, i take lots of D 5-10000 ius a day biotin, e, 4-6000mgs of c, and i was juicing a good 1-2 glasses of juice a day, 2 weeks before my procedure. i juice carrots, organic pumpkin, kale, apples,celery,beats, spinich, ginger, garlic, finnle, cilantro... and a few other things

30% base and shaft and 10% circ area... is what i had. i feel like if you keep your Dick extended and use that roller consitantly with slow even pressure, you will have good natural results. I dohave aminor low end on the left side of my base... no big deal, and a hard spot on my right side where oneofmy entry points where. In my opinion. I think that will subside for the most part on its own.. overall imvery happy, id do it again! my girl says no more,anymore and it woudl be uncomfortable. she says i feel like a baseball bat! YEAAAA! love it!

Also, her ex had the FFT procedure done. Who happened to be my best friend and wing man. She told me mine feels way more natural and she couldnt even find the hard spot when she was choking on my new Dick...

i guess ill post this in my thread also. time to get some new pics up as well!

GL and keep a PMA! positive mental attitude!

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279276016

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I\'ve been following your thread...

Thank you so much for your feedback. Wow, what good info. Have to say I had a good chuckle too.

Interesting about the loss... must be the transition of absorbing the filler and start of your own collagen!

Funny... I just started juicing again yesterday. Good thing, considering my appt. was moved up and have two weeks today!

I also plan on starting Arnica next week. I took it before other procedures and it kept bruising down quite a bit.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279277822

For the flight class question I don\'t think its really necessary considering the upgrade for long flights is ridiculous. You\'re still going to have to sit for most of the flight anyways no matter the class. I personally am not uncomfortable sitting after PMMA, its just the fact you want your penis placed correctly and extended as much as possible, which can be difficult when sitting. Wear baggy clothes and or sweat pants. I usually wear very loose underwear just to reduce the visual bulge of my post procedure unit, and then some sweats. Additionally, I usually hang out in the bathrooms of the airports for the majority of my connections, and then check on my unit every 2 hours or so of flight time. Maybe consider a silicone sleeve with an end-cap for more reliable extension during your flight as bandages can slip and work less well when sitting.

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279277869

HA your so right! i was in the airport bathroom quite a few times! LOL to funny! oh and make sure and remove the extender before you go threw security! hahahhaa

I also agree with the sweats and LOOSE boxers! im a skinny jeans and and sneaker guy with tight briefs. WRONG MOVE! I WAS NOT THINKING AT ALL! You don\'t want to keep pulling your Dick every 10 mins. Looking down at a damn slinky AHAHHA

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Movin On Up - jBeau's Journey 11 years 6 months ago #1279287183

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@jlmb and BigBaller

I orderd the sleeve and caps... they came in yesterday. Thanks to all that mentioned those and told me where to get them. Kinda wish I knew about the sleeve (system) all those years ago when I started stretching with no success. I can see how these would work great to protect your unit and keep it extended, especially with the softer, yellow sleeve.

I booked the flight to stay there at the hotel for at least 48 hours. I chose regular coach and picked seats on the isle so that I can get up and into the head regularly. I read caincrosby\'s thread and he mentioned the sleeve and staying in the hotel for at least that long. Many mentioned that the bruising subsided and felt like the PMMA set in well - within this time. Considering that, I just need a computer (and 6 monitors - Haha) to work... I can do this in the hotel. So I will be there from the 8th to the 12th. It would be something if I was able to meet someone from this group there.

I\'m staying at the Grand Hotel... I imagine that getting up to go get food is annoying. I hope they have some healthy choices.

Oh... @BigBaller, you are one funny guy...

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