To add to what Mustang said, women also naturally adapt to the shaft they\'re being fucked by. You could go up another .5\" in EG and still get a similar response. I guess all I\'m trying to say is that you shouldn\'t allow a handful of experiences/ladies be the driving motivation for more
Girth when you\'re already in the 6\" EG realm. Go find something roughly 6\" in circumference that is NOT your penis and grasp\'s really damn thick and larger than the average porn
Girth. Hell, some guys report being able to wear Magnums north 5.25\" and Magnum XL\'s north of 5.5\". Food for thought.
I can\'t remember where I read it (might have been on a different site), but we (men) have a bad habit of thinking that women perceive penises & sex the same way we do. Her comments may have had nothing to do with implying a lack of size on your part, but you seemed to feel that way anyways.
Other than aesthetic correction (although your unit looks fine), I\'d strongly consider PE retirement if I had both the size & results you have. Just my sincere advice, good luck either way .