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TOPIC: Looking Forward to Getting Fatter

Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278286758

Thanks to all of the active posters on this board I plan to visit Dr C early next month. I\'ll be sure to post my results: concentration of PMMA, amount injected, observed gains, complications, overall experience, etc. here. That way the group will have my anecdotal experience as another data point. It\'s good to have a large collection (sample size) of individuals\' experiences to increase our collective knowledge and understanding. I don\'t plan to banter or be social on this board but rest assured I am one of the many lurking in the background.

I hesitate to post pre-op pics, stats. I don\'t want to be judged harshly for electing to undergo risky enlargement when I am already larger than average (Girth-wise). I am getting enlarged purely for ego, pride, and other selfish reasons.Maybe when I get closer to the date I\'ll take a pre-op pic to document things for posterity--I won\'t promise a measuring tape though (hopefully I won\'t be banned for such an infraction).

Thanks again,

Fat Mike

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278287718

Lol! Welcome brother! Banned.... I don\'t think so! Some stats would be nice. Age, relationship status, etc.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278287759

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Thank you miracle. Agreed I was going to suggest the same thing. Pointless post.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278288078

Thanks Miracle.

I\'m 35 and single. I think it would be cool to gain .75 Inch after everything settles out from the first round--I\'ll have a real burrito in my pants

FYI--current cost is $2500 for first round, $2000 for second round, and $1500 for all subsequent rounds. I envy those of you who got in while things were still cheaper.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278288952

New reports are always welcome. I do not think you have to worry about anyone here judging you for your decision. After all, we are all members of a penis enlargement forum.

You said that you are above average in Girth, as am I. My appointment is in 2 weeks. What is your current Girth? Have you thought about what concentration you are wanting to use?

Welcome and best of luck!

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278301506

Sorry, I should have posted more background info in the first post. All these years lurking on multiple PE boards and I\'ve never posted a pic or stats about myself. So you guys are getting me to come out of my shell more already.

Stats (no cloth tape measure, using a string and ruler):

NBEL: about 6
BPEL: a little over 7 (I lose about an Inch due to my gut)
FG: slightly less than 6.5
EG: a little over 7

So why more Girth?

Ego, pride, and other selfish reasons...

I agree with \"Big Girtha\" on Thundersplace who often says that \"Girth is addicting\"...the reaction I receive from women is like crack. For me gaining Girth also the path of least resistance--it\'s easier than going to the gym to work off my fat pad. In my experience gaining Girth through manual PE was easy and PMMA will hopefully go smooth as well. I gained just under an Inch in length through stretching but then wiped it all out through weight gain.

I gained about an Inch and a half in Girth through pumping and manual PE--the first half Inch came slowly after pumping periodically over a period of years. The next one Inch came over a period of one year and was as easy as masturbating while wearing a cable clamp adjusted just right--edging. Edging (and the associated porn) desensitized me and I now usually take about an hour or more to finish --most women lose patience and I\'m lucky to get a HJ to completion. When I abstain for a week things go back to more normal though.

In the longer term I think I would benefit greatly by becoming \"Skinny Mike\" in all but one area. But that\'s a completely different progress report.

Attached a pre-op pic.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278301601

Your pretty thick already... I\'d save my money If I was you. Id put my money into healthier food choices and drop the weight first to get better length gains. That fat pat is pretty THERE.. Im not gay but im pretty sure girls don\'t wanna see that attached to a nice Dick. If they not attracted to you they not gonna want to see your Cock anyways so it would definitely be a waste of money then. IDK. Im just a heath nut and vain. My opinion can be biased.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278301813

Wow man. 6.5 Flaccid Girth and 7 Erect? That\'s massive to say the least. Gaining an additional .75\" would put you up at 8\" Erect Girth. Absolutely massive.
I know some guys that would give their left nut (and maybe their right one, too) to have your Girth. But everybody has his own reasons and for choosing to increase his size.
If 8\" Girth is what you truly want, I am certainly in no position to question that decision.

Have you already chosen a date to go down to TJ? Good luck man!

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278301932

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So is this Girth you have just swelling after pumping? You say it goes back more normal. What your natural Girth if you didn\'t pump for a couple weeks?? Is it a hard 7 in Girth?

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278302166

why would u spend so much when ur already what everyone says is close to big for most girls...doesnt make sense

8 in Girth is gonna be insane for most girls unless they are just naturally large vaginas but most girls i have dated or my late wife or my new girlfriend are petite and prob cant even take 6 Inch Girth let alone 8...doubt thats gonna be fun for a long time to come if u got to get them used to basically most men say they cant please there women and need more Girth to please them so there relationships or marriages could be better once they get PMMA but ur gonna make a relationship worse by taking urself out of the satisfaction phase with a even bigger johnson...why would u want to break a girl in for however many months or worse years it might take for them to be able to get satisfaction from 8 Inch Girth

dude if we could switch i would and never get PMMA and u can take my Girth and go get PMMA lol

gl if u get it either way but i wouldnt bother if it was....i will glady take what u have......natural 7 .... rather then the 7 i will be going for with PMMA non natural

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278303905

@Bricep - I\'ve scheduled a date early in July (will PM this information only). I will go with whatever concentration Dr C recommends (if the rumors are true then I expect 30%).

@BDMike - When I edge with a clamp I get up to 8.25, so I can see and feel how it is to be that large. When I stop/abstain for a week or two (like when I spent a couple weeks at relatives recently) I\'m at those dimensions.

Needless to say but lube is a must. I learned to start bring lube back when I was 6 in Girth and we ended up hunting around for something to use and ended up using one of the complimentary hotel bathroom products. As I was growing bigger I even had one lady ride me while I was wearing a clamp (almost like a Cock ring)...she was very enthusiastic for the first half hour. Then, as is usually the case, it ended in the obligatory HJ. BJs don\'t last more than a few minutes anymore either--the \"lock-jaw\" complaints come fairly quickly now. But so far all of the women have been positive or turned on, none scared. I LOVE the initial reactions--one of my favorites was when a woman wanted to take a picture of it with her cell phone.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278304523

Wouldn\'t you be better off spending your money on pubic liposuction?

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278308865

hoddle10 wrote: Wouldn\'t you be better off spending your money on pubic liposuction?

I second Hoddle. If you find the necessary gym & diet to be inconvenient, wouldn\'t something like lipo be worth the investment? Furthermore, by dropping some of the fat in that area, it will give your penis the appearance of being longer - and thus larger. Food for thought. I\'m willing to wager a pretty penny that the frequency of complaints of lock jaw and eventual completion by way of handjob will shoot up dramatically the closer you get to 8\". These will be inconveniences that aren\'t easy to reverse and can lead to regret. Again, food for thought.

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 9 months ago #1278310922

hoddle10 wrote: Wouldn\'t you be better off spending your money on pubic liposuction?

^ this

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Looking Forward to Getting Fatter 11 years 8 months ago #1278639973

Do you really believe the average woman will enjoy an 8 Inch Girth (from your experience)?
I currently have a 7.5 Inch (base) Girth and though my current lover enjoys it, I worry that if we were ever to break up, it would be difficult to find a woman who would be willing to accommodate it so readily.
Anyway, I wish you luck on your journey.

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