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TOPIC: PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey

PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299934855

It's taken some time for me to put everything together to share. I wanted to get everything to a point of stability before I posted, but I've kept a detailed journal along the way and this is my PMMA experience.For starters, I'm 6' tall, 225-230 lbs. I started with a very 'average' penis, 5.75' NBPEL and 4.75 EG. I've done many years of manual PE (about 10 years total), and managed to get my length up to 8' BPEL , but no Girth gains. So I found myself with a longish penis with avg Girth, and wanted more.Eventually, I decided to get PMMA done with Dr. Casavantes.STAT SUMMARYBEGINNING STATS PRE-OPFlaccid: 4.75'-5' length, 4.25' Girth
Erect: 8' BPEL, 4.75' girthRound 1 - August 3, 2016. 19 cc's of 30%, 5 cc's of 10% of Linnseasafe PMMA6 weeks after the procedure, my stats were as follows:Flaccid: 5.5' length, 5.5' ms Girth
Erect: 8' BPEL, 5.75' ms girthRound 2 - September 20, 2016 - 12 cc's 30%, 6cc's 10% linneasafe, plus some micro drops as well as PRP shot.6 weeks after round 2, my stats were as follows:Flaccid - 6' ms Girth, 5.75-6.25'' length
Erect - 6.25' ms Girth, 8' BPELRoughly 12 weeks after round 2, stats had dropped a bit. I think this is because they were artificially inflated due to pumping on a frequent basis. After stopping pumping in entirety, stats were as follows:Flaccid: 5.50-5.75' Girth and length (just depends on the time/day)
Erect - 6'' ms Girth, 8' length
Round 3 was completed on January 17, 2016. Again, got the PRP shot, some micro drops. 9cc's 30%, 6cc's 10%.6 weeks later:Flaccid: 6.0' Girth, 5.75'-6' length
Erect: 6.5' - 6.66' Girth, 8' BPELAgain, after time some additional swelling inflammation dropped stats a bit. It takes time for everything to really settle.Finally, I had the 'smooth finish' procedure completed on April 27, 2017. I didn't really gain Girth, just aesthetics.So final stats:Flaccid: 6.0' Girth, 5.75'-6' length
Erect: 6.25\" Girth, 8' BPELSo I guess my official finish is 8' x 6.25'. For now COMMENTARYOverall, I'm very happy with my outcome. I did in fact encounter complications, and I'll detail those below.I had good gains in all rounds, and while aesthetics are not perfect, they are fine with me and my significant other. Here are some personal thoughts and opinions about the various parts of this process. These are just my opinions, keep in mind others may have very different points of view and if you are considering this procedure, I encourage you to spend time doing your own due diligence and considering the decision before pulling the trigger.ASTHETICSI went into this procedure caring more about gains than aesthetics. My world wasn't going to cave in if I had some nodules or whatever. That's why I opted for mostly 30%Aesthetically, I'm pretty happy, but I'm not a perfectionist. I don't think 30% would be a good choice for aesthetic perfectionists. In fact, I don't think PMMA is a good option for aesthetic perfectionists. For me, this was about getting a big, fat hog. I was willing to overlook some bumps/Nodule or whatnot to achieve that.There are three main areas that are less than perfect:- Skin adhesions. For whatever reason, I had different areas where the fascia got 'stuck', and become restricted in motion. After the first round, there was one small area in the middle of unit, right at circ scar, and one 1'x1' area around the base. On the second round, the circ scar resolved and the base loosened up, but there were a couple of small spots on the left side of the unit that got 'stuck'. I know that sounds weird, but basically, the skin got 'stuck' and wouldn't really move. This is not the first time this has occurred, you can read Mqab and Beta's progress reports, and they had the same issue.- Nodules - I have a few small nodules, around the entry points of round 1. They're not too hard, I don't care about them, and they don't hurt.- The general shape of the unit is one that is thicker in the middle going towards the head, and lesser at the base. Kinda 'baseball bat' ish. I personally like it, but I think others might have different opinions.

GAINSI experienced excellent size gains with PMMA. Why? I don't know.In my personal readings, it seems everyone is different, and each round is different. That's the bottom line.If you read other progress reports, you'll see some guys gain, some don't, and even those that do gain do not gain in every round, and do not gain in consistent proportion to the CC's of product. There are all sorts of speculative theories on why this would be, but reality is that there's a lot about this procedure we still don't understand. Every person is different, every Dick is different.I'll add my speculations to the mix on why I may have experienced good gains:- I followed aftercare protocol completely. I think this is a big part of it. I took the Ibuprofen, I took the antibiotics (even though I'm not a fan of either), and I massaged every 30 min - 1.5 hrs. I did nothing for two days but stay in my hotel room, eat, rest, recover, and massage.- I was 100% off alcohol and meds a month before my first round, and nothing after other than what was prescribed by Dr. C.- I try to be a healthy person in general - work out 4-6 times a week, don't eat sugar, get plenty of sleep, no substance abuse, etc. I think this is important, because if a personal is generally 'low inflammation', then when you introduce an inflammatory agent like PMMA to the body, your body may respond highly to it since there is not a baseline low-level of inflammation to which the immune system is accustomed.- I have a longer penis to begin with, and that came from many years of manual PE - traction, Hanging, stretching, etc etc. A good decade of manual PE. Having a longer penis I believe helps contribute to a more favorable outcome, generally speaking.- I stayed elongated post-op. I didn't let my unit bunch up like an accordion. I think this is a huge part of it. Each round, I spent two nights in the hotel room just massaging product, resting, and getting it shaped well, wearing the ESL40 for long periods of time after the procedure.- Good PMMA reaction. Everyone is different, and my body may just really like PMMA and respond well to it for some unknown reason.Even then, I had a huge first round, and much smaller gain on the 2nd round. So even with the same person, results vary round to round. This is why I believe you have to be Ok having multiple rounds going into this journey.

AFTERCAREThis is the part that I personally think makes the biggest difference.Aftercare is critical. Having PMMA injected is just the first step in this journey.I had MASSIVE swelling, which makes it difficult to feel the product. I read some posters on the forum saying that ibuprofen has some sort of negative impact on gains. I asked Wade about this, and he seemed pretty annoyed with it. He stated that if people don't keep swelling under control, they can't feel the product, and therefore can't shape it, and can get a weird aesthetic result. Even with the ibuprofen, I had massive swelling, can't even imagine what it'd been like if I had skipped it.I massaged every 60-90 minutes. I spent my days massaging, and at night I'd wake up ever 2-3 hours and massage. You have to - the product moves, redistributes, and you have to put it back into shape.From day after onward, I wore the ESL40 stretcher 5-12 hrs/day. It's comfortable, easy to use, and undetectable in normal clothing. I think this really helped in Flaccid length gains, as it kept me elongated and prevented Turtling while the PMMA was hardening up.Post-op, I tried to stay Erect and free as much as possible for the next 2 days. Basically, walking around the hotel room naked, letting the entry points weep, massaging, and staying hard when possible. I took generic Cialis to help with this. I did this for two days before jumping a plane back home.About 10 days post-op I started light pumping, which was recommended by Wade. I want to emphasize how important I think this is in aftercare, especially for guys who get 30%. Light pumping for 10-20 minutes twice per day is what I did (Wade recommended 5-10 minutes, which is what I started out with but upped it after the first few weeks) and I feel it helped prevent the PMMA from hardening maintaining a loose, natural feel. It also helped with the skin adhesions.I'm not sure what the skin was 'stuck' to - my penis? Or the fascia? Or product? I'm still not sure. One thing I did in post-op care was incorporated a routine where I'd pump for 3 minutes, and then for one minute I'd take a blunt, thick comb and kinda scrub the stuck areas, similar to what therapists do with fascial adhesions. I'm not sure if this or the pumping or my second round with Dr. C, or the PRP shot, or a combination thereof that helped it resolve, but at this point I'm satisfied with the outcome.FINAL THOUGHTSBased on my experience, I'd offer a few recommendations to people considering the procedure:1. A large penis isn't going to fix your sex life or make you happy. It might make it worse - for example, being very large has its drawbacks. My wife and I have had many children, and I'm on the top end of what is comfortable for her to accommodate AFTER she\'s given birth several times (more than you can count on one hand). My opinion is that for 'most' women, 5.5-5.75' is going to be considered pretty big and likely perfect, 6' is huge, and going much over that may be too much. For me, I cannot just 'pound it' anymore either, I have to take it slow and give her time to get used to it. No more quickies, it now takes warm up and lube. Blowjobs are rather toothy. Butt sex? I'm not into it but many guys are, and I imagine you can probably kiss that goodbye if you achieve 6' in Girth or more. These were trade-offs I was willing to make. I\'m not going to lie - I\'d take my current unit any day over my previous unit.2. Know the risks. This procedure is about trade-offs. It's not a silver bullet. It may go south, you may get a messed up result, and you may have a negative reaction to the product. These are all very real risks. They may not happen frequently, but it could happen to you. Be mindful of the risks. For me, I knew that most of the immediate risks would be aesthetic, and that over time and perhaps additional rounds, it could likely be corrected. I was ok with the risk. Long term, it's anyone's guess, but anecdotal evidence suggests that most issues resolve with time and care. 3. Know yourself. If you're anxiety-prone, you should probably not do this, or any other PE procedure. Even with temporary fillers, you run many of the same risks, with the added downer of having a non-permanent solution if you have a good result.There are lots of ups and downs as your penis changes and morphs, and there will be days when you want to freak out. Focus on what you can do (good, consistent aftercare), and don't panic if you have an off day or have an imperfection somewhere. If you're going to do a procedure like this, it's nearly 100% guaranteed that you'll have some kind of imperfection(s), and I suggest you view this as a series of procedures vs a 'one off' procedure, because you will likely need multiple rounds to get your unit the way you want it, and it may look 'off' in between the rounds until you finally get to a point where it's acceptable to you. Look at it like building a house - it looks 'weird' at first, just a mess, but over time it comes together. Same with this - your first round likely won't look perfect, round 2 may look better, and round 3+ maybe is when it comes together.4. Be realistic. You can probably count on 0.5' per round, on average, but it all depends on the individual. 10% is more for those who value aesthetics, 30% more for size gains, but there are simply no guarantees. Can you have good aesthetics with 30%? Of course, just like you can get good Girth gains with 10%. This is just speaking generally. My experience was great in terms of size gains, and I'm grateful for that, but it also came with tradeoffs. I think some of the skin adhesion stuff came from the fact that it grew SO quickly. Slow, patient progress is good in this game.5. Take responsibility. Really commit to getting a great result. Don't travel quickly after the procedure. Focus on the task at hand - getting it molded in a great shape, making sure to rest and get the nutrients you need to heal up. The PMMA injected is just the first step - now, you gotta make it great. Aftercare > almost anything.6. Don't get greedy. If you want better aesthetics, get 10% and be ok with lesser gains. If you aren't super-particular about aesthetics and want more gains, 30% is great (at least I thought so). But realize that 30% doesn't guarantee any gains, and 10% doesn't guarantee aesthetic perfection. Everyone is different, so have your goal, and work towards it knowing that you'll likely not hit it the first round.7. Document things. If you don't want to share in real-time on this forum (as I didn't), make it a priority to keep a journal and document the process. It will help you keep your sanity through the ups and downs. Also, please consider the importance of sharing your experience, letting others benefit from your journey. I think I can speak for most of the guys here that were it not for this forum, we would not have known PMMA was an option, much less find someone who could administer it with any degree of skill. Pay it forward, and let others learn from you as you've learned from others.
At this point, I\'m happy.

Huge THANK YOU to the mods of the board, I know they put up with a lot, and give a lot.

Huge THANK YOU to Avanti Derma and Dr. Casavantes, you guys made my dream come true.

I\'ve posted up pics below, that show the stats, as well as a progression series - far left was my starting point, then after Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, and final destination, 4 months after the Smooth Finish procedure.

Happy to answer any questions, just post them up in the thread below.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299934997

Hi great post.

For starters, I'm 6' tall, 225-230 lbs. I started with a very 'average' penis, 5.75' NBPEL and 4.75 EG. I've done many years of manual PE (about 10 years total), and managed to get my length up to 8' BPEL

If you added 2.25\" to your Dick doing manual PE chances are guys are going to want to know more about that than your PMMA results which look great by the way.

What was your routine - days on/off, technique, duration every day. etc. Any chance you have a pic of your Dick before manual PE or along the way? I never took pics of my original Dick cause I really didn\'t like looking at it, so not surprised if you don\'t - but it would be great to see.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935215

Omg, you did it. Totally transformed your Dick. Length and Girth.
Greatest result, looks just great.

What would you advise after 10 years of natural pe where you grew your Penis so long? How to start, what to do in general?

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935227

Wow thanks for the advice. Your results look amazing, you can\'t even tell you had anything done.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935264

Hi hunkydory,

Sorry, for length gain I need to clarify apples to apples comparison:

5.75\" NBPEL to 8\"BPEL

I don\'t have a BPEL measurement for my starting point. I didn\'t really understand how to measure when starting. I also don\'t have pics from when I started. When I began, I never thought I\'d be doing this stuff 10 years later. What started as a sideline interest grew into something much more consuming. If I\'d known I would have documented better over the years.

I\'d guess that I was around 6\" - 6.25\" BPEL when I started doing manual exercises. So a gain of 1.75\" - 2\".

Keep in mind, this is 10 years of dedicated effort. For 2 inches. That\'s 0.2\" per year. Snails pace. For perspective (assuming evenly distributed gains), that would have been 0.8\" gained after 48 months. I was very consistent, but did miss a day here or there. Assuming 95% consistency, it would have been a 0.8\" gain after 1,368 sessions, PLUS hours of traction/stretching in between.

For length, I\'ve literally tried everything except surgery. Hanging, manual, traction stretchers, wraps, etc.

I can\'t really identify the ONE thing that worked, as it\'s over a decade of time. For me, manual exercises and ESL traction seemed to work best.

I finally settled on a manual routine that lasted roughly 30-35 minutes. I would do this routine every day:

- Warm up (stretch/hold to the left, right, up, down, up-left, down-left, up-right, down-right, 30 sec each, 2 cycles)

- Helicopters (just like it sounds, to the left, to the right, 60 sec each, 6 cycles)

- Stretch over wrist (just using wrist pressure above/below to create stretch), 6 cycles @ 60 sec each

- Stretch behind glute (just pulling back, holding, and kegal) 3 cycles each glute, 60 sec each

- Helicopters (6 more cycles, 6 sec each)

Then - every bathroom visit, 60 helicopters, right and left.

Then - stretcher, 2-8 hrs per day with breaks.

I sustained a few injuries along the way, being overly aggressive. They healed, but my advice is that for length, it\'s a marathon, not a sprint, so no need to be too aggressive.

I hope that helps.

The following user(s) said Thank You: curiousBetsy

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935361


Thank you.

If I were starting again, my advice would be to just start easy, and make stretching a lifestyle. The only way I did this was to just not worry too much about the results, and just committed myself to being consistent. Some things (such as Hanging), I found really hurt my glans. I found that being aggressive generally always lead to injury. I found that consistency and time seemed to produce the best results. To this day, I still do stretching after every bathroom visit. So making it a lifestyle choice, and not measuring very often, helped me stay motivated along the way.

Also - there is no pill, potion, or lotion that will help with length (to my knowledge). I found that manual exercises coupled with consistent, low-tension traction allowed things to keep things stretch out.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935475

going from a 5.75\"nbpel to a 8\"BPEL is not a 2.25\" gain in length.. its more like 1.5\'\' to 1.75\" gain in length.. just hang and be consistent.

Manitou. Please answer me this. do you continue to hang after your PMMA procedures and if so how does that go?

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299935601

Manitou. Please answer me this. do you continue to hang after your PMMA procedures and if so how does that go?

Hi Bolkonsky,

I do not hang anymore, and gave it up a long time ago. For me, I hated it. I did it with various devices, but I found it was just too intrusive in my day. Plus, it hurt. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but that was my experience.

I do still stretch, but only bathroom visits now. So I\'ll do 60 or so helicopters, each side, every time I take a leak. So over the course of a day, I probably pee 5 ish times. So maybe 300 helicopters or so.

I do no traction device stretching anymore. Thank God

These days, I don\'t take PE that seriously. I\'ve reached my goals for the most part. It\'s tempting to get another round, but it starts to be an ego thing - for me, there\'s no sense in getting a penis that is larger than is practical.

The real catalyst for me to get PMMA is that I wanted to stop thinking/focusing on my unit. It gets old. I was ready to focus on some other things in life, and I just wasn\'t getting any results for Girth thru jelqs or pumping. The goal was to move on in life - to get to a place where I was happy with how I looked, and move on. And that\'s what I\'ve done.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299936463

Thanks for such a well written post. Very insightful to your experience.
It\'s posts like this that pay it forward to the next guy.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299936547

First, awesome post and great results. You must have been chomping at the bit to send out updates. The fact you waited so long is pretty impressive.

Can I ask a question here? I notice that some guys just under the glans where the circ scar is, have an issue retaining product and gains. Is this an issue with that area of the penis, or is it an issue of Doc C not administering product while Erect? I notice after round one that area is much smaller as well and worried that round two will make it more noticeable. All in all, I would still do it-- but can anything be done about this? Microdrops or whatever? Or is it an \"it is what it is\" type deal where some people have better transitions from glans to shaft than others.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299936768

Thanks for such a well written post. Very insightful to your experience.
It\'s posts like this that pay it forward to the next guy.

Thanks man! Not sure if you remember, but we emailed back and forth when I was first deciding to do PMMA. Your follow-along was one of the stories that made me really want to pursue this. Thanks for giving so much to this community!

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299936844

First, awesome post and great results. You must have been chomping at the bit to send out updates. The fact you waited so long is pretty impressive.

Thanks brock!

Can I ask a question here? I notice that some guys just under the glans where the circ scar is, have an issue retaining product and gains. Is this an issue with that area of the penis, or is it an issue of Doc C not administering product while Erect? I notice after round one that area is much smaller as well and worried that round two will make it more noticeable. All in all, I would still do it-- but can anything be done about this? Microdrops or whatever? Or is it an \"it is what it is\" type deal where some people have better transitions from glans to shaft than others.

Man, the circ scar is tricky. It\'s scar tissue - it can grow, change shape, but for me, I had experiences where during the growth process it burned/itched like crazy at times. I think this is a function of scar tissue just stretching.

To my knowledge, the only thing that can be effective is microdrops. That\'s what I had. But the fact is it\'s a tricky area, and product administration is pretty difficult to nail, aftercare is more difficult due to the swelling (for me at least).

I actually asked Dr. Casavantes about administering product while Erect, vs Flaccid. His answer to me was that it is a horrible idea, but great theory. It makes sense theoretically. The problem is, when you have all that blood in the area, it makes the procedure more risky due to increased vascularity, but also leaves less room for product placement.

I don\'t know enough about the physiology of the penis to have much of an opinion on it, but that was his answer.

The interesting thing to me is that Erection DURING procedure seems to not make a difference, but AFTER (including staying Erect and manipulating product with Erection) is very important.

Personally, I think the goal of the administrator is to get product in the right general area, and not nick anything critical so I\'m not bleeding/seriously injured. The specifics of product placement are largely in my control...but again, some of this is just a risk. Some guys have done tons of aftercare and they still get a wonky result (just read some of the follow alongs). Then contrast with Dr. N, who does virtually nothing for aftercare, and she has some great results too.

With experimental cosmetic procedures, there isn\'t any guarantee. I think I\'m ok admitting that despite tons of aftercare, research, time and having a doctor with tons of experience...truth is that a decent amount of success can be attributed to luck. Just my 2 cents.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299936974

Hi thanks - that makes sense. Hanging and exercises work but it is so slow most give up before the results happen. There are a few guys on here that have added an 1\"+ but like you said no one knows this is going to be a commitment when they start and 10 years ago there were no forums so who were the pics for? I wasn\'t doubting you. I never took any either. I knew what my dick looked like when I started and there was no audience for it :-) nice job on everything.

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299937365

How old are you, Manitou?

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PMMA Penis Enlargement Results (Full Transformation) - Manitou's Journey 7 years 6 months ago #1299937925

Hi thanks - that makes sense. Hanging and exercises work but it is so slow most give up before the results happen. There are a few guys on here that have added an 1\"+ but like you said no one knows this is going to be a commitment when they start and 10 years ago there were no forums so who were the pics for? I wasn\'t doubting you. I never took any either. I knew what my dick looked like when I started and there was no audience for it :-) nice job on everything.

Thanks man! I really wish I had taken pics, and done a better job over the years documenting everything. When I started I had no idea it would take so long...I just got into a habit and kept going. I read up on your odyssey as well man, was really impressed with your results.

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