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TOPIC: Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only.

Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280985346

I\'ve been researching for awhile about length surgery and cant make up my mind on who to go to, I have it narrowed down to Dr\'s Rosenthal, Krakovsky and Camacho. I definitely like the idea of a Camacho\'s scrotal entry but do not see anywhere on his site about it, as a matter of fact it mentions a horizontal pubic area incision. I will call Camacho\'s office on Monday to see about it. Rosenthal\'s fee is $4500, Not sure on the other two. I\'m fairly experienced with PE as I\'ve been Hanging with a Bib and extending for about a year. I am up to 21lbs Hanging but my sensitivity is horrible so I stopped and switched back to extending, my feeling is coming back now. Hopefully I will know more next week and fill you guys in on what I hear and do.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280986253

Did you gain any length from Hanging? Maybe you shouldn\'t pull the trigger until length gains reach diminishing returns.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280988764

mate read dcpimpin story with camanacharo

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280990820

Save your money, not worth the risk! Read this forum, I don\'t believe I have read any success story associated with length surgery. At best they have gained what someone has gained by conventional PE. But I have read about infections , length loss, deformity etc. rethink this. My 2 cents!

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280991773

If I were in your shoes I would consult with Dr Alter or Dr Solomon before I went to Camacho or Kracko (surprised he is still in practice). Gary Alter will tell you what you should expect in terms of actual length gain.
I don\'t think there is any proof of Erect length gain, is there?

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280997182

I see way more problems with guys that do Girth surgery than length. Other than dcpimpins infection, It seems the most drawbacks guys have is not getting the length they were expecting. Do you know if the surgeons completely sever the ligs or do they leave a little still attached? Camacho and Kracpot are out.
This is a quote from Dr Gary Alters website
\" Length increases of several inches are rare; these claims are usually based on misleading measurements taken from the apex of a V flap. However, some compulsive weight-users report anecdotal Flaccid as well as Erect gains of several inches.\"

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1280999496

Good luck ! I think you have made up your mind, I just notice that the Dr says compulsive weight users can make gains of serveral inches! First off if you are a compulsive weight user you will most likely gain without surgery and let the first man who has gained several inches from a lig cut please chime in! It will be very very quite I am afraid. But good luck, I just hope you are not disappointed !

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1281034168

And bullsnake please do not think I am busting your Balls here, I truely just want you to really think about it. Many claims have been made about length gains, and from this forum I have read of none worth the pain. But my knowledge is only from this forum, which I feel is rich with info. You will possibly gain Erect length, but not 2 inches and most likely not even an Inch. So if the doctor says you will gain 1/2 Inch, with much Hanging, would you do it? Good luck and welcome to the forum !

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1281064071

I have gained about a 1/2 Inch from extending and Hanging, I feel like there\'s more to be had with the lig cut. The tunica is the hard part to stretch and the ligs are a limiting factor in stretching the inner penis. With the ligs cut the whole penis will bear the weight/tension, therefore in a sense your doubling you capability by having them out of the equation. mind you I know I will still have my work cut out for me. Im getting older and dont want to have to train like this all my life, just maybe do some maintenance to cement my goals and keep them. Im shooting for 8 inches BPEL and Im at 6.5 now. I\'ve been using a bib Hanger and its the Hanger of choice for hardcore hangers but Im gonna switch to an LG being its a lot easier on the skin and sensitivity. It will also hold up to 25lbs.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 2 months ago #1281064226

Mudball I appreciate your concern. Its what we do to help others out on forums like this to make educated decisions. My perception on this whole thing is I will only gain what Im willing to put into it, and most people aren\'t willing to put the work into PE else why would they be getting their ligs cut. I could probably reach my goal or close to it without the cut, but how long will that take and how much time do I have. Im hoping Im one of the few that does have success in this and will be sure to report my progress along the way, good or bad.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 1 month ago #1281224474

3 days away from lig cut with Dr. Rosenthal.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 1 month ago #1281224532

Good luck.

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 1 month ago #1281225083

Good luck my man

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 1 month ago #1281237023

Good luck! Prove me wrong and grow that baby!

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Ready to pull the trigger on lenth only. 11 years 1 month ago #1281242306

Best of luck man ive been considering this so show us the path

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