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TOPIC: Pumps for PMMA after care

Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1293290268

Any good non-water based pumps out there?

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278784098

@Sizemic - I have never pumped before and I may not fully understand how much pressure it takes just to keep it from retracting. It just seemed logical that as long as you were only using enough pressure to keep from retracting, you would be fine. Anyways thanks for the discussion about it because I will have to deal with retraction if I move forward with this.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278781381

The inside of your penis is healing during the first week after a procedure. Just because the entry holes close up doesnt mean the channels that Dr. C has created with the cannula carving around under the skin have healed. IMHO pumping in the first week after is a bad idea.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278781121

Yeah that sleeve link someone posted looked really good - might even help regular PE since you cant leave most ADSs on at night (I\'d assume you could leave the sleeve on at night).

Does anyone have the sleeve link? I am looking but haven\'t found it yet.

Edit, just found it!

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278777801

That\'s where wrapping, or a good sleeve comes in. Can\'t be in a pump for three days either, and a good wrap job can get you extented to near your EL.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278775565

Hulk, that makes sense. At the very least it would need to be the absolute lowest pressure. I will email Dr C and see if they have any thoughts on this . I am really interested in something because I am a Grower, but maintaining a three day on and off Erection seems a little problematic , but doing this is crucial for looks. And i don\'t mean literally keep an Erection but obviously not allowing it to retract .

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278775272

I think it would lead to the product clumping due to the pressure that draws your penis to the top, like it would migrate to thr circ area.... of course I could be wrong and I wouldn\'t suggest anyone trying it for post care.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278774560

Thanks for the input Smallja, bad choice of words for sleeping but your advice is well taken. Just seems like this might be one of many options for helping the healing. I hope more input is given .

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278773247

Pumping ruined the sensation in my penis and also made the skin color darker. I would never recommend it to anyone.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278717000

Btw I have never pumped, it just seems like a possible way to maintain an Erection, while sleeping, without using bags of Viagra ,etc. So with all that said I do not know what the pit falls are personally with pumping, but low pressure would seem like there would be no adverse problems.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278716960

That is what I was thinking , low pressure. This would be completely for the healing not for any gains, so all low pressure. Jlbm .. Did you use it for the healing to maintain an Erection or prevent retraction, while collagen was forming?

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278716894

Pumping puts a lot of pressure on the area right beneath the glands, you often get fluid built up there. This is the area that you usually have lots of swelling post procedure also, so it could be very uncomfortable. I think I did pump a bit with very low pressure after R1, but nothing consistent

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278716264

I am not talking about PE here I am talking about the first week after receiving PMMA. It just seems like the closest thing to an Erection , if you stretch it there is something attached to you ( possible ridge etc) the Girth may not be at its maximum. I would think the best way to heal is in its maximum state. If you are rehabbing knee op you need to maintain full range . I just think besides a full Erection this would be the closest.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278710694

Mudball wrote: No comments, is this a stupid idea?

I think so.. IMO pump may be counter productive. just stretch that thing.

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Pumps for PMMA after care 11 years 7 months ago #1278707089

No comments, is this a stupid idea?

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