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TOPIC: marknmau's update and implant pics

marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270373927

Well hello all it\'s been a busy summer(2011) up here in Minnesota, I checked in a few times during to basically say that I was starting to think about having the implant removed, especially after hearing about the spontaneous infections and after a corner of the implant became more prominent. Since then, after a suggestion from Mustang, I\'ve wrapped some and have worn a cone made out of soft silicone over the glans and the prominece has greatly subsided. My wife can no longer feel it during sex if I\'m not super hard like she could for awhile, and now I am really torn as to having it removed or not. I still really like it, the look and feel during sex for both is great. I just don\'t know now. I will probably wait a bit and not rush into anything at least until next spring, it will be 2 years then. For those who don\'t know, I haven\'t had any major complications. That might be because I didn\'t have mine stitched internally at the glans, but I don\'t know if that contributed to my good fortune. I wanted it to settle and stretch the skin down to give a look of having some Foreskin. It didn\'t really work quite like that, (and as Elist said it would) but it still produced a look I like. It really increased the Flaccid length of the whole penis instead of just the implant dropping around the glans, and actually I like this way better. It did pull down a lot of skin from the supra-pubic area, I also had that loosened during the surg. to help that happen, so if I do get it removed there should be a lot of loose skin so I could then have a more uncut look. However, if I do have it removed, I will probably get PMMA since this extra Girth is very addicting... once you have it, it\'s hard to give it up! I\'ll try to attach some newer pics since I haven\'t yet on the 2.0 site.
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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270374919

What size implant did you get and what was the before and after stats.
The pics look great and I would just keep it in.I also wonder if a tight wrap at the glans with out the stitching would form a good capsule so it wouldn\'t drop over the glans like what Patrick had happen when the stitching broke loose.

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270375807

Thanks for the pics Marknmau! It was unfortunate your pics (along with everyone elses) had to be taken down at the old forum but glad you are still around contributing what you can. It\'s important we dissect what does work, what doesn\'t work, and why something does or doesn\'t work.
Your unit looks pretty good, quite aesthetic. Maybe something about not stitching them to the glans had a lot to do with it (??).

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270382040

Wow, your outcome aesthetically is the best I\'ve seen of any elist patient. It looks like your Flaccid length is fairly close to your Erect, is this so? I wonder if this would have something to do with your Erect length and evenness. I appear to be longer and a little thicker while Flaccid, I hope this translates into more Erect length or at least a less coneshaped penis like yours.

I had my Revision surgery and I\'m very happy with the look now. The Dr. has a NEW implant, I believe the second since this time last year. It is much softer and is larger in circumference. I cannot feel any edges on the bottom. He\'s using some sort of mesh that is attached to the gland, the implant is not attached to the mesh. The juncture from the gland to the implant is well hidden, I can feel it but it is a big improvement from the original one I had. btw, the new implant has some sort of biofilm on it, an antibiotic, he said not to activate the drain for 12 hours so the antibiotic could be absorbed.

So far I feel very fortunate that things have worked out for me, before and hopeful this time too. I decided to have the Revision because I liked the Girth and aside from the alignment was very happy with the implant.

PMMA sounds very interesting and promising, to be honest I did consider the option but decided this would be better for me at this time. It\'s always an option for the future if things work out long term for PMMA. I did meet a guy in elists office who was there for an upgrade, he said he had his implant four years ago. Was happy aside from the hardness of the implant, no other issues.

Glad to hear things are good for you, I know a lot of guys have had horrifying results with the implant. I would like to hear from some men who went before us and see how there doing.

Be well...


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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270413988

If I were you mark, I would keep it. At least until there is a problem. You obviously have a great result, and a giant Girth. I dont believe PMMA can give you that same result at all. And even if it came close, you are looking at 3-4 full sessions. And you may have lumps and irregularites... emphasis on might..The thing good about the implant is that the shaft Girth is even and smooth...
At ck, when you say you cant feel any edges on the bottom,,do you mean the bottom near the base? or the underside of the penis?

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270416104

lasttime, the bottom of the implant from gland to base. This is a softer model and nearly wraps all the way around Flaccid, I like it so far. The only difference between my healing now and a year ago is now I seem to be more swollen at 3 weeks and I can feel allot of fluid on the shaft if i\'m unwrapped for a short time.

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270436954

Thanks Ck, thats is good to hear for you. I could totally feel the implant on the bottom, but that was almost 2 years ago. The edema you feel should subside soon, just wrap and take those antibiotics. Would you recommend the new implant? Also, when Flaccid, can you lift or feel like you have an implant in you? thanks in advance

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270532790


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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270536037

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Boston2015, Sorry to hear of your trouble with the implant. When did you have it taken out? Also, how did Elist try to make it your fault? Do you feel you followed his instructions to a T? Did he accuse you of premature masterbation or sex? I\'d guess he would resort to those scapegoats. In my experience, he\'s tried to blame my skin lesions on herpes, which I know is a bunch of crap. At this point for me (I\'ve had the implant in for a month), I\'m also noticing that my glans is drooping when Flaccid (not when Erect thankfully). The top of my shaft is still somewhat numb, but some sensation seems to be returning. My Erect length has definity retracted an Inch, but I\'m hoping for the regain after the skin stretches more. CK and Marknmau: did either of you experience a droopy glans and a desensitized shaft at some point?

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270538451

Hey Boston
When I had the implant, my Erect length retracted almost an Inch but started to gain back by the fourth or fifth month.
One thing I learned when dealing with Dr. Elist, is that it\'s important to be assertive and and unaccomodating to his bullshit. If you show you have some brains and gonads, he respects you more and is much more responsive to your needs.
Also,make him aware that you are on the PhalloBoards website and documenting your progress. Don\'t say it in a threatening way, but just in a way... so he knows. He\'s very aware of the power of Internet and personal logs (no pun intended).
Another thing..If the worst thing were to happen and an infection is detected. I would have antibiootics on hand, so you could start popping them immediately...
I wish you (and Mark) the best.
Marknmau...Impressive pictures!

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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 5 months ago #1270541834


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marknmau's update and implant pics 13 years 4 months ago #1270973603

Thanks for your post Mark ... I\'m still following your progress after all this time! I don\'t understand why you\'re considering taking the implant out. I know that some people have had long-term complications, but unless and until you do, why would you take it out when you like it so much? Do you feel that there\'s an advantage to taking it out before a problem arises?

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marknmau's update and implant pics 12 years 5 months ago #1275261837

It\'s been a long year since I\'ve posted, my decision: Removal is scheduled for Oct 11th , this thursday ! Didn\'t want to mention it until I was absolutely sure this time. I can\'t believe it\'s days away , it seems so much like MY Dick, my real Girth..... it\'s going to be really weird after more than two and a half years. I know some guys have had bad experiences with Elist removing it, like mustang etc. but shit he should have lots of practice at it by now! plus I made sure to have him schedule it at the surgery center under general anesthesia. So he better take his time and do it right!
Does anyone have any tips they could give about preparation or what to expect and do after Removal. Should I ask for Kenalog injections from him?? Get a stretcher right away ? does massaging it after help break up scar tissue? I\'m thinking about PMMA down the road because I know I\'m going to miss the Girth , how long should a guy wait?
Any tips, comments or questions welcome ,

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marknmau's update and implant pics 12 years 5 months ago #1275262426

Hi Mark, just sent you an email. Good luck buddy and if there is anything you need, let me know. I will be back in town in a few days but you can contact me here.

The Kenalog injections he gives you to do your self, make sure he describes how to do is not easy.

Again, good luck and we are here for you!

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marknmau's update and implant pics 12 years 4 months ago #1275298759

Mark, why are you having it removed? Your result seemed to be good.

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