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TOPIC: going in for the filler consultation tomorrow

going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290773350

i am going in for my consultation TOMORROW

just took my starting stats and pic so I can reliably compare - as advised by so many of the experienced members of the forum.
i want OBJECTIVE FACTUAL EVIDENCE of any effect of any procedure if i go ahead.
the consultation is obviously \'no commitment to proceed\' although i wouldnt be going in for the consultation if i wasnt serious.

i will keep you posted !

if this needs to be moved to some other thread then please do so, although all the \'patient progress reports\' appear to be of PMMA or \'slice and dice\' procedures so i didnt think it fitted in, anyway, perhaps better to wait until i have it done.

- FG 5 Inch more or less - pictured (1FT to 1FT 5) - had to hold it out to keep the tape on it
- FL 4.8 Inch NBP, just laid tape along it (not including Foreskin) - sorry it was not possible to take the photo with tape measure balanced along the length, i only have 2 hands.

its surprisingly hard to take these pics isnt it? lol

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290773500

Are you going to doctor Mirza?

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290773695

nope, i am in london, uk
but anyway, that guy sounded a bit shady to me and belotero doesnt last very long even the manufacturer says 6 to 9 months only. given the cost thats not very long. i would be looking for minimum 12 months. i think the longevity of belotero may vary depending on the type of - balance, soft or intense.
i am going to be discussing the various fillers in the consultation although they pretty much prefer juvederm voluma or ultra plus xc. but will see what else is on offer while i am there. i am a \'filler geek\' these days

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290774102

Good Luck

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290774381

That\'s pretty good already mischiefmkr!
I\'m only FG 4inch, FL 4.1 Inch
EG 5. EL 6.1.

Do you mind me asking your measurements when Erect, now you would never asked that sort of question with a mate down the pub!!!!!

If I remember correctly you have stated you pump/hang, are you still doing this? How beneficial has this been for you? I\'m wondering whether I should start this before HA. I was looking at purchasing a bathmate/ extender...... I\'m worried if I do this after HA (if I decide to go ahead) it may affect the end result, but I also wonder if i need to put HA on hold until I have been pumping/stretching for a year or so.......

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290785183

@007 - dont mind you asking. i mean thats what the forum is about really.

EL - 7.5 ish
EG - 5.5 ish

kind of varies, as we all do i think. i am more \'shower\' than \'grower\'.
I think its a bit thicker since pumping. for sure its a lot thicker right after pumping as any pumper will tell you. but if you decide to do that, make sure you do a LOT of reading up so that you do it right, otherwise you will bruise, get red spots everywhere and mess up your ability to get erections. although all that stuff goes back to normal if you stop pumping for a few weeks. have a look at as there is good advice on how to do it properly there. it takes time. months and months before you get any feeling of sustained difference. but anyway in my experience everything goes exactly back to where it was when you stop for a few weeks. except your foreskin will definitely be longer.

dont waste your money on a bathmate btw - they are a pain in the arse to use. just get a normal pump set from a sex shop, cheapo job is fine, and see how you go with that. if you think its worth it after a month or so of slowly building up use, then buy a better one - normal plastic cock tube and hand pump with a pressure gauge. those bathmates are pricey and i dunno about you but i dont sit in a bath for hours at a time !

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290785547

If I had your measurements I would be well chuffed. I guess we always want more - human nature!

Thanks for the link and the other comments.

More importantly how did you get on with your consultation?

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290785617

How was the consultation?

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290786505

hi @hoddle

well i was going to wait till tomorrow to post on that, after sleeping on it.
but if you want the immediate reaction, here it is

- place was one of those harley street offices where they hire rooms out to whoever, professional reception etc but the \'treatment\' rooms were a bit rubbish imo. if it was the local gp i would have thought \'bit rubbish\', anyway just an observation. but maybe thats all very normal for this kind of thing, i dunno, i just expected to have the treatment somewhere that felt a bit less \'posh house\' and a bit more \'clinic\'
- the doctor is Dr Horn - look him up - very experienced by all accounts - he does all kinds of cosmetic surgery
- bedside manner - seemed at best disinterested. sorry but its true. i wanted to ask a lot of questions, he seemed in a hurry to just get me to get through the medical questions. i asked about other fillers, he said he just did juvederm. i asked about macrolane and why nobody used it anymore. i asked about fat transfer, he had a little more to say about that. he had never heard of \'Ellanse\' filler - or just didnt want to discuss it maybe.
- i had done my research myself and knew everything already. i told him that after a few minutes. he did have at least 2 other patients (female) waiting, i know cos i heard them say to the receptionist when they came in) and i had to wait for 30 minutes past my appointment time to see him so maybe he was running late, but not my problem, sort out your admin etc.
- the other guy, the one i corresponded with (obviously the \'agent\' who gets the customers in then just books the doctor) was more friendly etc., was there to meet me and we had a good talk after the doctor \'consultation\'. if it hadnt been for him, i would probably not have stayed.
- anyway, i knew i wanted to go ahead already so i told the doc the volume i wanted - he told me the most they will do in one go is 8ml and the usual is 6ml - i told him i wanted 8. he did inform me that it would add \'about 3cm to the Girth\'. he did have a quick look at my penis.

- i then was given a tube of lidocaine cream, told to go downstairs to the toilet in the corridor - seriously i am not kidding you, this i could not believe - and apply it, then come back upstairs and wait in another room for about 15 minutes as he was going to speak to another patient. the toilet (only 1) was busy so i stand in the corridor making small talk with the \'agent\' guy for 5 minutes, with people siting in the waiting room and reception a few feet away. obviously i am just fully clothed and holding my coat and gym bag and this tube of lidocaine.
- go into toilet, rub cream on, pull pants and trousers back up, which fucking obviously rubbed most of the cream off.
- go up to room to wait for doctor, have much more interesting discussion with \'agent\' guy about PE procedures, tell him about this board and how i will be posting everything, how i took before pictures and measurements, how there is a lot of myth and fear and general nonsense about PE surgery options etc. he was actually pretty interested but mostly reinforcing his message that anything other that HA injections is dangerous. i was a bit surprised he did not know a lot about every kind of PE already and that he was completely unaware there are several online forums full of guys who have had PMMA and all sorts. anyway, decent guy but you know, dont expect to learn anything you cant find out in 30 minutes on this forum.
- then had to pay for the procedure - '3300 if anyone is interested.
- doctor comes in, a bit more pleasant and slightly more conversational.
- i told him the lidocaine had not worked and i could absolutely feel my penis skin like normal and that perhaps he should provide paitients with a bit of cling film or something so the cream didnt just rub off when they were walking up and down stairs to the toilets...
- so i lay down and he gets to sticking me with the syringes of juvederm ultra plus - the one thing he did say is he didnt recommend voluma this time, because of the effect, but didnt really explain why in detail. the juvederm he used it has lidocaine in it thank god because i felt every single injection but i am not squeamish about things like that so it was somewhat uncomfortable but not end of the world. i flinched once or twice. i think he stuck me about 16 times, twice per syringe.
- it took maximum 10 minutes. i was chatting away throughout about PE stuff and he was responding to my questions. i asked if he wanted me to shut up in case it distracted him, he said he didnt mind one way or the other. he said something about massaging it in a few days in case there was unevenness but did not describe how. [EDIT: anyway turns out it wasnt necessary really. it was fine after a few days]
- then he said \'we\'re done\' stuck a bit of paper towel on my penis and went to wash his hands.

- i was unimpressed by the bedside manner. maybe everyone doesnt expect friendly but i do, its a service industry.

- i had a good look at my penis. it was obviously covered in little blood spots where the needle went in. looked a bit bigger, not that noticeable though. disappointed but unsurprised given that i know what 20 ml of saline looks like in my penis, so 8ml of filler, well, its going to be less isnt it. i knew that before though.

- said thanks, shook his hand and left. bumped into the \'agent\' guy in the corridor who was pleasant and asked how it was.

- came home and had a look and a quick measure. its about 0.75 of an Inch wider. i was really hoping for an Inch. bear in mind that i can pump my penis up to 7inch Girth for free at home so i felt somewhat underwhelmed.

glad it wasnt my life savings blown and i could afford to experiment this one time. if your expectations are modest, its fine and the effect is aesthetically realistic (from what i can see so far) and there is no downtime really. its was a bit nippy with each injection and a bit achy now but basically, nothing dramatic. if you want about half Inch Girth and just want to get it stuck in you and then fuck off back home as quickly as possible, its fine.

i think they might need to work on the overall service and customer experience.

[EDIT next day - in fact it was kind of lumpy and not spread out for a few days, then it kind of evened out more or something, so for anyone else considering it, dont stress if it seems a bit lumpy for a few days because after a week it kind of gets better]
i knew exactly what the overall experience would be like and exactly the effect in advance, i would just go to that macrolane doctor in antibes (france) but then he never responds to emails so thats not much good.

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290786579

btw - as i told both the doc and the agent about the board, and that they could no doubt join and post if they wanted, they may well do. i also told them that no promotion or dissing of people or other doctors was allowed and that they would be banned promptly if they tried any of that. i said that doctor opinion is likely welcome if objective and factual and helped dispel myths.
so maybe they will join. dunno. if anyone starts banging on about Androfill, well, i know...

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290790600

Thanks for the update mischiefmkr.
When you think of Harley street and expensive plastic surgery, you would think the facility\'s and service would be exceptional on all accounts!!!
Obviously my main concern would be the skill of the surgeon but I have to agree that if the surgeon seems uninterested then it doesn\'t make you feel at ease that he will do his best to get the best outcome. I can only think the one reason maybe it\'s because it\'s such a simple procedure it terns of surgeon skills required. - so why is it so expensive!!!?! I hear you ask. Or is it just plain snobbery.

So you gained just shy of 2cm when they stated it should add 3cm!
That\'s '1650 per cm! For 10 minutes work......
I have a consultation at the beginning of March. I starting to question whether I\'m doing the right thing. I\'m not excately loaded at the moment, having recently paid out a lot of expense. New family car & extension.

Has your FL increased at all, plus do you have some improvement when Erect?
You can pump your Girth to 7 Inch at home, how long does this last? May I ask what device you are using?
Macrolane Dr in France.......... I wonder.

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290790957

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That seems like a success to me - if you got .75\" from 8ml of Juvederm, and it took only 10 min - and it looks natural.
I don\'t quite get how some fillers will give you in 8ml what others take 20+ ml for similar results. I think the slow build up is the way to go for me, I\'d rather have the aesthetics than the size and this way seems more controllable. (I had to look up what \"chuffed\" meant and \"he couldn\'t be arsed\", lol)
Never heard of a clinic though where they send you in the bathroom to put on your own painkiller, that\'s sort of crazy.

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290795710

@007 - to be honest, if i were you and money is not going spare, i would invest in a pump and have a bit of fun with that for some months and see if that does it for you. i was very happy pumping for about a year and a half but then i got bored of clanking around the flat for hours with this plastic tube on my Cock and my jogging pants round my knees. lol. but true.
results from pumping are way in excess of what i imagine is possible with Hyaluronic Acid, and frankly most results i have seen. BUT results are of course temporary - lasts good for about 6 hours if you use a tight rubber cockring, will still see the effect 24 hours later, mostly back to normal 48 hours later.
AND you really really must read up on it before jumping in. but my experience, i started with a cheapo pump set i bought on amazon, then once i decided i was up for doing it more, i bought a better \'tube\' and pump with a pressure gauge - v important cos you can really fuck up your Cock if you go to too high pressure. but believe me you KNOW when the pressure is too high as it hurts like hell !

regarding the doctor - he absolutely did a good job and knew what he was doing. i think you are right, its not the most interesting work but hey, it certainly pays well ! perhaps i was a little hard on him last night, feeling underwhelmed with result i hoped, expected, to get.
i imagine he was thinking \'oh god, here we go with another guy wanting a massive Cock when there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he has\' but anyway. whatever, a genuine smile and bit of friendliness would have been nice. BUT I HAVE AN UPDATE (NEXT MESSAGE)

@hunkydory - i guess you are right, just i really expected an Inch minimum. but the body is what it is and results are not an exact science. however, important point, it looks very natural shape and size [EDIT - in fact its very lumpy and must be smoothed out with massage - just realised tonight when i got hard],
as long as your expectations are modest and you have the money to spare, bearing in mind it is a temporary procedure, we are talking 12 months here, it may be a good option.
i cant imagine there being any danger of bad results - it is temporary so mis-shapes, infections or serious fuck ups with something this simple and used hundreds of thousands of times in peoples faces, its no going to cause any permanent problems. but you got to be happy with what you get size wise and willing to work over it a bit

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290795788


so, i got an email this afternoon from the agent guy, which kind of surprised me. asking how i was, how i felt about the results, if all was well health wise etc. and that the doctor was interested in hearing how i was doing.

it was a nice touch and led me to slightly revised my previous judgement. not that it changes anything about having to stand in a bloody corridor waiting to put numbing cream on my Cock in an effing toilet cubicle. but, yeah, they definitely moved back into a somewhat positive score on service there.

i provided detailed feedback on my feelings about the results - disappointed and underwhelmed - but confirmed that the shape etc was good, no problems with pain or anything bad, skin was healing up nicely and all that.

so an hour later i got an email offering a follow up session in a few weeks, if i would like, using the voluma filler (that I originally said i wanted instead of the ultra plus) and also with a deal on the cost as its a repeat visit. i am going to chew that over, might go for another 4 but wont decide for sure for another week. i want to let this settle in first and also dont want to get overly obsessed.

agent was very honest and said they have had a couple of guys got a bit obsessive about it and came back a few times but the doc will only do a certain amount in total and ultimately refused after a few top ups. i was glad to hear that actually. the doc knows what he is doing by not putting loads in at once.

however, i now realise that the injection of 1ml quantities x 8 means you get a load of small lumps of filler that you then need to work over. i will keep you posted on how this works out
[EDIT - after a week or so it kind of evened out on its own, well, with a bit of \'massage\' by me, i think it absorbs water from the body a bit or something so it spreads a bit, which is good, not like it moves around weirdly or anything]

will keep you all posted if you are interested.

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going in for the filler consultation tomorrow 9 years 1 month ago #1290795955

Thanks for the update.

Can you confirm that he used a cannula?

It will be interesting to see what you measure after a week or so.

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