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Searched for: PMMA
16 Jul 2011 00:37
I\'m thinking of going through PMMA and I\'ve read this board several times and even was a member on the old board for a while. I know there are many that say there are no risks but there are some people who say there are risks. I\'m 22 and I have a long ways ahead of me before I feel I won\'t be using my buddy anymore so I just want to make sure before I go through with this that people who HAVE had it and people who are looking into it.. know what the truth is. Has Dr. C confirmed that risks and complications are low? I know I\'ve seen some with little bumps that appear that they have something injected in them to make them disappear that common? I guess myself and others are probably curious and I figured I\'d make a topic on the risks, infections and complications alone because basically.. TJ doesn\'t scare me, Dr. C doesn\'t scare me, a bigger penis definitely doesn\'t scare me...but the risks do. Thanks for any help.
15 Jul 2011 21:01
@ m7
just saw the pic. your wife is right you should change your username\" Miracle7.5 is mor accurate lol wish i had that extra half inch but not complaining!
15 Jul 2011 20:03
ha ha knowing my dad it could actually be true lol
15 Jul 2011 17:44
@lastime I agree with SO. I personally would wait even longer before beginning any manual exercises. However, after your PM to me, I think you and I should discuss things further before you take the PMMA plunge. We will get you there, just be patient. You\'ll want to use your little buddy for a LONG time and you must think LONG term. If needs be, we can always use Skype' or I can provide you with my cell number. I\'m here to help.
15 Jul 2011 17:38
I can vouch for JABM. He\'s my brother from another mother.
15 Jul 2011 17:35
@SO It was Post#19. The picture was there even after I logged out and when I went back later to check. Then, when I signed in later today, it was gone. Poof! I just uploaded the pic again in the next post. I did not encounter this issue with my prior pic postings. I am on a Mac and using Firefox. However, that being said, it didn\'t happen before and I don\'t see it being a big issue. Operating system and browser should not be a factor here. I think perhaps it was a glitch. If I experience the issue again, I\'ll be sure to let you know buddy and I\'ll cite the post# and any other details.

15 Jul 2011 17:34
@so it doesn\'t replace it with a short cut i do that manually!
15 Jul 2011 17:15
I believe that stretching and hanging can be done after PMMA, but I\'d definitely wait at least a week before any intense manipulation (for me, I waited 6-8 weeks before intense manipulation). I believe once the PMMA is fully settled, there shouldn\'t be any concern for permanent indentations caused by a stretcher/hanger.
15 Jul 2011 17:11
M7, which posts (they are marked with a # on the right hand side) are missing pictures? There is no reason for them to disappear at all, and I know JAM also is experiencing this (but at least in his case, the thumbnail is being replaced by a link).
15 Jul 2011 15:21
Hey SO, I have still been unsure about the hanging or stretching we can do after PMMA. Can a PMMA\'d penis be wrapped with what ever extender or hanging system? Will it leave permenant indentations? or just temporary indents? I want PMMA now, and if we can hang after then I will go for it sooner. Thanks
15 Jul 2011 14:47
Pics stay posted then mysteriously... disappear. What\'s going on?
15 Jul 2011 13:07
@JABM I appreciate what you\'re trying to do here buddy. I really do. If I went for round one and got 6\" girth and the wife was happy, I\'d quit. Unfortunately for me, my wife can easily handle a 9\"Lx6.75\"C dildo all the way. She told me the length is more than enough and not really necessary. She likes my length as I can pound her in any position. She LOVES the girth. I doubt seriously that she would want me to stop at 6. She told me when we first met that she thought 5 3/4\" girth was normal! I\'ve got a feeling that I will be shooting for 6 3/4\" - 7\" in order to make her truly feel \"full\". I will NOT exceed 7\" mid shaft due to aesthetic reasons and the fact I consider that massive. Plus, I\'m much bigger at the base so by penetrating fully and rubbing my pubic mound on her clit, I could easily send her into orgasmic bliss. She did help me take a pic last night but is still experiencing the ravages of mother nature. Also, I wasn\'t really in the mood as work has been a beast lately. Remember that there is approximately 1/8\" of wood before measurements begin on my ruler but it was MUCH easier to capture as my wife took the photo (All rights reserved).

PS. I will be on you like white on rice buddy. I won\'t let you go crazy! Don\'t worry.

15 Jul 2011 12:04
@ m7
wih you all the luck in world mate! and trust me anthing over 6 is fnin massive! so dont get caught up in numbers too much! if you end up with 6.25-6.35 etc youl will be bigger than most pornstars! The extra 0.25 can be hard to get because you have to add so much more volume when you get bigger to make your circumference measure more. Basically if you go from 5.3 to 6 during round one you would have added maybe 100cm2 volume to your cock. If next session you get another 100cm your cock would have grown the same again but instead of 0.7 inch circumference it might only measure 0.3-4. more! Please remind me of this if I go crazy!
15 Jul 2011 05:27
So just got back from TJ. What a complete shit show this adventure was.

Was told to come in early and ended up waiting an hour. ( Not that bad I grabbed a bite )

Forgot my passport so was in the really really really LONG line to get back into the states.

Completely forgot I had to have my rental car back by 8 and was off by 30 minutes so got a hefty late charged.

Bought 30 Brand Cialis for $270 only to find out when I got home they were actually generic with the Brand stamp on them.... This was the pharmacy at the board crossing folks so beware.

Ok on the up side. My goal was to get 6\" girth as you know from 5.5\". So I spoke to Wade and Dr C about it and was advised that I was already probably maxed out if I wanted to maintain look. If I didn\'t care about look and wanted a beer can they\'d fill me up.

I went with the route that provided the best look so they started with just touching up and then kept going. By the time they were done I was at 6\" mid 7\" base and it looks good. Slightly tapered. So this dear friends is where I leave PMMA for a while.

When I say a while it\'s due to the fact that Dr. C is now recommending 2 sessions back to back and then come back in 6 months for a touchup if needed. Apparently the finally look really takes a few months to set in. We\'ll see how it goes. They injected me with that stuff that reverses PMMA to treat a nodule. This has created a little irregularity on the tip. Not bad but something I will probably have touched up a finally session.

Cheers, All

Starting 4.5\" ERG ending 6\" ERG

14 Jul 2011 23:14
@ JABM Thanks man. As I stated previously though there is another 1/8\" of wood before the \"ruler\" actually begins. Sometimes I\'m at 7 1/2\" and sometimes I\'m only 7 1/8\". So many factors to consider with regards to average erect length. I\'m happy just saying 7! A woman can\'t tell between 7 and 7.5 anyway so what\'s the point? Now a woman can certainly tell the difference in a half inch of girth. I want to add 1.5\" of girth. Wish me luck.
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