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Searched for: PMMA
13 Jul 2024 03:13
I just had done, i am initially very happy with the results im getting from Jiva Med Spa and Mila. I will type up a more complete results post sometime in the future
12 Jul 2024 21:42
Definitely seeing some variation day to day still,
Saw FG&EG @ 5.5" this morning
12 Jul 2024 21:40
Similar angle before and after (before being near bursting, after making thick look easy)

12 Jul 2024 18:17
@JJones928 -- i know you are coming up on that finalized 6 week mark of when neocollagenesis is complete. How are the measurements holding?

Did you hit a place where you didn't see any more fluctuations in measurements?

I am on week 2 heading into week 3 and haven't seen any measurement changes since day 7 of post-procedure. Everything has been holding steady here on day 16 since day 7. Did you notice that as well or something similar? Just curious if I should be expecting a lot of mesurement changes or reduction on size from this point on. All of my swelling was going by day 5 as far as I could tell. I am holding at +1.5" BEG and +1" MEG for the last 10 days. Trying not to get my hopes up that it will hold there. I can't imagine I would gain more?
12 Jul 2024 16:22
May I ask, what you had done with Dr. C? I am contemplating HA ( revanesse ) with him or PMMA with Avanti

Thk you
11 Jul 2024 23:30
There are treatments available that could potentially help reduce your size. Options like Kenalog and 5-FU injections can sometimes cause some degree of shrinkage. While these treatments may not achieve the level of reduction you might be hoping for, they come with minimal potential downsides and can be worth trying before considering surgical options.

Best regards,
Dr. Sullivan

11 Jul 2024 20:46
Yes had them put some filler in that area yesterday. the one pick is flacid.
11 Jul 2024 17:46
Has the curve on the left always been there? Do u have a flaccid shot too?
11 Jul 2024 16:48
Skipping to this morning...
FG - ~5" (left side circ scar prominence visible)

EG - 5.4"

I had to jerk off the other day (used lots of lube and vibrator to minimize trauma) since I got a bad case of blue balls, but have since noticed that there are some "sharp" points near the injection sites on the shaft... I've been going at them with my vibe tech, and will report as they progress...
11 Jul 2024 16:42
In the hotel (as seen before in the bruised and swollen post):

Day after - still swollen, but had got some prednisone after the followup with Ian which as making it go down...

2 Days after - still very swollen - measuring 6" SemiG and first time I was getting a decent erection

I never had any filler come out of the injection sites, mostly blood and lymph. still was massaging ~every 1-3 hours, though did space them out closer to 3 after the inflammation really ballooned.

It was around the day2-3 mark that I started getting some swelling above the circ scar - and since the injection site on the right side of the circ scar had pretty much closed up by now, and assuming most of the swelling was lymph (since that was all that was coming out of the wounds), I started massaging from the right to left to try to get it to drain too... This was a mistake as will be visible in some later posts, since I believe it moved some filler in that area too (not a huge deal since otherwise its settled nicely).

I was using my hands for the massages for the first day or so, but after getting home, busted out the handheld vibrator and microwaved towels to really get in there... I definitely helped not only in moving filler around, but in stimulating erect states which helped position the filler better (except for the circ scar/shelf region because of swelling mentioned above), where the vibrator really shined was smoothing out what felt like the beginning of a nodule forming on the right side along the circ scar.

My technique for them has been similar to the way Ian recommends dealing with the injection sites when they leak filler. Hit the area from a bunch of different directions, using the vibrator to sorta stretch the skin. Additionally, I'll pinch the area between my finger and the vibrator and roll it back and forth. During the early days this also induced some swelling which made it hard to tell if it was reducing the nodularity, but as swelling went down it also began smoothing out more (this is also when I should have realized that my attempts of pushing lymph had pushed filler to my left side).
11 Jul 2024 16:15
Starting stats:
FG - ~4"
EG - 4.75" (100% EQ, more reasonable would be 4.5")

~month before - ~7g hydrolyzed collagen (pre-flavored with some vit C too) + 1.5g MSM
~week before - 2 x daily { ~7g hydrolyzed collagen (Zen Principle, unflavored + 0.5 water flavor packet) + 1.5g MSM } + 750mg Vit C and extras (via EmergenC gummies)
post - same as 'week before', maybe an extra gummy or two through the day.

Went to Avanti Derma in early July for my first appointment. Have some friends in the San Diego region, so I was able to spend the night with them before getting picked up by the shuttle the next morning. Shuttle ride was super easy, got dropped off at the hotel, and immediately missed where the check-in desk was (hard right upon entering)... wasn't expecting to be able to check in before the appointment anyway since the hotel had declined early check-in over the phone since they were booked, so found my way to the Avanti Derma office.

The procedure went well, though was wishing that I had brought sunglasses as recommended on here (it would be nice if the office provided those 'eye dilation' temp-shades that optometrists usually hand out); Dr. Morales did note that near the tip on the left side of my shaft that there was some tough tissue that made maneuvering the cannula difficult. I had requested a focus on girth, so I ended up with 15mL 30% and 5mL 10% Linnea

I posted pictures of the swelling immediately following the first round here ... didn't have a ruler with me but measuring the next day when I got home was around 6.25" FG! That was my goal final EG (not for this round obviously...) so it was nice to see that my skin could already stretch that far (though it definitely wasn't happy about it).

Will post more 'after' pictures next...
11 Jul 2024 16:13
I had round 4 done yesterday and I have to say it is almost perfect and I think this last round it will be pretty spectacular. My girth growth is now over 1.5 inches and my flaccid length is now 1.5 inches longer. I looks impressive when I get out of the pool and people comment on it. I did round four yesterday.. Jiva and Mila are great, if you can afford it do the max amount three times and add Botox in the third round to help with erect length!
11 Jul 2024 13:23
I have had three rounds of PMMA done and spent over $20k on this so far. Personally yes this has been the best thing I have dropped $20k on and if I had a chance to redo it the only thing I would change is doing it sooner.
I am married and do not go around showing it off but I feel more confident with my look now. My wife makes comments about the bulge when I am dressed and it has definitely improved our already amazing sex life. I used to shower and immediately get into boxers or shorts at my own home, now I find myself walking around with my dick out and it feels great.

I do have a few irregularities I am aware of, but I would doubt a partner would notice these and I could probably have it touched up if I wanted with another visit.
11 Jul 2024 02:05
I'm finally going for PMMA in a couple of weeks, and, I had a lot of the same internal last minute deliberation as far as its permanence.
Only to come to an exceptionally simple conclusion: this isn't really any different than getting a tattoo (I have none, so...). Yes, it's permanent, but it makes your dick awesomer. So I'm getting a tattoo that nobody can see that makes sex better for both women AND myself. It's a big deal, sure, but it's also not a big deal. I
There's the remote possibility I'm one of the fraction of a percent of people with some freak reaction to the filler. The other more likely negative is aesthetic irregularity that's probably indiscernible to a partner when erect. Or, everything comes out damn near perfect

There's also the quiet confidence you'll be able to have because at all times you'll pretty much be able to say (without actually saying it), "eff you, look at my dick! Do you see it? It's glorious!"

That's been my internal dialog the past couple of weeks.
10 Jul 2024 13:29
Just got mine done so I can't answer many of your questions, but can add my own questions that helped me make a decision.

How permanent are the things you're comparing against fillers? HA is useful since it's temporary, but PMMA should last a lifetime.
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