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TOPIC: Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2]

Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1280760724

hi brittani, I\'m not sure if you are aware of this, but you\'ve just joined a site dedicated to penis enlargement!

But I\'m sure if you were to post some photos we could advise you very wisely regarding your butt.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269208465

Guys Lemperle still didn\'t reply, but I have found in my e-mail\'s inbox his answer it was in 2009 -
1- (my Q. was to him about long term complications after PMMA injection ) :
It is true for Brazilian PMMA (because it still contains small microspheres which stimulate macrophages and can cause a foreign body granuloma years after implantation (mainly after a systemic infection) . This is the risk - which can be treated effectively with local cortisone (triamcinolone) injections ! - I just treated the moon face of a lady in China , who got 110 cc of Artecoll in 2005 (when it was still impure) with 8 x 40 mg Kenalog.
I have tested NewPlastic - and it is almost pure , of small PMMA microspheres, which might cause inflammation. The FDA approved ArteFill is absolutely pure and causes no granulomas anymore, however , it will be 10 or 20 times more expensive : 0.8 ml cost $ 450 to the doctor ! And you will need 10 -20 ml! Thank God, granulomas are rare (maybe 1 : 1000) Best wishes and regards,Gottfried
So it is true the Brazilian PMMA still contain some small beads ---> macrophages stimulation ---> foreign body granuloma (1 : 1000) ---> Kenalog injection .
2- In another e-mail I have asked him about the possibilities of PMMA beads migration in long-term :
of course I am biased since I developed this tissue process - but I was always honest enough to hear all critics and engulf them: PMMA beads can be transported through open veins only during injection : that\'s why we have to increase its diameter in esophagus and urethra injections from 40 microns (venules are 20-30 microns in the skin) to 125 microns (submucous plexus has up to 80 microns in diameter). After the injection, however, no \"migration \" is possible anymore because the collagen keeps the beads in place until the collagen (( I think Lemperle ment here bovine collagen which takes a longer time to be completely resorbed than the cellulose )) is resorbed (within 3 weeks) and replaced by the body\'s own collagen (=granulation tissue) . This gr. tissue keeps the beads at the location where they had been injected. After injecting PMMA into a penis, however, the whole implant can be moved as a total for 1 - 2 weeks - until tissue ingrowth has occurred . This is a crucial time to keep the penis as quiet as possible , because movement of skin may move the whole PMMA forwards or backwards. After 3 weeks, however, no movement neither of the whole implant nor of a single bead is possible ! This can only occur with silicone or PAAG oil, which is not encapsulated and can slowly move according to gravity ! So what I understood from his e-mail (in 2009) that the bovine collagen (in e.g. Artefill or Artecoll) will prevent the beads from migration during the1st 3 weeks till it is completely replaced by your owen collagen, after 3 weeks no movement of the beads whats so ever.
In conclusion I think that was the reason why Lemperle has used bovine collagen (Artecoll and Artefill) in his invention and not cellulose (Newplastic and Mteacrill) .
So Artefill is more superior than Metacrill and Newplastic ( in regards the purity of the beads and the carrier)

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269208391


Isn\'t the big difference here that the PMMA binds with natural collagen to basically integrate with your own tissue in a way that injected silicone does not, which prevents migration?

The point raised by one of the two articles is that it could be that there is excessive variation of size of the PMMA beads in Newplastic (as opposed to PMMA beads in Artefill which vary very little). If some beads are sufficiently small they can migrate.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269208303

Indeed, all available literature I have come across, except for the two 2010 Aesthetic Surgery Journal papers which we have discussed in the last pages of this thread in the old forum, seem to rule out the possibility of migration.

But, here, d71 just asked the question: what happens if PMMA\'s beads migrate.

Does it happen?

Let us be clear that what has surprised us is that the sheer possibility of migration of PMMA particles in Newplastic has been raised in the two quoted papers. Is it true? Only a couple of articles make this claim; I felt initially a bit uneasy however since the journal looks authoritative, the articles are recent and they bring clinical evidence.

On the other hand, as correctly repeated here, PMMA long history has got a completely different track record from SILICONE.

For what is worth, my gut feeling is that migration concerns for Newplastic are overdone, even if it clearly is inferior in quality to Artefill. Dr Casavantes has got an international reputation in his field which he has gained over many years: he must trust this product and that we need to keep in mind when we think of risk scenarios.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269208041

Isn\'t the big difference here that the PMMA binds with natural collagen to basically integrate with your own tissue in a way that injected silicone does not, which prevents migration?

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269207790

cantwaitforpma wrote: Hello all. Just wanted to introduce myself. Because i\'m paranoid about posting my name i hope yall don\'t mind just knowing me as M. Thank you all who have taken the plunge and gotten the PMMA procedure done. I\'ve been reading or \"lurking\" at the old forum and can\'t wait till i can contribute and add to the wealth of information and experience knowledge yall have made available. I\'m ready to shed my lack of self confidence(all psychological) and start being a more confident person for both me and my wife. Thank you so much for again for your contributions.

Welcome to the forum! Judging from your username, do you have an appointment schedule or plan to schedule one? Or are you still in the research phase?

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269207432

I got mine done in January, and I have had no negative effects...

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269207363

yes but wouldent that already have happened with Artecoll/artefill or any other PMMA used in soft tissue? Of all the reaserch done it hasent been reported in the past 20 years of bioplasty.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269207134

Well, even if PMMA is not a carcinogin, I am not happy with the prospect of conditions such as nerve pain, dysfunction, and fibrosis. More generally, the idea of PMMA beads crawling inside my liver is quite unpalatable: no good can come of this, can\'t it?

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269207129

Hello all. Just wanted to introduce myself. Because i\'m paranoid about posting my name i hope yall don\'t mind just knowing me as M. Thank you all who have taken the plunge and gotten the PMMA procedure done. I\'ve been reading or \"lurking\" at the old forum and can\'t wait till i can contribute and add to the wealth of information and experience knowledge yall have made available. I\'m ready to shed my lack of self confidence(all psychological) and start being a more confident person for both me and my wife. Thank you so much for again for your contributions.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269206643

yes , but PMMA is NOT a carcinogin. So where would that leave us with PMMA?

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269206462

@Dd71: Some colour on effects from silicone migration follows below. If scientific evidence is any guide (it bloody is), whatever the specific effects of low quality PMMA migration (possibly unknown at present) are, we really want to stay clear.

As early as 1956, Dow Chemical researchers knew that liquid silicone, when injected into the body, migrates to all the major organs, including the spleen, heart, lung, and brain. (PSC Record No. 0006.)
Studies by both Dow Corning and Dow Chemical in 1970 confirmed that silicone, after injection, migrates to the bone marrow of animals and changes brain weight. They also showed that silicone particles migrate from a human finger joint into the lymph nodes. (PSC Record No. 0018, 7038.)
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas found that silicone is widely distributed throughout the body of mice after a single injection, migrating to ten different organs from the brain to the uterus and persisting in these organs over time. (American Journal of Pathology 152:3 [March 1998], 645-649.)
Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee found that following silicone implant rupture, silicone gel migrated into the arm of a woman, where it produced nerve pain, dysfunction, and fibrosis. (Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 89:5 [May 1992], 949-952.)
Physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown, using magnetic resonance imaging, found that a significant amount of free siliconehad migrated from an implant (not noticeably ruptured) into the liver and spleen of a woman. (Magnetic Resonance Medicine 36:3 [September 1996], 498-501. Researchers also found that silicone in the liver could be detected in the first three to four years after a woman received her implant. (Magnetic Resonance Medicine 33:1[January 1995], 8-17.)
Of 39 women with silicone implants, 27 (69%) showed signs of silicone in their livers, and of the 20 whose implants had ruptured, silicone was detected in the livers of 17 (85%). In other words, whether the implants rupture or not, silicone leaks and migrates to the liver. (Radiology 201 [1996], 777-783; PSC Record No. 0050.)
In 1989, studies by Dow Corning showed that silicone, given orally to rats, increased liver size and weight by up to 45% and suggested the enlargement might be interpreted as a carcinogenic response. (PSC Record No. 0482.)

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269206216

at the risk of sounding naive, what would be potential complications due to migration with PMMA?

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269205148

Sorry fellas, the thread is unlocked now.

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Heard of PMMA (Medical Grade) OR Dr Casavantes? [PART 2] 13 years 7 months ago #1269192458

As was the case for the Original Thread, you can continue with the last discussed topic or add/discuss any other PMMA-related topic. Last Page from [PART 1]:

dd72:I just talked to wade and he said that the beads are 40-60 microns. He also said in another study they compared it to artifill and it was very similar. Ofcourse his opinion is bias being he\'s in the retail side of new plastic pmma. But he said he will double check and get back to me. It\'s very disheartening if it\'s true it\'s similar to arteplast. It being a dynamic organ its prone to more risk and complications.

supa:I might be able later to paste in this thread the EM pictures of Cohen\'s article.

By the way, which source states that 40microns is the average diameter of Newplastic\'s particles? Cannot find it on the website of the manufacturing company:

supa:Moreover guys, at the cost of sounding like an anal stat teacher (I am not), two parameters are necessary (and sufficient) to caracterise the size of the particles (under the reasonable assumption of gaussian distribution, which I am confident would be confirmed by carrying out a standard statistical hypothesis test on a product\'s sample):

1) the mean (i.e the average)
2) the standard deviation

According to basic statistics, even if the mean were actually 40 microns, administered samples could contain undesirable amounts of tiny particles if the standard deviation is too high.

With an analogy: at school you might be only concerned with your average mark of your assignments, say it is B. But it is not the whole story. In particular, here, at our \"phalloplasty university\", we are also concerned on how many Grade C you scored, even if they are sort of conceiled in the output of the averaging out process.

capital:Very interesting article indeed. I have no medical background but if I am right, this paper focuses only on the risk of phagocytis and migration (no signficant problem with granulomas in this very limited experiment). They also notice the formation of a thin net that might prevent this risk to some extent.

So the question is: what is the risk associated with a partial phagocytis of the particles and what kind of migration could be expected, in the area of the penis?

@EP : how is your redness now? Do you notice any change? Did you get an answer from for Dr. C? I hope it\'s not anything serious.

capital:@supa : that\'s what you can read on the Newplastic website ( ) :

\"Newplastic consists of solid polymethilmetacrilate microspheres of smooth surface suspended in hydrogel. Looking for quality excellence in raw materials, a selection and purification process of the PMMA microspheres was developed so that they have a standard medium size of 45?. The size of the microspheres avoids phagocytosis, for particles smaller than 30' can be phagocyted by macrophages\"

It would be interesting to know what kind of selection they make to avoid nano particles...

hunkchunkI don\'t really know if any of said studies are relevant, unless this implies it will migrate to our vital organs causing something like heart necrosis? After all it isn\'t carcenogenic and at worse it seems to stimulate the growth of a little bit of collagen which being of our own organism wouldn\'t likely be life threatening?

Also would the alleged \"microsphere phagocytosis\" relate to the initial injection period prior to settlement and collagen growth, roughly the one month period during which the body responds to the foreign substance by surrounding it with a net of fibers which grants us girth? Or does this mean that years down the road we\'ll get a PMMA drift of sizeable consequence causing us to have lesions and bumps that beyond being uncomfortable during the dynamic phases of penile exercise might also become infected or otherwise afflicted?


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