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TOPIC: Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA

Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284972461

The title says it all... I\'m supposed to go in on the 6th, and am now wondering if I should give it a few months and see if results start turning out better. I don\'t have the money for 3, 4, or 5 rounds. Have to get my gains quickly, or its not worth going. Any opinions on this would be appreciated. I understand that people need to go have the procedure done in order to sort it out, but I don\'t want to be the guinea pig :/

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284973814

I don\'t know what it is but I think something is not right. I haven\'t been around here for long but I have done a lot of reading on PB and there is a definite change in the results lately compared with a while ago. I\'ve read some members who\'ve reported poor gains with Dr N in Prague also. To me it seems to be more than a coincidence, but I have no idea why its happening.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284974816

I am in the same boat. The recent results suck and it\'s pretty concerning.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284975144

I wonder if it would be possible to buy Linnea Safe from Brazil and take it with you to either Dr C, Dr N or Dr C-M. Apparently Dr C can\'t get Linnea Safe anymore for some reason. But if they ship direct to the patient and then the patient takes it with them, maybe they could convince their chosen Dr to inject them.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284978170

I almost made a post about this a couple of months ago. Very concerning indeed. Glad I didn\'t go through with it.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284979066

I hope they have this fixed soon. I just confirmed my appointment for Januaury 6.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284979189

Another option could be to try and negotiate a different price, but for a lower amount of CC\'s. I know our members seem allergic to the idea of asking for a lower amount, but if you actually do your research, as opposed to convincing yourselves you\'ve done sufficient research, then you\'ll notice there is a clear trend of diminishing returns per CC. I think it would be much better to pay $1800 and get 12cc, than $2500 and get 27cc. I bet no one would get less than 1/4\" with 12cc and most would get around 1/2\". I think we\'d see far less of the aesthetic issues we\'ve been seeing recently and far less disappointment among members. No one can be too disappointed if they only gained 1/4\", but had no aesthetic issues and it only cost $1800. I\'d happily pay that and prepare myself for a few trips.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284979903

Yikes, I might have to forfeit my deposit to hold the appointment... That sucks, but I might rather lose $250, and have no risk, and no gain than pay $3000, have risk, and little gain. I will definitely NOT be ok with 1/4 gain. For such a huge hassle and the risks involved, I\'ve got to at least hope for 1/2 Inch. A LOT to think about before going to get a rental car for the trip tomorrow. It may be a sign from the gods for me to hold off for now :/

I really appreciate all the feedback, guys. A lower CC amount is also a thought, but for a 1/4 Inch expected gain, I\'d prolly want to pay more like $1,200, IMO.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284979976

Or future clients could pay what I paid $1500 for 19cc of 10% and another $1500 for 17cc of 20%. This price hike is ridiculous for the amount of time and planning that goes into visiting Tijuana Mexico and the client receiving less than stellar gains. I was a Newplastic client (now being rebranded as linneasafe). Both Casavantes & Wade live in San Diego, they could easily order it and have it shipped to San Diego. If any member purchases linneasafe (either 10% or 30%) let us know what price break Luis offers you, it should be substantial because a box of his micro-cannulas are super cheap, all you\'ll be paying for is his skills. Even $100/cc is a reasonable market value. With so many clients using PMMA as their Girth enhancement option, you could practically sell a watered down version of this cosmetic filler and these current gain results would come at no surprise.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284980042

Beastmanh wrote: Yikes, I might have to forfeit my deposit to hold the appointment... That sucks, but I might rather lose $250, and have no risk, and no gain than pay $3000, have risk, and little gain. I will definitely NOT be ok with 1/4 gain. For such a huge hassle and the risks involved, I\'ve got to at least hope for 1/2 Inch. A LOT to think about before going to get a rental car for the trip tomorrow. It may be a sign from the gods for me to hold off for now :/

I really appreciate all the feedback, guys. A lower CC amount is also a thought, but for a 1/4 Inch expected gain, I\'d prolly want to pay more like $1,200, IMO.

I think it\'s actually a good thing if the price scares people off. One of the big worries with PMMA, is that because of it\'s low cost and very limited recovery, guys were much more enticed into it and which for a relatively experimental procedure, isn\'t a good thing.

When I was first interested in PE, I\'d have flown to the moon for 1/4\", as the issue had totally ruined my life. Things like cost and hassle were just inconveniences I knew I could over come and would gladly do so in order to deal with the all consuming mental turmoil I was in.

Guys worried about things like value for money and hassle, in my opinion aren\'t desperate enough to have a procedure at this time. I\'m not being critical of those who aren\'t that desperate or pathetically thinking only desperate guys should want a bigger penis. What I\'m saying is that unless this is an issue that is effecting your life so badly you really don\'t care about having to travel long distances, for very moderate gains, then it\'s not worth the risk until we have more long term data etc.

If you are really desperate it\'s probably worth risking having a foreign body injected down there, but if it\'s not that big of a deal, then, in my opinion, you owe it yourself to be patient and wait a couple more years. We\'ve got about 3 years of results on this forum now. Ideally you want to wait at least 5 years to see what sort of complication rates we see (not including aesthetic issues etc, but the let onset of unpleasant reactions to the PMMA)

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284980446

It\'s not price scaring people off... It\'s recent results that we\'ve seen logged.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284981335

Exactly Kawkaw. Its all a matter of whats worth what. Its not worth 3k to me to come home with a hardly noticeable size difference and an added paranoia to my life. I just weigh things differently than you do maybe hoddle. I think that 1/2 Inch + is worth 3k and a little worry. 1/4 isn\'t. Just my opinion of course. I\'m not starting with that bad of stats, I just want better. I\'ve been with my wife for 17 years and she has always liked bigguns. I haven\'t had any complaints, but now that I know I\'m going to be with her for probably my whole life, I figured it was worth it for both of us if I took the plunge. But if I go through with it, I want her to be able to tell a difference, and I\'ve pumped to 1/2\" gain before and it is noticeable, but 1/4 not so much...

I emailed and cancelled my appointment Its too bad, I was really excited, but I want to be smart about this. I WAS nervous knowing that its only been happening for 3 years, and maybe you\'re right about waiting till the 5 year mark.. Seems safer to me also Hoddle.

Anyone reading this, please keep up the progress reports and let the good peeps of this forum know when results start turning out better Its back to pumping for me I guess :/

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284982567

Beastmanh wrote: Exactly Kawkaw. Its all a matter of whats worth what. Its not worth 3k to me to come home with a hardly noticeable size difference and an added paranoia to my life. I just weigh things differently than you do maybe hoddle. I think that 1/2 Inch + is worth 3k and a little worry. 1/4 isn\'t. Just my opinion of course. I\'m not starting with that bad of stats, I just want better. I\'ve been with my wife for 17 years and she has always liked bigguns. I haven\'t had any complaints, but now that I know I\'m going to be with her for probably my whole life, I figured it was worth it for both of us if I took the plunge. But if I go through with it, I want her to be able to tell a difference, and I\'ve pumped to 1/2\" gain before and it is noticeable, but 1/4 not so much...

I emailed and cancelled my appointment Its too bad, I was really excited, but I want to be smart about this. I WAS nervous knowing that its only been happening for 3 years, and maybe you\'re right about waiting till the 5 year mark.. Seems safer to me also Hoddle.

Anyone reading this, please keep up the progress reports and let the good peeps of this forum know when results start turning out better Its back to pumping for me I guess :/

I think when you canceled you should of gave a reason why you canceled so they can look into it. I\'m hoping the prices drop also because the prices are going up but the results are diminishing. Im not desperate for the procedure as hoodle mentioned but I don\'t think thats a necessary need to get the procedure. Right now if I had to rate the PMMA procedure on a scale from 1-10 I would give it a 4. It DOES do what it\'s supposed to do but that takes almost 5 rounds. Not to many of us have the time or money for those many procedures. If $3k for the procedure was a 1 and done deal then awesome. But not having to dish out the extra dough constantly just to get to a Inch gain.

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284982925

Hello all,

I\'ve been reading the results and postings of everyone on the forum for some time. I have an appointment scheduled for November 18th and my deposit has been placed to hold the appointment. I have also already purchased my flight from NYC to make this happen. This is the 3rd time I have tried to have this procedure done but something always comes up with my job or family. This may be the third flight I have paid for in the last few years only to have to cancel and I really do not want to lose any more money but damn I also don\'t want the results I see some guys posting after spending 3k plus flights and hotel. I don\'t know what to do..maybe this is a sign to forget the entire idea. At least for now..

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Debating on waiting until the "low gains issue" is sorted out with different batches of PMMA 10 years 4 months ago #1284983238

if the doc could provide a minimal results guarantee instead of counting on the reported gains from this forum that would provide you some peace of mind. A guarantee of .25inch increase for a $1500 procedure is fair in my opinion. But a $2500 procedure w/ no guarantee on some quantitative size increase greater than or equal to .25 is a waste of anybody\'s cash (and the minimally associated health risks: FBG, infection at injection site). You future clients who have put down money need to speak up, talk to Luis he\'s a respectable guy who would appreciate your concerns.

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