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TOPIC: Go Big or Go Home

Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278549616

Hello all, I\'ve been contemplating the PMMA procedure and I am virtually at the point where I really want to take the plunge. I like this support forum, it is a great format and it is awesome to see how everyone shares their experience. It has really helped me to have some confidence in doing the procedure.

I am comfortable with my size, I have had some compliments from women.
I am presently 5.0 - 5.5 EG, and 6.0 EL, 6.5 BPEL.

It would be nice(er) to be about 6 - 6.5 EG. My current girlfriend has had some experience with \"bigger\" men in past, and this has made me feel somewhat insecure about my current arrangement.

I know she loves me and enjoys sex with me, but I don\'t want her to feel like she needs \"more\" than I can presently provide. So I guess it is partially about me, and partially for her.

I don\'t really want more length, although I am jealous of the guys who have it naturally - seems like a lig cut is just too risky, but perhaps I am misinformed. I am planning on booking my ticket and booking a date next week. I guess I just need a shove in the right direction here. It seems that most people have had a positive experience with it all, and any feedback or ideas on how to prepare (physically, mentally, vitamins etc) would be a great help.

I am still scared to make the choice, but since most people feel it was definitly a positive development for them, it seems worth doing.

I will gladly post some pictures etc once I get this thing booked.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278550038

Welcome, my humble opinion, if you have read most of the threads and made yourself well aware of the many successful endeavors and the not so successful ones , and you are comfortable with going ahead ( do it ) BUT if you have not made yourself familiar with most of the threads ( mainly the bad ones) you should continue studying until you truly understand what can happen!! I almost jumped the gun and am glad I have waited and may continue to wait!! The cool thing is you can always go get it put in , but getting it taken out is a bitch!!! Ask Darkstaff!! Good luck , very well versed members on here !

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278550772

Maybe you could provide me with some links? I haven\'t come across any results that really turned out horrible that were done by Dr C.

If you have info please point me to it. I\'m open minded.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278550855

Don\'t get me wrong here, a lot of members have had very good results! Darkstaff , who has been a very valuable member had his PMMA removed, Olaf had some problems that I believe have resolved. I am on my iPhone and don\'t know how to link you with anything, but there is a great search option you can use on here and you can go to the topics and just look for the appropriate titles. Sorry I am not much help, I am old school and just drudged through it with my iPad and I phone when I had time . Lots of info here and I do believe that in the world of PE, PMMA and Dr C are the best bet going right now. And if you do go I highly recommend 10% ! But take your time, I said it once I will say it again, you can always get it put in but getting it out is a bitch! Good luck , maybe some of the guys on a computer can help better, but I think it is also good for each of us to try and educate ourselves as much as possible !

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278550870

I just typed in PMMA problems and tons of threads popped up!! SO your site rocks! So it is that easy buttercups!! Happy reading!

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278614344

I\'ve done some research, and I\'ve seen a few posts from people who have done the procedure and had complications. From my research, it seems that if I choose the 10% route, go for and ask for aesthetics > Girth I can probably come away from the procedure with a reasonable outcome. I understand that it will probably be palpable and it may have some irregularities and or nodules at the injection site. I am aware that after many years it could become hard or more visible as I age. I am also aware that some individuals have experienced a inflammatory reaction.

I was considering doing a test on my bodies reaction to PMMA by getting a small injection on my arm before injecting into the penis. Or I might just jump right in.
I am still debating this in my mind.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278615584

I, believe 10% is a better approach for most. Many on here have had great results with 30%. But if I do it I will go with 10% and plan on making a min of two trips, most likely 3.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278668765

Okay, so after mulling this over, back and forth back and forth. I\'ve decided to take the PMMA plunge and I\'ve booked my apt for August 1st.

I will post some \"before\" pictures as the departure date approaches.

Trying to stay focused now.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 7 months ago #1278748614

Okay, so here are some pictures - as the date approaches.
These would be my Pre PMMA pictures.

Flaccid, I measure out anything from 0\" (it can completely turtle if I am sitting on a cold toliet for example) to 5.5+\" if I am aroused and the weather is warm etc.
Flaccid Girth seems to be around 4.1 - 4.5, again depending on weather, mood etc.

On the whole I am probably more of a shower.

Sorry about the EQ - I may try to get another \"better\" shot before the actual procedure. I found I am a bit camera shy, even if it is \"anonymous\"

My length is 6\" but if I don\'t squeeze or let it relax it will shrink down to 5.5\" or even 5\" (or Flaccid if I leave it long enough). If I bone press, it comes higher, out to 6.5\" if I bone press and stretch a bit I can make it hit 7\" on the ruler, but I don\'t consider that my true size. I guess my true size is probably 6\" x 5\". I don\'t really think penis measurement is an exact science.

Anyways - it should give you a good idea of what I will be working with.
I have noticed my EG seems to fluctuate more than other guys, it seems to go between 4.8 and 5.5. Also, it depends on how long / hard I squeeze the base when I measure / how aroused I am.

My base is a bit thinner; it measures usually between 4.7 and 5.1.

My glans are 5.1 - 5.6 if I measure straight or on an angle. I am not sure which is
the right way to do it. Regardless I am basically your average joe give or take a few points.

We\'ll have to see if Dr. C can work his magic on this setup.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278855134

As the surgery date approaches I\'ve been having nightmares. Did anyone experience this? I keep having a whole host of very stressful and scary dreams that involve various kinds of imagery that is related to penis size. Obviously my inner ego or mind is worried about something or trying to figure something out. The dreams have been vivid and very frightening.

Trying to stay cool.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278856960

If you are still unsure about the procedure and have anxiety about it perhaps it might be a good idea to wait.
And...judging from from your stats and pictures you have a very size to begin with.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278860018

Thanks Messageman.
I still want to go through with the procedure. I do have some anxiety.
I am a bit worried about my aftercare - if I will mess something up etc.

My size is supposedly \"average\" but whenever I am in a change room or something, I can\'t help but feel small, I always shower and change with a towel on etc.

Also I have (more?) anxiety when I have sex with my girlfriend / fiance. I can\'t help but think that she is comparing me to her EX(s).

I am sure some of this sounds familiar.

I think an extra Inch or Inch and a half of Girth would make me feel much more confident and this alone would help me to change the way that I approach
the world.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278860110

buttercups wrote: Thanks Messageman.
I still want to go through with the procedure. I do have some anxiety.
I am a bit worried about my aftercare - if I will mess something up etc.

My size is supposedly \"average\" but whenever I am in a change room or something, I can\'t help but feel small, I always shower and change with a towel on etc.

Also I have (more?) anxiety when I have sex with my girlfriend / fiance. I can\'t help but think that she is comparing me to her EX(s).

I am sure some of this sounds familiar.

I think an extra Inch or Inch and a half of Girth would make me feel much more confident and this alone would help me to change the way that I approach
the world.

It will. No doubt about it.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278860626

Thanks Hulk.
I think it is normal to feel some anxiety before the procedure. After all, it is a permanent thing.

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Go Big or Go Home 11 years 6 months ago #1278861187

Yeah, you are perfectly normal to feel anxious. I did too. But once I got there, I felt really good.

And, yes, you will feel great about your new size. It is an instant boost.

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