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TOPIC: advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse

advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1292728107

Lasting a long time is over rated. Sure, it has it\'s place in the right context (as do quickies) but most women are not wired in a way that they want long stamina each and every time.

I married a girl who was VERY VERY experienced. I was a virgin when we got married. Yes, I had not had intercourse before we married for religious reasons. So, I was probably mr. minute man. We were happily married for 12 years 10 months until she passed.

I did learn more self-control and stamina (our choice) certainly, but she loved me whether or not I came in one minute or ten. If you\'re dating a girl who judges the value of your relationship on this basis, requires long sessions all the time, or you think will leave you because you cum too soon, then either you or the girl you\'re dating has unrealistic performance expectations and the relationship probably won\'t work anyway.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290899135

Why would I suggest what actually works? Gee, I dont know.

Your suggestion of hitting it, and hitting it again will not help with the stigma of being a minute man. If you will even stop to realize your method is exactly the same as mine with regard to the male. What is different, is I am saving the EMBARRASSMENT to the male. Your assuming all women will understand and give respect just because he goes for a 2nd time.

How do I say this?.... IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY.

But, let me say it again.... the way it DOES work: is this.

If you jack off in 60 seconds, your 2nd attempt at jacking off will be longer UNLESS you are the rare exception to the rule, which often time we are not.

Im tired of ranting about this, you obviously wont see it my way and clear logic tells us your way will get most guys embarrassed about being a minute man which will compound the problem even further and reduce the % chance he\'ll be able to get it up the second time.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290882692

Indi, it wasnt dumb thats just what works for you.

Jj yes hit it again and again. Simply wear 2 condoms if you must, seriously. Read a book on tantric, learn breathing

exercises or what would be considered mild meditation to calm yourself down, pull out and ask her to switch

positions ( meanwhile pinch the tip of your Dick while she is moving) all of that will help in the now.

My wife dislikes that it takes me 15 to 20 every time, there is no quickie before lunch type option for us.

That leaves blow jobs out of the question, 5 in 23 years. Would I like to bust a nut quickly at times?

.Hell yes, I would love to start getting blow jobs and quickies before work, unfortunately I learned how to

prolong myself and I can\'t seem to un program myself.

I was watching porn every day and edging and ended up with a desensitized penis and I needed lots of

visual stimulus to orgasm. That was a decade long issue after my drug use basically from 93 to 03. See I

became addicted to sex and porn/masturbation, I gave up one compulsion for another, only I didn\'t see

it as that for a long time. That really was a decade of ED CAUSED BY PORN AND MASTURBATION.

When you\'re tugging one out watching porn every day, when it comes time for sex with a woman it

wont work like it is supposed to. Your either gonna bust quick because your finally getting some trim

and your body is not used to full body stimuli or the flip side of that coin is to have issues keeping it up

due to not enough stimuli because when you masturbate you use the death grip and no pussy is that

tight plus there is no dark porn on a screen feeding the fantasy or visual stimuli.

So knowing first hand what porn and masturbation does and furthermore seeing what it does for guys

here on PB, and we all have seen those posts I don\'t need to call out individuals with PE or ED issues.

why in the world would you suggest to rub one out as a method of prolonging orgasm instead of

suggesting what will really help the \"problem\"

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290880828

Guess what I said was dumb, everyone is different I guess.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290879915

lakingsfan35 wrote: My god lighten up a bit


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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290879013

@lakingsfan35 I don\'t know why the emojies didn\'t transfer over from my phone in that last post. But thank you all for the advice.

Funny thing is she came by the house earlier and chilled with me before heading to class. So this may mean an opportunity for redemption.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290878194

Really now think about what you are saying Hulk. I was not saying any lame ass alpha bullshit. I was having some

obvious fun with an easy to see message in it.

Think about it, jacking off before is the same as fucking it twice.

Once you shoot a load it will take just as much effort to hit it twice as the first time

wether that is a solo mission or with a chick. I would much rather shoot my load in a wet tight hole TWICE

than once solo into a towel and once in her.

I would rather be a 2 pump chump once then take an hour for round two, than bust a nut in a towel and

possibly be a 2 pump chump 3 hours later. Then what? If someone has performance anxiety that may

make it worsen. Then a poor fool has no chance of getting it up for a 3rd time that night

You successfully wasted 2 loads in 2 minutes. For what, an old wives tale.

You want an honest answer, here is one. Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. By a book and study

tantric. Practice a mild form of meditation. Increase cardiovascular system.

There was a ton of obvious humor in my response. Some people have no humor and cant read between

the lines. So here. Maybe I should have said this.

Hit it. If the night is short do other things and hit round two. Maybe go from zero to hero. It cant hurt to honestly say

omg you are so hot/tight/sexy I couldnt help myself. Lets focus on you for a bit..... service her some and hit it again,

I dunno man, personally I can\'t remember when Ive been a 2 minute man except for back in hs when I

was first getting laid. I was given the same advice, jerk off before. It didn\'t help but made round 2 impossible for it

was actually round 3 for the night due to the pre date solo mission.

It was bad advice back then and still is 35 years later

My god lighten up a bit

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290877510

jjrealer21 wrote: @lakingsfans35 The best answer ever

Not really, its the most retarded answer.

If you want to last, you\'ll need to jack off before you begin your date. I am being serious, not giving you some lame alpha bullshit about fucking her twice. Number one, if you blow in the first 5 minutes, she\'ll still know you\'re a minute man and no amount of tongue will change that. Secondly, you might be able to get it up for the 2nd round, but the amount of pressure that will put on you to perform may actually inhibit your ability to get hard again.

If you want to praise a bullshit, joke of an answer go ahead. If you want to fuck longer then 10 minutes, follow a real answer.


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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290868148

Any heart patients please check with your doctor before experimenting with this next suggestion. I\'ve had a lot of success using lidocaine spray. It helped keep me from shooting my load too soon (NUMBS YOUR DICK), but when it comes to endurance and stamina, a good bike ride, run, or hike will help improve cardiac output and if you push you fatigue threshold during exercise you can improve your stamina threshold in the bedroom.


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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290867438

The best answer ever

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290867173

I had a lot of people say im weird because I take long to cum but I think it has its ups and downs. Also i think that the more you have sex with the same person or maybe anyone it\'s easier for you to cum once you know your \"technique\" you do when you wanna cum.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290867136

Don\'t buy any pill or any fleshlight. I have my own way to determine whether I cum fast or not. I\'m sure everyone else has there ways too. Strangely I found out by drinking water and holding my pee I have stronger orgasms. But through this I realized that if i pee then I will not be able to cum at all until I have too pee again. I know this may sound like bull but I didn\'t kno how to cum and had my first orgasm at 16 so I needed some way to help. I kid you not if i want too have long lasting sex I pee, and if i wanna cum quickly I drink some water, not a lot but enough to help me and in no time I cum.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290866467

There is a tablet, I forget the name but can be looked up, it suppresses the sensors in the brain for about thirty minutes. Very expensive though, about the cost of ciallis ...

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290866056

Fuck jackin off pre date, that is a waste of good sperm. Simply just hit it twice. Apology will be accepted

if you make her crawl up the wall with your tongue while you are recovering. At that time you graduate

to being a hunter. A good hunter always shoots twice, its called a double tap. To tap away man tap away.

Remember young Jedi a great hunter isnt afraid to eat what he shoots.

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advice about prolonging sexual Intercourse 9 years 3 weeks ago #1290864692

Always, jerk off before a date. It will calm you down, and increase your stamina.

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