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TOPIC: Chester's Length Progress Report

Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295131257

Prior to my lig cut when I was 21 (I\'m 42), I probably used to hang around 3\" FL (I\'m 4\" FL). Shit bothered me to no end. The only time I\'ve ever done Hanging exercises was right after the lig cut and I did see some results. But I stopped after only a few weeks, as it was hurting my glans and didn\'t have much time then. I\'ve tried stretching now and then but with very little results. Going through another stretching phase now, but this time with a better stretcher that feels sturdier and more comfortable. It\'s the X4 labs unit (recommended by CPW). I think comfort is the key to attaining growth. You really have to put in the time to see results. I also think that confusing the tissue with varying stress may also be effective. I\'ve had the LG Hanger (recommended by Latin Log) for a couple months now, but used it for the first time yesterday. Hung a hammer from it between my legs. It was very comfortable. I\'m buying one of those women\'s aerobic sets on Amazon (2-10 lbs) so I can hang smarter. My goal is 7\" EL, currently at 6.25\". If I can reach it, I\'ve decided to reward that goal and treat myself to a filler procedure, with the Girth increase goal of 0.5\" - 0.75\" (at 5.5\" now). My overall goal is 7\" EL x 6\". As for filler material, I\'m currently leaning towards Ellanse, so Subtle77\'s report is of particular interest to me. I\'ll update this report bimonthly with stats.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295132016

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chester wrote: Prior to my lig cut when I was 21 (I\'m 42), I probably used to hang around 3\" FL (I\'m 4\" FL). Shit bothered me to no end. The only time I\'ve ever done Hanging exercises was right after the lig cut and I did see some results. But I stopped after only a few weeks, as it was hurting my glans and didn\'t have much time then. I\'ve tried stretching now and then but with very little results. Going through another stretching phase now, but this time with a better stretcher that feels sturdier and more comfortable. It\'s the X4 labs unit (recommended by CPW). I think comfort is the key to attaining growth. You really have to put in the time to see results. I also think that confusing the tissue with varying stress may also be effective. I\'ve had the LG Hanger (recommended by Latin Log) for a couple months now, but used it for the first time yesterday. Hung a hammer from it between my legs. It was very comfortable. I\'m buying one of those women\'s aerobic sets on Amazon (2-10 lbs) so I can hang smarter. My goal is 7\" EL, currently at 6.3\" - 6.4\". If I can reach it, I\'ve decided to reward that goal and treat myself to a filler procedure, with the Girth increase goal of 0.5\" - 0.75\" (at 5.5\" now). My overall goal is 7\" EL x 6\". As for filler material, I\'m currently leaning towards Ellanse, so Subtle77\'s report is of particular interest to me. I\'ll update this report bimonthly with stats.

Very nice the LG. I use it as a Hanger and ADS.

How many 0.inches did you make till now?

I think you can reach your goal if you combine both Hanging an extending. 0.6\" is nothing super crazy, it is achievable.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295132039

Hey Chester,

Keep us posted on your progress. As you know it takes time to get length for many.... did for me. Keep working it and it\'ll happen.

You\'re interesting to me because we started off at about the same place - both in length and in Girth. At one time my goal too was 7\" x 6\". I did Girth and length basically at the same time. Now I think it would have been better to get length first then Girth. So bravo to you for doing it the right way!

Checkout,, and They all have good info on extending, Hanging, Jelqing, etc.

The thing that has happened to me is as I achieved my stated goal I realized I wanted more. I hit 7\" at just about 1500 hours in the x4. That was with a fair amount of Jelqing and heating too. I\'m now over 2000 hours. I haven\'t measured in months but I don\'t visually detect a difference so no reason to measure yet.

Good luck and thanks again for posting.

I\'m looking forward to reading your progress reports.


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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295168569

SSC wrote:
Very nice the LG. I use it as a Hanger and ADS.

How many 0.inches did you make till now?

I think you can reach your goal if you combine both Hanging an extending. 0.6\" is nothing super crazy, it is achievable.

Thanks, Poya. I think I overstated my length, due to measuring 6.4 once a couple of months back (maybe I was warmer?), but I\'ve since only seen 6.25, so I\'ve revised my numbers.

As for gains, I\'d say 0.25 after 4-5 months of stretching. Should be interesting with the Hanging addition.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295168645

CPW wrote: Hey Chester,

Keep us posted on your progress. As you know it takes time to get length for many.... did for me. Keep working it and it\'ll happen.

You\'re interesting to me because we started off at about the same place - both in length and in Girth. At one time my goal too was 7\" x 6\". I did Girth and length basically at the same time. Now I think it would have been better to get length first then Girth. So bravo to you for doing it the right way!

Checkout,, and They all have good info on extending, Hanging, Jelqing, etc.

The thing that has happened to me is as I achieved my stated goal I realized I wanted more. I hit 7\" at just about 1500 hours in the x4. That was with a fair amount of Jelqing and heating too. I\'m now over 2000 hours. I haven\'t measured in months but I don\'t visually detect a difference so no reason to measure yet.

Good luck and thanks again for posting.

I\'m looking forward to reading your progress reports.


Thanks for your support, CPW. For the same reasons, your postings have always been interesting to me. I want to also thank you for recommending the Xlabs unit. I had a previous extender (Male Edge), which was crappy and even more expensive, but the Xlabs is eons better.

Will definitely update my progress here bimonthly. I\'ll also upload pics with stats, along with my regimen.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295168674

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chester wrote: Thanks, Poya. I think I overstated my length, due to measuring 6.4 once a couple of months back (maybe I was warmer?), but I\'ve since only seen 6.25, so I\'ve revised my numbers.

As for gains, I\'d say 0.25 after 4-5 months of stretching. Should be interesting with the Hanging addition.

Yes, but I do not recommend to hang heavy. Stay away, it does not worth the risk. I did it in the past and EQ was down. I personally would say no more than 10lbs in your life. Safe between 5-10lbs, and... TIME.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295168756

Ok, here are pics. EL at 6.25\" & EG at 5.5\". The latter is a base measurement, so it\'s closer to 6\".

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295174359

Hi everyone. I\'m new here but i feel like I have some valuable input. i used to be a member at PEGYM. My name was bolkonsky if anyone remembers me there.

I\'ve been manuel PEing for about 5 -6 years now. I started at about 6\'\' el and after a lot of Hanging with the bib i got to 7.5\'\' And then after not Hanging at all just stretching every now and then I\'m at 7\'\'.

FYI I dont see anything wrong with heavy weights.. I hang now probably 3 or 5 times a week just to keep things loose and limber and i hang with 20lbs no prob.

I really want to get back to 7.5\'\' or even 8\'\' so i\'m really looking into getting my lig cut and hang for a month and use an ads.

Do you guys think that getting my lig cut would prove worth it considering all the Hanging i\'ve already done?

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295176482

Bolkonsky wrote: Hi everyone. I\'m new here but i feel like I have some valuable input. i used to be a member at PEGYM. My name was bolkonsky if anyone remembers me there.

I\'ve been manuel PEing for about 5 -6 years now. I started at about 6\'\' el and after a lot of Hanging with the bib i got to 7.5\'\' And then after not Hanging at all just stretching every now and then I\'m at 7\'\'.

FYI I dont see anything wrong with heavy weights.. I hang now probably 3 or 5 times a week just to keep things loose and limber and i hang with 20lbs no prob.

I really want to get back to 7.5\'\' or even 8\'\' so i\'m really looking into getting my lig cut and hang for a month and use an ads.

Do you guys think that getting my lig cut would prove worth it considering all the Hanging i\'ve already done?

I\'d say do not get a lig cut. You have done well without surgery, why add risk and cost?
Lig cut has NEVER proven to add any Erect length, as a matter of fact can take away EL.
It\'s time with proper Hanging that adds length, and even then, its the minority who can add anything above 0.25-0.5\"

I plan to star Hanging soon, so what\'s the best Hanger out there? LG? where is the best place to get it?

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295177069

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Mustang2020 wrote:
I\'d say do not get a lig cut. You have done well without surgery, why add risk and cost?
Lig cut has NEVER proven to add any Erect length, as a matter of fact can take away EL.
It\'s time with proper Hanging that adds length, and even then, its the minority who can add anything above 0.25-0.5\"

I plan to star Hanging soon, so what\'s the best Hanger out there? LG? where is the best place to get it?

Mustang, the LG is what I use. After tried almost everything on the market, I would say this is the best. It is a tank, is not discret, but you can hang up to 25lbs (which I do not recommend, at least for long time). It is custom made according your Girth size. It is not cheap but it worths every dollar you pay. Also you can use it at home as an ADS with loose pants. They have another discret ADS if you want it.

You can visit their website and ask them whatever you want, they are friendly. And you can visit PEGym, where there is a dedicated section for the LG (questions, problems, advices and tricks for more comfort with wraping, etc.). The learn curve is easy, also you can check their youtube channel where a well known member from PEGYm shows how to use it.

Another thing I would like to add... I think almost everybody can gain between 0.5\"-1\" EL with ADS and/or Hanging. But it takes time, I mean moths/years. Do it almost every day, and apply enough tension/weigth to start collagen remodelation, and you will gain. The question is, how much you want it? Because I saw is where people fails. They believe is like putting your super cool stretcher for 2-3 hours a day and you will get your Inch in six months... No way. You have to be there for the long haul.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295177524


I agree.

I\'ve gained 0.75\" in 1500 hours of extending (and Jelqing). I\'m now at 2000 hours extending and I\'m still at 0.75\" gain. I\'ll keep going (hopefully) until I get to 2500 hours and if I have truly stopped gaining then I may switch to Hanging. Hanging seems easier to me but at the same time it also seems more risky so I haven\'t starting Hanging yet.

Hanging seems easier to me but at the same time it seems more risky.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295177834

Hey Bolkonsky - second on not getting your ligs cut. I had mine done 20 years ago. Nothing bad happened to me but I didn\'t gain anything until I hung every day for a year and a half and got 1.25\" permanent gains. I assume if it had anything to do with the lig. cut it would not have taken a year and a half of at least 8 hours a day of Hanging - I used the Grip. I used to be a member of Thunderspalce when Bib was really getting popular. I am sort of amazed that it has so much staying power - it must actually work. Lig cut is a big waste of money and you are opening yourself up to all sorts of issues. I have never heard of guys getting more than 1.25 - 1.5 inches Hanging but there may be a few out there. I would just keep on doing what you are doing as you are already in the minority. I would just try changing up your routine - sort of like the gym, or get a second piece of equipment. If I recall the Bib just hangs straight down? You may want to try something that hits a different angle but skip the surgery. I was also a member of PEGym years ago and I think I do remember you, lol.

*Sorry Chester I just realized this was in your progress report.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295178397

Good point. It\'s your thread Chester.... Sorry about redirecting somewhat.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295178525

No prob, guys. As long as we\'re all talking length here, it\'s all good to me.

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Chester's Length Progress Report 7 years 11 months ago #1295179975

SSC wrote:
Yes, but I do not recommend to hang heavy. Stay away, it does not worth the risk. I did it in the past and EQ was down. I personally would say no more than 10lbs in your life. Safe between 5-10lbs, and... TIME.

Thanks for the tip. I just purchased that aerobic hand weight set on Amazon. Starting with 2lbs. Will post my length regime soon.

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