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TOPIC: 37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever.

37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300192911

and the amazing thing is, it was with Dr Loria\'s DAY 1 post op wrap. Left the office wed afternoon.

I was at the laundry mat, and for the first time ever walked up to a chick and picked her up.

I told her i just had a Circumcision, and just wanted a massage etc. We went back to my house. I dropped my pants so fast when we got there, because she was gushing , and there was no way I was going to f___k.

She believed the Circumcision story. She did say it was weird at my age.

She said \"i guess you are a shower & not a Grower\" . I have always been a Grower. When nervous, or cold it could be extreme.

She wanted it so bad , she asked for a cucumber and a condom. Neither has ever been in my house.

I ended up wrapping a glade \"hawaiian breeze air freshener can\" with plastic wrap and did her. The can was so fat she could not even take it.

My wrap is 7\" in Girth, and feels great. I want to go to the gym next week in shorts that show it. Funny, when i first got a job as a waiter at 21, I used to fasten small rolled up fabric on the inside of my pants to add bulge.

edit: and yes this is really my first post.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300193162

Crazy first post.

So, you\'ve got 7 inches of Girth now? Or slightly under... and let\'s assume you got a huge 1 Inch gain in Girth, because I won\'t even fathom anymore gain than that.

Which puts you at 6inch of Girth pre op or again, slightly under... hell let\'s even give you 1.25 Inch post op... that puts you\'r natural measurement where I was.

You\'re telling me, nay... US... that this exact moment in the first time you have dropped your pants without fear? And that the great Dr. LORIA (nice plug btw, 1st sentence of your first post) helped you achieve this. Day 1...

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300193771

No with the wrap it is 7.
I was 5.25\" Girth. i do not know what it will be without the wrap yet. sunday I will.

I am on day 2.

I have never just showed someone my Dick to show it to them without them groping it and knowing what they were getting into first.

I honestly did not know I was 5.25 Girth until pre procedure measurements. Honestly never measured Girth.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300193848

Details man and pics pre and post with measurements.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300194156

That is the craziest pick up story i\'ve heard in a while. good for you PhatWrap. I\'m a fan.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300194951

Haha me too, especially love that you fucked her with a can of Hawaiian Breeze. Not sure what she thought she was going to catch from a can of Hawaiian Breeze or why she needed a condom on a cucumber, but at least she was a sport. I think Chester needs a section on aerosols and vegetables on his Chicken Coop thread for when a guy doesn\'t have dildo money. His genius is selling pizza and tacos as steak and shrimp.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300195132

@ phat_wrap, After reading the contents of your post, I\'m not surprised it\'s your first.
@ hd, HA, well apparently I\'ve been eating too much of the merchandise. I weighed myself this AM, in the bathroom of last night\'s lay, and came up 10lbs over my usual weight of 190. Time to trim back. Late night wine and cheese with sexy ladies can pack on the pounds. As for aerosol cans and vegetables, I file that under fantasy measurements while wearing clown shoes.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300198031

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300198557

Started out
I only remember measuring length 1 time in my life and it was 5.5\" L
When i did pre op measurements it was closer to 5 L

Flaccid it can go from 1.75 to 3 L and 2-3G

RE: Why Loria

I live in florida. 4 hours from miami.
After the hurricane I called to make an appointment. Their server was down, and they said it would be like a month before i could get in.
They said they would call back.

But 3 days later they had not called back. I called back and I guess because the hurricane they had cancellations. I made an appointment for the next week.

I pre-paid for 2 Girth treatmeants and 2 glan treatments for 10.5K.

I closed the shop on tuesday at 5pm. Drove home to make a few more edibles for the road, and took off.
Loria is close to the airport in miami, so i prebooked a hotel in the airport. STUPID idea. I had never been to Miami. at midnight GPS took me on a 45 minute loop the loop around the airport.

I finally got in the hotel, and parked at the right place.
My appointment was at 10:30 am.
I woke up, did my daily edible breakfast, coffee and went to go to the appointment.

I COULD NOT FIND MY EFFIN TRUCK. It was so hot , and I could not keep walking parking garages to find it.
I did not want to miss the appointment, so I called a cab.

Got there. 1 guy was in the waiting room. I felt absolutely nothing when looking in the face, but I could tell he was not comfortable being seen there.

Phys assistant filled a condom with 10% Lidocaine, and put it on me. I watched a video for an hour.
Doctor came in , and honestly, it was a weird feeling. Because the only time i ever saw him was all the videos, and news stories. I guess it could be described as \"surreal\" .

I was in a good mood . Talking about my business saying things like \"not as lucrative as selling big dicks etc\".
The 2 edibles I had were starting to kick in.

I hate needles. Even though years ago i did HGH and test. I am scared of needles. I saw 100 effin needles. unwrapped on the table.

I thought the lidocaine was all they need. When they started doing numbing injections i thought it was the filler. There was no pain. just pressure.

Then a while later Loria came back in and started. I could not watch at all. I had to cover my eyes, and wait for the end.
He finished, and then the phys ass. got me to film the wrap procedure so i could do it easily on my own.

My Dick was so annihilated when i looked. But it was also the biggest Dick i ever had. (except for the time i got the rentboy).

I ended up getting an uber back from there. (cab there was $28, and uber back was $8 wtf)


I was so worried I would be walking the parking lot with a NUMB Dick AND A LIMP(NO PUN INTENDED).
thankfully, i found the truck within a few minutes.

THEN GOT LOST 2 TIMES LEAVING MIAMI, added 45 minutes to a 4 hour trip.

I am on day 3 now.
I have to change the wrap myself either tonight, or the morning.

The pain 1st morning waking up was bad. After a shower it got better.
2nd morning same thing.
Then last night I was really uncomfortable, and then it became so much better.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300198657

Thx man. hope you keep your threat going with more post recovery details.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300200575

Originally I disregarded this guy as he sounded shillish. Now I actually thinks he sounds authentic. Good luck with the recovery \"Wrap\". One of the main complaints you will find on this site about Loria is that he does not fully disclose what he is injecting you with. Wrap, what is he currently telling people it is?

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300200998

Where is the swelling and bruising? Can you go into more detail on the procedure? Week one of a Doc C procedure your dong is pretty beat up. I\'m not seeing any entry points, discoloration or swelling here.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300201351

@LatinoLog, did not ask. is there a thread with abbreviations.
I did see some numbers. But cannot exactly say what is it.

just wrapped a now you can see the glands fuller. 43 minutes to do it.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300201422

Phat_Wrap wrote: I pre-paid for 2 Girth treatmeants and 2 glan treatments for 10.5K.

You do realize that you can get the exact same thing done by a doctor in TJ for $300-$500 a pop. There is nothing special about what Loria is doing, other than what he is charging. He is injecting silicone. That\'s it.

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37 Years Old: Approached 23 yr hottie, Picked Up & Dropped pants without fear for the first time ever. 7 years 5 months ago #1300201961

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Congrats on the enlargement Alex. Just curious, is the area around the base of your penis sore and puffy or is that normal for you? In your pre op Erection photo you seem to barely have a fat pad and then you look puffed and chubby around the base in the after photos.

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