Not sure if I can. Ill keep on with Dr A\'s protocol, dont know of anything else. Even if no more length I dont care, I can go for more
Girth. I wrote to Wade to ask him about the lumps, he had this reply:
My email:
When I sent you the email I started an aggressive pump and unclump massaging technique with the help of which as well as keeping the penis wrapped to stop retraction managed to get the lumps all out over the last few days. I think today is about almost 6th day and this morning when i unwrapped i didnt feel much of lumping of
PMMA, managed to move it all around and its feeling great overall.
Although for some reason I do feel the skin texture on the penis is a bit drier and i kind of feel like
PMMA shifted into the glan as well. is that possible? The
PMMA is for sure not yet settled as I texture/feeling of the penis is like a bean bag if you know what i mean.
main problem i realized arose because of the retraction and not keeping penis extended/wrapped, that collected the
PMMA in certain parts and it hardened there due to the concentration. but aside from really aggressive massaging, sitting in bath warm water, pumping 3 times of approx 6 mins each expanding the penis helping create space i feel which enabled me to move it around a bit easier then just dry massaging or with cream. then as soon as i would get out of bath full time kept wrap on and just went in every now and then to check the
PMMA setteling and massaging it around in case its too close to the glan or hardening anywhere.
So far its all good news,
PMMA is settling well and this round we may also come on top again. Size havent measured, will do so today but here is a post pumping shot taken couple days ago, i imagine size is near 6.5. looks pretty smooth and balanced evened out
PMMA. if i dont wrap it immediately it starts retracting a bit and immediately
PMMA moves to its certain areas mainly around the scar tissue for some reason. then it gives a ridge and harded lumping but i havent given it a chance to do that for past few days so when i unwrapped for a bit today it didnt immediately do that, like i keptit open 5 mins and it retained its position.
- Aggressive pumping is not recommended. - Long term wrapping can also create a lot of issues if you are unaware of the irregularities that this can cause. -
PMMA does not shift, and all I can think of is that the aggressive pumping has broken down the older implant material, possibly giving you the beanbag' feeling. - For daily retraction, you should be using your stretcher that was supplied to you. - You may want to consider a round of micro drops to finish this process. Let me know if you have additional questions.
couldnt figure out a few things like what is micro drops and what other issues can be caused by wrapping so asked him for clarifications.