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TOPIC: number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n

number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292806915

hello PhalloBoards. im 48 hours from a round of 16cc 30% metacrill with dr n. i got suddenly a bit nervous about two days before but that didn\'t last too long, which i was glad about because i couldnt be doing with that! was more or less excited before the op, although a bit apprehensive tbh etc

anyway i got everything through one entry point and my penis looked like a big dolphin until just recently now the swelling is slightly less. not gonna take photos on the phone ive got but then again i might not upload photos anyway we\'ll see. you\'ll just have to deal with it lol!

any questions, no problem. wish me luck!

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292807305

Can you upload Flaccid pre and post?
How did the process go? gains? how are things cosmetically?

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292816840

PLEASE! Upload your photos if you may! I\'m dying to see Dr. N\'s work and currently trying to book operation time for myself.

How much did you pay including everything and where are you from?

Also what were your measurements (Flaccid length, Flaccid Girth, Erect length, Erect Girth) before the procedure?

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292820254

all questions answered but guys, you have to wish me luck.

nah only kidding. im still in prague! this means though that i wont take photos on this phone. it\'s a no-go. saying that, i might not upload any photos anyway so get used to that. who knows?

i got a very last minute trip to prague and now im 3 days and ummm 5 hours since dr nemeckova. i dont know my pre-stats but im guessing they are 6 x 4.7 to 5. as for post-PMMA stats there\'s no point in me measuring now beacuse im just sat on a swelled up penis. the swelling has gone down considerably from sunday afternoon. since then ive been massaging often but wondering if i shouldnt massage so often after all. dr n told me not to massage much. we all know what dr c says. so ive been wondering wtf to do. what i have been doing is lots of in-play betting. usually i bet cautiously on the double chance stuff and the asian handicaps but since sunday ive gone mad on in-play betting. and got lucky! i dont recommend it.

anyway ... im not really into measuring anyway. basically this might well turn out to be phalloboard\'s very first impressionistic account of penis change.

i paid 600 euros plus 100 euros per cc. the 600 euros is for another 3 sessions i think. at least 3 anyway. so in total it was exactly 1 Massive Wedge delivered across the desk to dr n. or if you want some local colour it was like 250 million czech crowns.

seriously though, wish me luck already!

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292820697

Other than swelling, can you go a bit more into detail with your results? There are a lot of guys considering Dr. N, so a report that actually has good information would be appreciated by many. Ie, nodules, lumps, estimated size gain, how was the process, the clinic, etc etc etc.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292821446

estimated size gain? what\'s the equation?

you\'ll get everything in detail when it makes sense. right now all ive got to say is that it looks nice, very smooth, and its day three. im not holding back on you, it\'s just that you seem to want to know the future. im pleased with how it went and how it looks. it\'s very smooth and has an interesting effect on the texture of the skin. im very hopeful of course.

nevertheless, the beast, you did ask about the procedure and so i\'ll tell you about that no probs in the next day or so. any specific questions? i\'ll answer every single one of them.

but if all you want is me to make your decision for you, back the fuck off. youre gonna need patience right.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292824027

Thanks for your update number22. We have few reports with Dr. N, and so for many users it\'s nice to have a detailed update from her. Not only do we have few reports with Dr. N, but we have even fewer from people who are fluent and willing to update their report.I\'m not badgering you because you are the single report that will decide if I get PMMA. I\'ve been reading, and reading/posting for 3-4 years now. Your experience and report though, is extremely helpful for us European crowd thinking of going to her, and for the debate about amount of PMMA in relation to cosmetic issues and gain! I even think the Dr. C crowd gains a good Dr. N report, since they get evidence that gains can be had from lower amounts! So things like measured gain (even with swelling), formation of lumps, nodules, texture changing and how the texture feels etc, all quite helpful. Even measurement with swelling is beneficial, as it gives the community a fairly good idea of where things will be once collagen kicks in. Obviously, if you\'ve only gained .2 inches with swelling, your gain after will be less than .2. For all we know though, you could have gained .8 with swelling and may end up around .6 after. Quite interesting she gave you 16ccs, the reports we have had so far almost always less than 15, and many around 10. Regardless, I hope things are going well though!

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292824203

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She now does inject 10-15ml.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292835702

alright gents. fair enough the beast. my reports will become accurate across various measures but there was no point at that time.

im now 5 days in. very positive. swelling has receded mostly and im holding a .5 to .75 increase. all smooth. no lumps no nodules. aesthetics-wise im very pleased. it\'s more girthy on the left hand side (looking down at my penis) and i like that. big Flaccid increase as you might imagine. im uncut btw.

will get back to you about the procedure and how it went etc and any other details probably tonite. all questions answered.

also: dr n will do up to 20 if you\'re big enough but only once she\'s checked you out. she\'s open and accomodating but cautious.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292837141

btw the beast, ive just read your post again and measuring swellling is probably overthinking unless youve got an ongoing spreadsheet of everybody\'s swelling measurements to give cause to with more data. id guess swelling is going to be different for everybody and is just the body in trauma. the measurement to base future measurements on is pre-PMMA. for example, it\'s possible in this universe that future growth exceeds current swelling. i think doing plastic surgery requires in the first days post, relaxation and health, and not much else.

unless of course you do want to measure and then i say plot away, obviously. i guess theres not much else to do in a hotel room. although ive bet persistently on football and turde 60 quid into 300, so there\'s that.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292839791

There seems to be quite a correlation between a guys swelling, the \"low dip\" and then the collagen phase. Obviously not down to an exact science, but seems to hold quite true. It\'s something I\'ve noted before in a lot of progress reports, and have considered going through and making a compiled timeline chart of those who have made reports. Anyways, I\'d be willing to bet if you are sitting at .5-.75+, you will end up around .5 or so.Glad to hear things are going well for you!!!! What hotel are you staying at? When I go to Prague I generally stay at the NH. Great place, and close to a line. Loads of cheap accommodation in Praha!

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292866086

Hey bud, how is the swelling coming?

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292874368

excuse me gents for not updating. been v busy. look, even no time to write very. so what you all want to know ... the latest is ... im now 437 in the william hill account. nah only joking ... (true though!)

no lumps, no nodules, very pleased with the Girth increase. .5 - .75. smooth, flat surface, getting back vascularity. this is day 9. no pain. dont wear boxers anymore to keep things free.

when i have time i\'ll give you all the colour from the visit to dr n.

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292874629

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number22 wrote: excuse me gents for not updating. been v busy. look, even no time to write very. so what you all want to know ... the latest is ... im now 437 in the william hill account. nah only joking ... (true though!)

no lumps, no nodules, very pleased with the Girth increase. smooth, flat surface, getting back vascularity. this is day 9. no pain. dont wear boxers anymore to keep things free.

when i have time i\'ll give you all the colour from the visit to dr n.

Very glad to read this...
I will wait for your opinion!

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number 22 big progress report pmma prague dr. n 8 years 7 months ago #1292875118

for the record im eating daily vit c, vit a & d, flax seed oil, l-lysin, and great lakes gelatin collagen hydrolysate (thanks to poyajierro the pharmacist for that one). got it all from which i recommend: it took 48 hours to get a box from the states to europe and that was with 8.60 postage on a 110 dollar box. also in prague i found this vitamin shop and bought zinc. so zinc too.

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