Yeah, nobody has yet been able to surgically operate, in order to pull one\'s inner penis out of the body. A large proportion remains buried inside, maybe there\'s a good reason for that? Anchoring one\'s virility, for example, against excessive pulling by jelks and jizz? In any case, beyond the usual ligament cut, and it\'s merely
Flaccid gains, nothing can help beyond taking years of efforts to coax the turtle out of its shell.
I\'m still waiting for a viable alternative. Until genetic reengineering of our unit size, I don\'t think I\'ll go for weights or stretchers.I did one of the latter after a lig cut in Russia and was happy when it was over. In the absence of better alternatives, I\'ll stay at 5.5\" EL without proportional
Girth due to
PMMA. Too bad if this makes me a freak. At least I\'m a short and thick freak, that a rare woman might appreciate. This part of our body is either for relief or for pleasure. Not for pain! Ouch...