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TOPIC: What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length?

What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296400287

I\'m always was wondering: how much is the maximal possible gain of erect length you can achieve from stretching? No doubt, all of you at least once heard about unrealistical claims like 3\" 4\" or even more. All of those claimes have no evidence. So what\'s the truth? I myself doing PE for almost 4 years and I\'m gained a little more than 0.5\", maybe 0.6\", and I\'m sceptical about gains more than 1\" or 1.25\", but some members here is claimed about 1.5\" or even 2\". I want to trust this guys, but again, there\'s no proofs and no pics. I\'ve never ever seen a before and after comparison pics with difference more than 1\".Probably many of you guys heard about old primitive tribes who stretched their penises up to 12\" or even 18\", which sounds unrealistic. So do we have any proofs that those tribes are existed? Or it\'s just a fairytales from a PE device salesmans? What do you think? Also, there was a Dr. from Brazil which is now in prison, whose patient gained 16 cm (from 11 cm to 27 cm) which is result of stretching and HCG therapy for 5 years. Here\'s link about him: didn\'t found any pics of this patient, but if you\'re read the article on wikipedia, you can find that was an andrology congress in Miami where this Dr. has presented full report with before and after photos. Also, there was an article about this record in Guinness world records book in 2009.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296400981

Here in West Africa, most of the gains I know about (maybe up to 3 inches) were on those who started the stretching at a very young age. More than that I would think it\'s just fantasy ...

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296403019

I get the suspicion, boards are full of guys making shit up and doctors making false claims and advertisers making up claims to sell pills.

I know for a fact in my case I had my ligs cut 20 years ago and I was 6\". I went to have dermal fat grafts inserted at the time and did not even think about a lig. cut - I don\'t remember if I knew what it was and never gave my length a second thought. When I was there for the pre-surgery checkup the day before I said why not? It was $1,000 extra to throw it in. I had to stretch, hang etc. for 8-10 hours a day for a year and a half and got between 1.25 - 1.5\". I used the grip which may have been one of the only products like it on the market at the time.

I would guess if anyone else does that, 8-10 hours a day at least 6 days a week, for a year and a half - they will gain roughly the same give or take. I could never do it again and I don\'t have pics as this was pre camera-in-your-phone and there were no boards like this, so I am not sure what the point of the pic would have been, but that makes me one of those guys with a claim with no photos.

I have a Dick that fluctuates between 7.25 -7.5 depending on my mood, and I do know, that most of the time when I hear guys say they got nothing, they did no put nearly the amount of energy into I did. Usually, I hear guys saying 1-4 hours a day with light weight, 3-5 days a week. I am no expert but that just doesn\'t seem like any investment and every guy in the world would have a 10\" Dick by now if that was enough.

At the same time, I doubt a lot of the claims that I hear when they are crazy - although some might be true.
2\" + is in the ballpark of crazy to me, but had I done it for 2.5 years and not a year and a half, I probably - or at least maybe could have gotten 2\" too, so what do I know.

The short answer is that it does work and I bet that if someone logged the same hours I did they would probably get what I got - but maybe not, like I said I am no expert, but it did work for me.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296410730

What stretcher did you use. I owned an Andro stretcher some years ago, but there was no way I could wear that for 7-8 hours per day. I gave up after a few weeks, as it was so uncomfortable.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296413278

Herbert West wrote: I\'m always was wondering: how much is the maximal possible gain of erect length you can achieve from stretching? No doubt, all of you at least once heard about unrealistical claims like 3\" 4\" or even more. All of those claimes have no evidence. So what\'s the truth? I myself doing PE for almost 4 years and I\'m gained a little more than 0.5\", maybe 0.6\", and I\'m sceptical about gains more than 1\" or 1.25\", but some members here is claimed about 1.5\" or even 2\". I want to trust this guys, but again, there\'s no proofs and no pics. I\'ve never ever seen a before and after comparison pics with difference more than 1\".Probably many of you guys heard about old primitive tribes who stretched their penises up to 12\" or even 18\", which sounds unrealistic. So do we have any proofs that those tribes are existed? Or it\'s just a fairytales from a PE device salesmans? What do you think? Also, there was a Dr. from Brazil which is now in prison, whose patient gained 16 cm (from 11 cm to 27 cm) which is result of stretching and HCG therapy for 5 years. Here\'s link about him: didn\'t found any pics of this patient, but if you\'re read the article on wikipedia, you can find that was an andrology congress in Miami where this Dr. has presented full report with before and after photos. Also, there was an article about this record in Guinness world records book in 2009.

By which method you were stretching (manually or hanger, extender, ADS)?

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1296757611

I\'ve read a study about the hcg it was for guys that hadn\'t stopped growing and had a micro penis so that\'s why they gained so much.
The truth about these penis enlargement sites is when you stretch the penis you are pulling out inner penis and stretching the ligaments your not making the penis itself bigger.Every man has inner penis the stretching pulls it out,stretching the penis by itself is extremely hard it\'s to strong to deform.

And that picture of the guy with a knot in his Cock is a fake,that tribe that stretches their neck are not making their necks longer their shoulders are actully depressing downwards the neck dosent get longer.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1297030480

Well guys, I\'ve wondered the same thing, in regards to the \'\'maximum\'\' achievable. I\'m going for 3, and I\'m going hard. I\'ve got pictures of my starting size up, and I just put up some new ones of myself in the stretcher (was easier than trying to keep an Erection while taking a picture of myself...just not my strong suite). So far I\'ve gone from a solid, bone pressed 7\'\' to 7.5\'\'. I\'m glad a saw something, but not all too happy only 6.5 wanting to show up to the party because of that god damn fat pad, and hell, I\'m 167. Oh well, I just got more work to do. I\'m doing 5 days a week at roughly 8 to 9 hours a day, and 2 days a week about 4 or so hours a day. Lets see what happens in 6 months. and then a year
As an unimportant aside, length is not my ultimate goal. I don\'t really care all that much about being able to stab through a girls cervix (although my girl does mostly prefer anal, but, aesthetically, I just don\'t want to have a Coke can for a penis when I do finally go to get PMMA. I think aesthetics are important, to us, and to woman. Maybe a huge Dick doesn\'t please anymore or less than someone with skill, but it\'s always nice to be able to make a girl wet themselves as soon as you take off your pants

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1297032426

You may not want to hit the cervix - in fact you don\'t. Butting hitting her A Spot will create explosive (literally) orgasms for her .

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1297034756

Touche\' mate! Dunno if any of you have experienced this, but as far as cervix go, my girl had an IUD and that did not feel good on my head. The small part that comes out would rub the top.
So let\'s see what the max gain of only the extender is!

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 7 months ago #1297038719

duskomr wrote: Touche\' mate! Dunno if any of you have experienced this, but as far as cervix go, my girl had an IUD and that did not feel good on my head. The small part that comes out would rub the top.
So let\'s see what the max gain of only the extender is!

Yep, been there a shit load of times. Hurts like hell. Forces you to not go so deep.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 5 months ago #1299993361

For all those who are asked me. I\'m doing PE for almost 4 years and gained slightly over 0.5\" I trying manual PE like jelq (it\'s absolutely pointless), pumping, but mostly manual stretching and vac extender.If you\'re interested in Erect length increase, or even obsessed with the idea of having a really long penis (like 7.5\" NBPEL or more), please share your experience, your PE routine and etc.Also, it would be nice to hear of your opinions about alternatives for penile lengthening. What\'s in your opinion would be most perspective and effective for EL increase and from what kind of field (surgery, improved chemical PE protocols, stem-cells, regenerative medicine, DNA editing tools like CRISPR, or something else that I haven\'t mentioned here, etc. etc.) and when we get really effective options for penile Erect length increase? Because current options are far away from ideal and not working for all people and even for those who gained some length via stretching, it\'s not enough. For example, guys with 5\"-5.5\" will never be 7\" or more with current options for EL increase that we have in 2017.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 5 months ago #1299996967

duskomr wrote: Touche\' mate! Dunno if any of you have experienced this, but as far as cervix go, my girl had an IUD and that did not feel good on my head. The small part that comes out would rub the top.
So let\'s see what the max gain of only the extender is!

Yes I have and it\'s the worst! Ouch

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 5 months ago #1299999181

The best bet for making your Dick longer is starting at a very young age. IMO this is the truth. Your still developing. Your GH is through the rooof. And i believe you are only limited by your dedication. that being said does anyone really want a 10\" Cock? not me.

and 7.5nbpel is fucking huge. thats pretty much a 8.5\" BPEL.. very very big. I\'ll never get there.

and yes Hanging works. I think 2\" is the limit because most guys when they gain the 2\" dont really see a need to keep gaining.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 5 months ago #1299999206

Herbert west... dry Jelqing is absolutely awesome.

You must not be doing Manual PE correctly bro. Uli\'s and dry Jelqing are fundamental to me. have you ever done Clamping? how can you say they dont work? ever do kegals? ever baloon? ever edge? they work exceptionally well. 4 years and you dont think they work? i dont get it.

If i know i\'m going to be fucking I\'ll dry jelq, and uli for 10 minutes and I\'m up .5\" in Girth. My shit is used to the deformation. And thats the name of the game. If you dont know what your doing then just doing the exercise is pointless. You have to know the anatomy and why you are doing what you are doing.

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What is the truth about stretching for gaining erect length? 7 years 5 months ago #1300004271

Bolkonsky wrote: The best bet for making your Dick longer is starting at a very young age.

Well, I\'m screwed, then.

Bolkonsky wrote: that being said does anyone really want a 10\" Cock?

For ego, absolutely. But I\'d settle for a solid 9\"

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