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TOPIC: AstroD's debriefing

AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290549873

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Well, gents, i have a huge Dick! And it doesn\'t seem to want to turtle so much, but that\'s probably from the Flonase that is now an included medicine for the price. As a matter of fact, the reason they increased the pricing was to be able to include all the items that they used to charge extra for, like the ESL40, the antibiotics, the anti-inlammatory injection in the arm, the Atavan to help us chill, the antiseptic cleaner, and the extra sterile gauzes.

They took pictures before and after. I allowed them to be used in any publication for research purposes.

I had Wade, Dr. C, and Christian in the operating room. Their office is very nice. They know their stuff!

So, I guess my Dick really did need all the help it could get. I received Metacrill which was produced in 5/2015 and expires in 5/2016. They used 22cc of 30% for the whole shlong!

My pecker looked fantastic. I know it won\'t stay that way, and as a matter of fact, its starting to swell and trying to retract somewhat. I\'m gonna have to keep pulling on it all night. Also, it\'s still leaking from about 6 holes (3 on each side). The pressure bandage did nothing to stop it. It\'s still doing so 8 hours after surgery. I didn\'t bring the liquid bandage but I kind of wish I did now.

Anyway, I\'m glad i did it and if it tends to resorb too much, I won\'t deny that I have thought to come back for a 2nd round. The way it looks now is amazing.

I will post pictures soon. I don\'t know how to do it with this new MacBook Pro. I\'m an old school Windows user. So later!

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290552092

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Hey AstroD, glad you got good results, but I would caution about liquid bandages or preventing the weeping. Just from reading this board over and over, the injection sites are where the hard nodules form if the PMMA builds up at the sites as it tried to escape. I don\'t think you want to prevent the weeping, if it was me, I would encourage it a bit until the body heals by closing the injection sites. - I have not had PMMA but that seems to be a lot of peoples issues. Someone else may want to chime in on this is if got it wrong.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290552552

Happy healing my friend. Don\'t do the liquid bandages. I used liquid bandages after the weeping had stopped only as a precaution to avoid any risk of infection for sexual purposes with my wife. However, I could have just as easily used a condom. I opted for the o\'natural.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290552709

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Hi guys. Yes, that\'s the reason I didn\'t bring any liquid bandage or Arnica gel with me, due to the advise of many folks on here to the contrary. The office actually gave me a tube called Aqua-Septa antiseptic gel. It\'s like a hand wipe gel but without any alcohol. Mine are still weeping, and I\'m hoping it\'ll stop soon.

I have an appointment at 10:45 today for a post op checkup. I tried massaging my new member but it\'s very swollen and I can\'t tell what\'s PMMA or swelling, so I\'m leaving it alone. Beside, it\'s pretty sore. I\'ll report what they say later. I\'m trying to figure out how to attach photos on a Macbook pro.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290552756

Congrats my PMMA brother! Wow! 22cc at 30% is a great round 1.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290553319

Congratulations, and happy healing!

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290553562

My entry holes leaked for 5 days each time. That\'s why I said to bring plastic gloves, alcohol wipes to blot the holes & clean the gloves before massaging. (don\'t use the gel on your whole penis or it\'ll dry out and be very painful). And even maxi pads that you can cut up (or a diaper or whatever) - the leaking does not stop and gauze cant absorb it after 10 minutes. It can go on for 5 days.

Anyway, good luck.

I think the price went up because the product is more expensive and the demand is higher. All that other stuff was always included.

Did you pick metacrill over linnea safe for any reason? Just curious if they had any thoughts on the two.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290557129

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I was not given a choice about product. Doc introduced himself and we talked some and he examined me. Then I heard Christian ask the doc what percent they were using, and he said 30. That\'s all I knew before the surgery. I was pretty shaky, so they gave my an Atavan (no charge).

I brought the items on my list, but left some at home due to advise here, you know like the liquid bandage, the supplements, the Arnica, and a couple other things.

I have plenty of gauze, max pads, tape, gloves et cetera. But the holes still weep. I asked Wade this morning about liquid bandage, and he said to never use it because it\'ll plug up and form pimples. He said it\'s best to let it weep until it stops naturally. He also mentioned that people may think they\'re loosing a lot of product, but it\'s very minuscule and mostly blood plasma and water. If there is a pimple there eventually, he said to press it down with your nail edge.

Wade had to move some product from my glans/circ scar area back towards the base (mostly just towards mid shaft. He said many times it wants to collect there so the three days after surgery it\'s crucial to move it back to mid shaft. I kind of like the idea of a larger front shaft, but he said it would be rock hard, so move it! He told me to come back again at %;30 tonight as a last look before I go home tomorrow.

Diana is such a cool gal, and she\'s very courteous and professional. She gave me the medical lane pass to go back to the US. She said it would only take 20 minutes versus hours. She\'s a doll.

Wade gave me a new ESL40 and showed me how to apply it to a swollen Dick...namely put it just on the glans. The guy is a cool dude, reminds me of a surfer from Southern California back in the day. Dr. C is also very down to earth and not stuffy like some docs. It looks like all three of them work out a lot. Makes me want to start that as my next transformation. One is never too old.

I\'ll update again after my 5:30 appointment. Still trying to figure out the photo deal on this darn machine!

PS Anything you guys want me to ask them while I\'m there?

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290559164

Oh - linnea safe is gone? If you\'re not gone, ask them what happened.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290559365

Hi Astro D

All the Best for your recovery.

Looking forward to hear from you on the updates.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290559390

Congrats on the procedure. Enjoy the new feel of it. More procedures can be addicting. Once you get thru the procedure you realize you pictured it in your head worse than it is.


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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290559523

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Thanks Aviator.

Resto, I asked about LS, and I was told that Dr. C still utilizes it but that they don\'t have it in stock right now and are waiting on a shipment. They said that the materials are really the same and that the higher cost for it is really due to the shipping charges. I thought it was more like name brand versus generic myself. Anyway, if someone wants that stuff to be used on them, they\'ll have to make sure it\'s in stock and make the appointment to coincide.

Wade moved my follow up appointment up this afternoon from 5:30 to 4:00. He told me that the 30% product is wanting to settle around my circ scar, and that I HAVE to keep rolling it down towards the base or it will set up hard and make my Dick look like a maraca! Works for me! But seriously, he said that it will be very difficult to move around after tomorrow. He said it sets in about three days, so Sunday it will not move any longer. My surgery was Thursday at let\'s say 12 noon, so Sunday noon i\'m screwed if I lay off the rolling.

And guys, this is not massaging!!! Wade goes in there with his thumb and presses real hard to move the product around. He had me feel it while he pushed the product, and called it ROLLING, which is exactly the movement he was doing, and I\'ll tell you, it doesn\'t feel all that good! Maybe I\'m just a woos and feel pain more, so I\'ll be taking some extra ibuprofen that I brought to help. They give you a few 600mg pills, But I\'m big (yes pun) and 800mg at a time helps me most.

These guys are so good! They even told me that I can come in tomorrow morning to wrap it before my trip back if I want. He said that Christian and Dr. C will be there. I\'m not so sure that it will need it wrapped though. A big bulge will demand attention from TSA!

Wade told me that it\'s better to roll without gloves, on dry skin. He said the friction moves it better. Not sure I\'m sold on that philosophy yet, but I\'m gonna try and report later. I\'d just as soon watch porn like I\'ve been doing (boring now that I\'m not into it any longer, I want the real thing) but which for some reason, I don\'t seem to stay Erect for too long, even with Cialis 5mg. Time to up the dosage I say!

He also told me toy keep it warm, like with a sock (which I did not do the first night forgot), but he said it\'s ok to shower in hot water and manipulate the torpedo in there. I already did that this morning and my Dick hasn\'t fallen off yet, so the water isn\'t so bad, I just won\'t drink it. I have brushed my teeth with it and my tummy is A-OK!

Time to ROLL!

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290563126

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Well, went to bed last night with my Dick looking good, all massaged rolled into a nicely formed tapered rocket ship. This morning the whole shape is off again and it looks like one of those dicks you see from an elist implant page: the whole front looks like an exaggerated Foreskin.

Now I know I\'m still swollen, but Wade had assured me that there definitely is product in there that has migrated back to the front due to inflammation pressures and internal spaces. So time to start molding again. I\'m a little more sore today than the last two days. I think I\'ll take a hot shower first to soften things up. The entry points have pretty much stopped oozing, so I don\'t think I\'ll stop in today for a wrap. Ill wear my trusty ESL40 to the airport, take it off before security, then put it back on after. When I get home, I\'ll probably keep the ADS on as long as I can tolerate or have to pee. Wade said by tomorrow, it\'ll have pretty much set up inside so I want to mold as much as I can while I can and work through the discomfort.

For some reason, my VY scar is very sore underneath. There had been a very noticeable ridge where the alleged ligament had been cut, and they filled it in, so I can\'t feel it anymore, which is nice. But I\'m massaging the hell out of it so that it doesn\'t become rock hard or elevated and takes away from the EL.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290564708

Keep working it and you\'ll be fine. And continue to wear the extender to. Seems like things are progressing well.

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AstroD's debriefing 9 years 1 month ago #1290568411

It\'ll be sore for a few days trust me. But keep moving the product and manipulating it to how you want to be shaped. I\'ve been able to go 4 days moving mine but it was different with each session.
The stretcher will help allot if you can keep it stretched out, it really helps with Turtling and keeping the product away from the head.

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