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TOPIC: Temporary fillers

Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1284208154

\'\'Whether or not that temporary filler ends up being HA I\'m not yet 100% sure. Like you said, I\'m only entertaining it. As of tonight I\'m in correspondence with St. Peters Andrology Centre in London to enquire about Restylane.\'\'

When I typed the above I didn\'t realise that Restylane is another type of Hyaluronic Acid. Unfortunately I haven\'t yet found a personal testimony from someone who\'s had it in the penis, other than biggerbob who self injected his glans.

Also, another reason I\'m still entertaining marolane is that there\'s a study which *claims* to have had good results when injecting lower amounts [posted earlier in the thread].

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278168874

David Ralph in London will probably inject Radiesse for you. I know he\'s used Restylane.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278167876

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does anyone know whether dr N is flexible enough to inject if we ask her?For us that live in uk east europe is much better option than mehico.By the way what is the overall perception of dr n\'s far i know only couple of guys that opted for her.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278164331

hoddle10 wrote: We (myself and Supa) tried to get US based guys more interested, but they just don\'t seem to be. I even sent PM\'s to guys based in the US who were on the fence regarding PMMA and suggested they consider Radiesse with Greenwald, but none wanted a temporary solution.

thanks for all you do for the PE community.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278148149

We (myself and Supa) tried to get US based guys more interested, but they just don\'t seem to be. I even sent PM\'s to guys based in the US who were on the fence regarding PMMA and suggested they consider Radiesse with Greenwald, but none wanted a temporary solution.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278147974

Why aren\'t the people who are in the united states already checking out dr.Tampa ?

Harleyman said that he started with either 4.75 or max 4.85 inches girth and in his thread he holds gains with still 5.1 in December 2012. His procedure was in Febuary 2012 he said and within that procdure gained 0.5 inches.

So this means that after even 10 month he still has a gain of 0.27 inches, (0.7cm). IF we start from 4.85 inches.
And IF we start from 4.75 then he still holds a gain of 0.35 inches (0.8cm).
Which is both like 1 whole centimeter in my head in circumference extra.

Posted 10/27/12

harleyman wrote: I paid $1300 for two Radiese syringes with Dr. greenwald and the gains are still there, not as big as when I had it done but definitively there.

Posted 12/24/12

harleyman wrote: The radiesse lasted for about 6 months, I still have a small gain but the majority wheat away. I had the readiesse in Feb.

Over half of the gain is still left after 10 month.
Those 0.27 (or 0.35) are still there and it is a freaking gain. I am not girth spoiled yet so this is really something.

Aswell i read on my google search alot that radiesse has a timespan of lasting 9 month to up to 2 years!
Not to mention that his aesthics are flawless from what we can tell from his pictures.

( By the way this is assuming he took those pictures after 10 month, which i would guess since he only got to the forum in late 2012 and posted them then. If he would have taken them somewhat imidietly we would see a 0.5 inch gain on his messurement picture SO YEAH this is true, call me sherlock )

So however if this is true and he got 0.5 inch gain from those 3cc at cost of only 1300$ (if you took even more cc even more gain ? unknown yet but possible)
which are still lasting with 0.27 (0.35) inches gain after 10 month then i can\'t see, how this is not a awesome procedure option.

No risk of granulomas! FDA approved product! A safe procedure this ist the best part of it imo.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278147477

Obsessed wrote: As far as i know VRF30 is not a new version. It is a different formulation but it has been out for as long as the VRF20, since 2008. It provides bigger volume due to larger particles. You may want to read this study

VRF30 isn\'t new. When Macrolane first came out in the UK I looked online to by it myself, as I was consdiering self injection, which would have been a stupid thing to do. I was able to source a site to buy it quite easily, but one of things that worried me was I wasn\'t sure wether to buy VRF20 or VRF30.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278139778

As far as i know VRF30 is not a new version. It is a different formulation but it has been out for as long as the VRF20, since 2008. It provides bigger volume due to larger particles.
You may want to read this study

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278138275

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macrolane has been suspended in some countries after it has caused ed for some patients.the firm behind the macrolane gel has now updated the gel and introduced a newer version - VRF30.I have however not been able to locate a doctor who injects this for Girth enhancement.I called dr viels office this morning asking if they still inject macrolane....there answer was not anymore as FFT is a better option.Apparently they charge 4000' for the initial FFT session and then 100' for every top up which is recommended every 3 months. I just wished there was a viable and better solution than PMMA.I am 31 now...with EG...cant wait anymore for new solutions for Girth enhancement. Depressing

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278135574

I don\'t think there is anything they do in France you can\'t in the UK. Macrolane is available in the UK, but it\'s not a good option. Better results seem to come from Restylane, but this is much more expensive and doesn\'t last as long.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278134803

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for both guys in UK....why dont u do it in France?? it\'s not far away...

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278068542

What health issues do you know about with macrolane yao ?
It shouldn\'t be a problem getting the Doctors who aleardy did or are still doing fat, resty, macro, to inject radiesse should it?

There is aswell this dr posted in the physician base in France, who could be asked for injection maybe.

Or Dr Nemecova in Prag.

Related Radiesse topic
Like biggerbob said in that thread there should be tones of physicans doing this for us men we just have to demand it.
It really is ridiculous that woman get all sorts of treatments and injections and we are in the stonage just because its a penis.

This is some really interesting stuff!

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278042412

Myself and Supa tried to contact Greenwlad a while back, but there was no response. We planned on calling him, but never got round to it. The main issue was that we are both from the UK, so even if we did get hold of him flying to Florida wasn\'t really an option for us, as it\'s only a temp filler.

I planned on asking Mr Viel in London if he\'d inject Radiesse, but have had to have some more Revision on a previous surgery, so haven\'t really been focusing on that. But Mr Viel does use Juvederm and Voluma on the face, so I could ask him about injecting in the penis, but I think it would require 20+ cc. I know Mr Ralph, also in London, does inject Restylane.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278042315

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Hi Hoddle, Harleyman is one of the forum members that had the radiesse injection a dr called greenwald in tampa.According to him 2 syringes lasted him around 6 months at a cost of around 1300$. I will email dr c and the tampa doctor to find out more.Hoddle, what do you know about juvaderm. Found a clinic in us who injects juvaderm.

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Temporary fillers 11 years 9 months ago #1278030633

I and a few other members have had the same idea. The trouble is very few Dr\'s seem to offer this, as the price is high and the results short term. Myself and Supa were looking into trying Radiesse, as another member reported success with this filler. But we are from the UK and no one seems to offer it.

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