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TOPIC: PMMA like bubble gum

PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303120387

I remember reading here sometime ago about a topic of someone comparing their PMMA has set in a mass like how cold chewed bubble gum would feel like. I have this issue and was trying to read up on it, but can\'t find the thread.

Imagine chewing some bubble gum, roll it out to that length and let it cool in the fridge for a few mins. Then take it out and press. It feels exactly like that and I can mold it just like the gum.

If you had this issue I\'d like to hear your experiences and what you did about it. Specifically, for me it is about 1.5 in ling about 1/4\" wide and is just below my circ scar.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303120594

I got some of that in my penis as well. Nothing can be done really. Removal is an option.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303120746

\'It feels exactly like that and I can mold it just like the gum.\'

Hold on, you can mold it?
You can change the shape of your PMMA now?

My PMMA feels like hard guna alright but It\'s solid, now way you could ever mold it now.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303120899

How long ago did you get the procedure?

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303125125


When you press hard on it, the mass will take a different shape and stay there, like modeling clay or chewed gum. When I\'m Flaccid and contract, the glans squeezes it against and there will be a depression/shape in the area conforming to the corona.


About 8 months

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303125840

That\'s fascinating.

Is there any issue with it moving during sex?
You have huge Girth now so, is it an issue?

What percentage did you get?

My PMMA is like rock. You can put a lot of pressure on it and it won\'t change, it is just like rock. Much firmer than a normal Erection. Which I like. Because, surely, that\'s what they want.

How can our PMMA be so different? Just our bodies responding differently?

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303129799

It seems it is firmly attached to the shaft itself and not the skin, so it doesn\'t move around. It is just under the glans and that part is still not the thickest part, so it isn\'t an issue that way.


When the collagen was forming, I used DMSO, so maybe that and turtleling made it that way. Pure speculation of course.

Did you use DMSO neverending?

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303132492

Yeah, I tried it but never more than a few weeks because it makes my breath smell disgusting. I might go see Dr. C again to see if he can inject some steroids to soften up the hard chunks of \"bubble gum\" areas.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303139151

Noticed in last few months I have hard bits like bubble gum. Over a year out and noticed lately it is beginning to feel more lumpy as it hardens with time.

My advice is stay natural. PMMA is a regret for me that is getting worse with time. Perhaps being uncut with lose skin I was not suited to it. But when a partner asks you to get your Dick checked out with a doctor because they think there is a tumour is when you realise you fucked up.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303145110

I\'m with you on this one Southdub. I got chunks and lumps that can be felt everywhere. I\'ve been relegated to sleeping with women with only lights off and hope they don\'t want to explore my penis. Really sucks trying to rush foreplay and not letting them handle my penis at all. I try to straight to sex.. Removal is in my future, hope it doesn\'t end up worse however

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303150118

Southdub, there are lots of excuses you could make up.

I had peyronies disease, I was in an accident, had to get reconstructive surgery, what you see is the scar tissue.

That\'s my plan.

Girls may talk about a guy\'s funny looking Dick, but I think it\'s less likely if they know it was due to reconstructive surgery that you had to have. That would make her look like a cunt. Such girls are cunts, but they care about how they are perceived.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303153110

naginati wrote: Southdub, there are lots of excuses you could make up.

I had peyronies disease, I was in an accident, had to get reconstructive surgery, what you see is the scar tissue.

That\'s my plan.

Girls may talk about a guy\'s funny looking Dick, but I think it\'s less likely if they know it was due to reconstructive surgery that you had to have. That would make her look like a cunt. Such girls are cunts, but they care about how they are perceived.

So get PMMA and your Dick will feel unnatural but don\'t worry you can come up with excuses like you suffer from a disease........ Sold.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303153570

Southdub wrote:
So get PMMA and your Dick will feel unnatural but don\'t worry you can come up with excuses like you suffer from a disease........ Sold.

Honestly, I just looked through some of your posts and saw that you were already way above average in the Girth department. Why did you do it?

Personally, I had a 4.5' Girth and just wanted to be average. I settled with around 5.5-5.75'. It doesn't feel as natural, but for me the trade off was worth having a, now slightly above average size Girth.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303153710

Hey airmail - at 5.75 have you tried to put on a regular condom? Do you have to use a magnum or XL? I think 5.5-5.75 can be called \'above average\' no \'slightly\' needed.

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PMMA like bubble gum 7 years 2 weeks ago #1303153806

I don't wear condoms, but when I did I used XLs and even they were a little tight. And you're right it's definitely above average.

I am happy with the size (and so is my wife), but I wonder if I should've gone for the 2 rounds or just stayed around 5' after my first round.

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