Sorry I been away, I've mostly been busy writing in my pjs lol. I started writing fictional gospel stories after this procedure, which may be the opposite of what most people do after getting this procedure, so I feel getting this procedure is a responsibility to myself and others that I do understand some morale to this socially. So in rare instances I can give the grace of talking about this with those open to it, even when less personably known. But rarely do I tell people about the surgery. Luckily these stories I'm writing is more important to me than the procedure until I've seen more significant gains from stretching. If anyone wants to know more about any kind of moral struggle or wants to know about my fictional gospel poetry I've been writing lately, feel free to message me direct. Feels like the thing to do when establishing the 'new coming inch?' Ya know, rather than a new covenant? Lol.
So for an update on matters less far-reaching, yet still far-reaching, lol. I was stretching for a while with the PSX2, not yet the autoxleeve. I finally got on the phone with Dan at Morganstern because I was having problems with the PSX2 pulling on my scar when I aim my penis down at my knee. In general, with the PSX2, I started getting annoyed with little problems. But to put it plainly, Dan said I really shouldn't worry about stretching at this time. I realized a couple stitches had come undone and was wondering if I needed to get them redone. They told me not to worry and stitches could be touched up easily with just the cost of anesthesia.
Dan also told me that a better stretching tool was the Phallosan Forte (instructions):
It costs $379 and $124 for the Plus which I ended up getting after not getting. So was a little over $500 for the Phallosan Forte (Plus). Seems like a pretty simple device that they got right.
So I honestly stopped stretching for a little while after Dan told me the first six weeks it needed to heal more. But I also felt like I could hold off stretching until I got the PF Plus. Without the plus I couldn't figure out exactly how to stretch, but I also felt like the way to do it was rather painful. This thing doesn't come with instructions in the box. I had to find them online and watch a YouTube video on how to attach it. It's difficult to attach because you have to put the base part on before the silicon tubing and cap. I put on the silicon without the base part like 4 or 5 times yesterday. Get used to sitting when you put this thing on.
After fussing with the rods to get the height right, different silicon sleeves because the ones that came with it are tougher but they pull on the skin more and don't roll out as well over the penis. I tried one PSX2 sleeve on the Forte and it ripped shortly, so I'm working with the sleeves they provided. I like the little pump that comes with it, feels like that adds a little subtle bit of pull from the front tip as well as the back. The box claims you can get nearly 2 inches flaccid even without the ligament surgery, so I feel pretty good this thing'll give some good results.
It's more comfortable for my penis too to hang free between my legs rather than attached to my leg, thigh or abdomen. It feels more natural. So far I haven't felt like wearing it while I sleep even though lots of people have posted doing that. So far, just been wearing it at day. Not sure if there are more benefits to wearing it at night than at day for same duration of time.
So far, I haven't measured myself yet because I know Dr. Carney says it's going to look worse before it looks better. So I look like I'm just a 1/2" to an inch longer flaccid? But it's hard to tell because I haven't measured myself yet. I'm a little timid to once Dan told me not to stretch right away. I'm happy, knowing I'm not thicker, but knowing that thickening can interfere with lengthening if done before lengthening. I have also been able to masterbate without it hurting a little less than a week ago. Was very surprised that cumming didn't hurt after 4.5 weeks.
Masterbating has felt great. My penis does feel bigger, the nerves that were all in the back now are in the front and still getting reacclimatized, but I certainly notice there being more stimulation and longer lasting ejaculations. I've also felt like the book I've been writing has been kinda awakening, so the longer lasting ejaculations could be from the awakenings of writing and the procedure both, because if I wasn't writing things would definitely feel more stimulating, if not more sensually open and awake.
Sorry for not posting so long, but not much was really going on as far as statistics. I was so dedicated to writing. I wrote 13 fictional gospel chapters and have been perfecting them. Takes so much time. Now that I took a little time off, figured was time to talk about the Plus. I think now that I'm using the Plus my increases are going to be very smooth and fairly comfortable.
I've also been smoking weed to help with writing and just recreationally. I was worried that might affect the results somehow. But I stand to be corrected by Dan who said that wouldn't affect it. I figure though that the longer I stretch with the Phallosan Forte the more permanent the results will be. Dr. Carney recommended stretching for a year. I figure that I may even do a year and a half. My own theory is that smoking weed could make the results take longer so by stretching longer it helps weight the benefits. That's my naive opinion, lol
Sometimes when it's cold my penis still shrivels into it's place. I wonder how much less shriveled it will get the more I continue to stretch though. I also don't know if stretching for more than 6 hours a day is alright if it isn't comfortable. In case I decide to wear it both day and at night if it's not uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable until I got the rod length right. I love how it has screws for some micro millimeter/centimeter stretching adjustments as well.
Also, looking forward to being able to run again in a week or so. Will measure myself again a little bit later because I am a little disappointed, knowing that I should be at the moment. The gains mostly come later. In fact, I understand that if not stretching I lose some of the gains made. So I'm pleased I had the surgery, about the Phallosan Forte Plus, what I'm writing in the meantime and that I get to work at home so stretching often I not a problem.
It does still feel like a magical process though, so as many people do with magic, I sorta have doubts about my penis suddenly being longer, but I plan to stay dedicated, and hopefully none of the results after stretching down the road go away. I imagine though that by healing a certain way, even shriveling up is subject to weather, and not gene pool, and that's post surgery. So I'm just waiting to see just how high over the mountain I come.
There's so many variables though. Not sure if relaxing my mind helps, or stretching my legs or thighs, not turning my knees inward, feeling a more positive thinking. These all feel like minor variables to helping keep a penis from shrinking either short or long term.
By the way, after putting on the device, I officially think the verb for wearing the Plus is being "penised-out" putting the Forte on is a pain in the ass, so when you're doing it you're like an astronaut getting 'penised-out' that's what you're doing, pulling your penis out. And when you're using it, you definitely are 'penising out' since it's not hugging any part of the body, lol. But there's still no way to horribly 'penis' somebody like Captain Hero suggests in the show Drawn Together. At least I can still 'penis-out' with my Phallosan Forte Plus though, hahahaha