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TOPIC: Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria

Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293708336

I just had injections from Dr. Loria and am looking for anyone who has been to him. It is Day 5 and I am very worried.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293709450

It\'s normal to be worried in the first week after any procedure. There are some members who have had a procedure with Dr Loria. What are your concerns?

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293709617

hoddle10 wrote: It\'s normal to be worried in the first week after any procedure. There are some members who have had a procedure with Dr Loria. What are your concerns?

Can you please tell me who those patients are? My concerns are that my penis is misshapen, I haven\'t gotten anything close to an Erection, seem to have lost sensitivity in the shaft, amongst other things. Not to mention reading stories of how silicone implants can cause cancer.

Are any of Dr. Loria\'s patients on this site happy with the procedure?

This is me Day 5 after the procedure. Do you see what I\'m concerned about?

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293709757

That looks normal for 5 days out.

I know of one example of cancer from a penis injection and it when a guy self injected a mineral oil, had a terrible reaction to it and didn\'t seek medical help for several months.

I don\'t recommend Dr Loria or his procedure. But honestly you don\'t look in bad shape for day 5 and you are probably still swollen and might take a while for sensation to return.

With filler types of enhancement you shouldn\'t expect a great looking result in 1 round. Lots of people do get that, but never \"expect\" to.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293711865


Do you have any \"before\" pictures to compare against? Like Hoddle said, there are a few guys on here who went to Loria. I can\'t tell you off the top of my head who they are, but you can do a search and find some stuff on here regarding him. At 5 days out, you still have a good bit of swelling that should come down over time.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293712132

These are my before pictures.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293712236

hoddle10 wrote: That looks normal for 5 days out.

I know of one example of cancer from a penis injection and it when a guy self injected a mineral oil, had a terrible reaction to it and didn\'t seek medical help for several months.

I don\'t recommend Dr Loria or his procedure. But honestly you don\'t look in bad shape for day 5 and you are probably still swollen and might take a while for sensation to return.

With filler types of enhancement you shouldn\'t expect a great looking result in 1 round. Lots of people do get that, but never \"expect\" to.

Who are these people you know that got a great looking result after one round?

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293712653

I can\'t list all the people who got a great looking result after round 1! Sizemic and Mikehok spring to mind though.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293714783

But they didn\'t get silicone from Loria. They received PMMA.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293714868

OK, so this is why I asked about before pictures. I wanted to see the shape of your penis beforehand. As you can see, the base of your penis before is more narrow and the area just behind your glans is thicker. It looks like after wards, you have maintained a similar shape. But keep in mind that you still have swelling. This will come down along with the bruising over time. It is very common for the area above the Circumcision scar to retain swelling longer than the rest of the penis. I know it is hard to be patient, but that is all you can do right now.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293715815

But I don\'t think it\'s swelling. I think it\'s uneven injection of silicone that has allowed the silicone to pool.

I just made a new post about it with more pictures if you\'re interested in that.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293715856

Please stop starting new threads. Use this thread to post all your concerns and photos etc.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293716400

farmerjohn1324 wrote: But I don\'t think it\'s swelling. I think it\'s uneven injection of silicone that has allowed the silicone to pool.

I just made a new post about it with more pictures if you\'re interested in that.

It very well could be where the silicone has collected. Silicone stays viscous longer than PMMA. This is why Loria instructs his patients to keep the penis wrapped, especially at the base, as to keep the product from migrating. Wrapping, along with the help of gravity, could have forced the product towards the glans. However, the skin is thinner here and more likely to show the effects of swelling. It could be a matter where both of these are present.

At this point, if you cannot move the product my manual manipulation, all you can do is wait and see. However, at only 5 days after receiving silicone, you should still be able to move it somewhat.

I know you are new to the PB but pictures of procedures and outcomes belong in the Patient Support & Progress Category. General inquiries about different products, doctors, techniques, etc. go in the General category.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293716862

It\'s hard to know whether I can move it when it\'s in bandages. I followed his procedure except for changing the bandage twice so it was unwrapped for a few minutes. I don\'t think it would look substantially different if not unwrapped for a few minutes. When the procedure was done, there was a huge bubble at the top. Now, it\'s just slightly more enlarged. He suggests finger massaging throughout the 21 day healing period.

I will either have a nice Dick or an ugly Dick and I have yet to see if it even gets hard.

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Looking for any patients of Dr. Loria 8 years 4 months ago #1293724967

I don\'t know exactly. Do you think it\'s really ugly? Or do you think it will look alright. He said wait until Day 21.

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