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Searched for: PMMA
31 May 2024 02:04
Richard i think you will benefit from a 10% pmma entire procedure
31 May 2024 01:05
So I have been lurking on here for a while and finally pulled the trigger and booked at Avanti Derma. I went with PMMA Utmost package for all three sessions and thought now might be the time to share.

Going into this I was nervous yet excited to get the results I have seen from some people on this site. I was a little worried as a few of the cases dont look great to me, but I have been very happy with the work done by the team at Avanti Derma.

My first session was 10/17/23. Coming into this my stats were
FL 5
FG 4
EL 6
EG 4.5

When I finished the session I looked terrible, tons of bruising and swelling and a weird lump under the head but I was very happy with the girth, like very happy! I didnt take any measurements after session 1 other than an immediate girth measurement which had me close to 6" in girth! I did take pictures which I willl upload so you can see what it looked like before and after. During this session I was given 12cc of 30% and 8cc of 10%. After about 1 month that swelling died down and I knew I wanted to go again.

I scheduled my second session for 1/10/24 and these were the measurements I took going in that morning.
FL - Didnt measure
GG - Didn't measure
EL - 6
EG - 4.9 (so lost a lot from the swelling going down)

During this session I advised I was happy with the outcome of the first session but that more girth was my goal and they delivered and changed the product mix. This time I received 18cc of 30% and 5cc of 10%. I could tell immediately after this would get me much closer to the goal I am going for and I was very happy with the results. I did find recovery after the second one was much easier and the nerves were easier to handle as well.

Third session was booked and complete today 5/30/24 - Going into this appointment my stats were
FL 5.5
FG - 5
EL - 6
EG - 5.5
I advised the Avanti team my goal was to get to an EG of 6 and I did have one small area at the base that needed to be touched up as the material didnt sit well from the last session. In this session it appears I may have booked a little too soon to the last session and also I didnt do any pumping between sessions. I honestly should have asked them if I could pump, I just assumed I shouldn't. Anyways they had a hard time getting the amount of product I hoped for to stay and as such I received today 11cc of 30% and 5cc of 10%. They mentioned it was a bit tight for space and they couldn't get the product to fit well beyond those levels. I am uncertain at this point where my final measurements will land but I will come back and post an updated about it once it heals a bit more.
31 May 2024 00:56
Thank you for your quick and thorough response!
31 May 2024 00:25
Sure thing @Yup

Just over 5 weeks since procedure

I sent these pics to Avanti to inquire about next steps.

Pic 1: about 90% erect. For those without premium access, I’m 6” or a hair over at the base, then about 5.5” midshaft, then a hair under 6” just at and above the circ scar. I was previously at a uniform 5-5.1” erect.

Pic 2: semi flaccid, showing the under/side profile where there’s a dip. From top view it may not look like it’s a full .5” thinner than the base so I wanted to illustrate where I could use more filler.

For reference I’m just under 6.5” BPEL but got a decent fat pad putting my non-BPEL at 5.25”. Also note that round 1 was a girth focused round where I received 18cc of 30% and 3cc of 10% (mostly above circ scar IIRC).

Next steps: a smoothing session won’t provide enough volume to even out the midshaft so full round it is. Also I want to taper the neck better as the cliff is very prominent especially when I’m at max hardness. Just need to plan and schedule the trip.

Another note, sex has been ridiculously good. No regrets at all.
30 May 2024 20:19
Can we get some updated pics, please?
30 May 2024 17:17

Oslo wrote: Does Dr.rupeka inject fillers while penis is errect or flaccid?

Since I know Dr . Shaffer inject filler while penis is errect .

And when pumping is it normal the circumcision area is skinny vs the shaft and base that is thick?

When normal errect it looks fine, but pumping it looks different


Yes because most doctors won’t inject filler in the circumcision are.
30 May 2024 15:41
Does Dr.rupeka inject fillers while penis is errect or flaccid?

Since I know Dr . Shaffer inject filler while penis is errect .

And when pumping is it normal the circumcision area is skinny vs the shaft and base that is thick?

When normal errect it looks fine, but pumping it looks different
30 May 2024 08:13
Can’t wait to see your results bro! Praying for your full recovery!
30 May 2024 07:17

Hyperbol wrote: Mixing is simple? Not quite. First of all, you aren't supposed to inject fluid directly onto the powder. That's easier said then done. The powder can't be damaged and has to be finessed into dissolving all the way into the water. The vials can be small and it's common to have excess powder floating around. Bac water is supposed to be done after 30 days once opened. You probably won't use up the vial in 30 days. Typical home freezers aren't on constantly. They have on/off cycles and the peptide is exposed to temp changes which can weaken the product. Same with the refrigerator which causes condensation. Shipping the product in extreme heat or cold is sometimes not accounted for. There's risk of infection. I haven't seen any two sources with the same dose recommendation for GHK-cu. Too much copper can be bad. Cheap online sources for peptides are unreliable, unregulated, and often buy from cheap China wholesalers. Anything you find that is legit is expensive. I don't even know if a doctor can prescribe you GHK-cu now like they used to be able to prescribe other peptides.

I mean I can go on and on why it's not easy like you seem to think. As far as not being site specific, that's not true. GHK-cu is often placed directly on sites people want to improve the appearance of.

Lastly, dermatologists recommend and instruct people on how to how to use GHK-cu all the time.

Personally I think you're taking it to the extreme. I understand the product is delicate but it's not difficult to turn the bottle horizontal and hold the plunger while the vacuum draws the bac water into the vial. If you regulate it enough you can slow it to a single drop at a time if you wanted to.

Lyophilized Peptides are much more stable and have a longer shelf life than non Lyophilized Peptides so the $10 or so difference between the two are worth the cost. Peptides need a cool dark place. Once reconstituted simply placing the vial in the fridge is all it takes. As far as the bac water goes $10 for a 20ml vial doesn't have me sweating throwing out whatever I have left after the recommended 28day expiration after the vial is punctured. Personally I have no problem keeping an open bottle for 3 months as long as it's stored in the fridge and the rubber is cleaned with each use but that's just me.

I understand the product is used site specific for dermatologic purposes topically but I haven't found anything suggesting injecting site specific. Injections are systemic so that's the route I'm going.

For the sake of the short run (25 days) I plan on using it I think it's worth a shot for the $80 considering the thousands invested in a couple rounds of PMMA.

Thanks for the input!
28 May 2024 22:58
lol no, I lasted about 10 days. Wife and I do the deed not quite daily but most days of the week, say 5-6 times a week. Making it to 10 days was excruciating. I’ll try to push it further the next round but there was the novelty factor and I was too excited to try it. I will say there was a decent amount of pain during intercourse the first few weeks that slowly subsided.
28 May 2024 22:53
happy to see you!!! we are glad you are happy!
Thanks for sharing your experience with us at Avanti!!!
We want people to know how easy and safe its to travel with us to Tijuana, starting SD airport to Tj and our lovely Hotel Nextdoor
plus the good(phenomenal) prices we offer all with the safe and quality we have delivered for 15+ years heart

if you have any questions, feel free to let us know through here or via email!
Ian says hi
28 May 2024 22:47

richardgaines wrote: Congrats man! Looks like you opted for more girth this go round. I did as well for round 1 five weeks ago and came away with 18cc of 30% and 3cc of 10% (inch less blessed lengthwise). Best of luck with the healing process, my man.

Have you been able to avoid sex the past 5 weeks? I tell myself I'm going to wait the 6 weeks but we'll see.
28 May 2024 22:45

richardgaines wrote: Congrats man! Looks like you opted for more girth this go round. I did as well for round 1 five weeks ago and came away with 18cc of 30% and 3cc of 10% (inch less blessed lengthwise). Best of luck with the healing process, my man.

I appreciate it bro! I'm staying until Friday and going to try and do as much Post Op care before my 5hr. flight
28 May 2024 22:28
Awesome brother can’t wait to see your results!
28 May 2024 22:24
Congrats man! Looks like you opted for more girth this go round. I did as well for round 1 five weeks ago and came away with 18cc of 30% and 3cc of 10% (inch less blessed lengthwise). Best of luck with the healing process, my man.
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