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TOPIC: Going in for surgery in Tijuana

Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280067431

Hi Im going in for surgery october 29 with doctor camacho in tijuana. im worried about traveling to tijuana though i would like to talk to members that been to tijuana and how was it? Doctor has recommended me to stay in a cheap hotel called Terranova Hotel. Has anybody heard of this hotel before? also hows tijuana like? I heard there is alot of beheadings from the cartels and that worries me. what should i watch for in tijuana? please reply with advice. thanks

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280074488

oh ok thank for replying skeptical. how much did u pay for ur hotel when u stayed in tijuana?

and Does anybody know a shuttle number from the airport to the doctors office? if anybody can provide me that information i would really appriciated.

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280085239

are you getting the lig cut procedure?

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280091231

yeah i am... and after that i will keep stretching and doing weights

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280095017

whats the cost? does he go through the scrotum?

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280098099

DC please try doing some research instead of looking like a clodplate and hoping everyone else will do the work for you. We already have a working sub forum dedicated to hotel reviews, links & forum member comments. Bueno Suerte!

Real del Mar resort is by far the best hotel in tj when it comes to fine dinning & ocean breeze ambience.

Velario Hotel is a new one, that seems to be on my recent short lists of inexpensive, nice hotels.

Pueblo amigo hotel is ok in the dinning scene, great for gambling, and decent service.

I always stay at Palacio Azteca or hotel Ticuan when i\'m on a budget (ask for a room opposite from the night club)

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280138627

Ok guys i made it in tijuana and boy was i wrong. Tijuana is not that bad like everyone made me think. its actually pretty safe at the place where i stayed at. basically if u dont mess with anybody they dont mess with you. I ended up staying in The Marriott in tijuana. so yesterday Tuesday was my surgery. i had to make it to the office at 8 am to do the blood work. after the blood work i found out that if i payed with a credit card there would be a fee of 141.00 dollars no body ever told me that before because i would of brought cash if i knew that. but anyway the Doctor mentioned Dan Salas and since i already had the grip system i was like no doctor im not really interested in his devices because i already have the grip system. but dan sallas came in to introduce him self and he wished me luck. after that when the doctor told me how u going to pay? I told him well can u give me a ride back to sandiego so i can take money out from my wells fargo bank? so the doctor was like no but maybe dan can take u? so i ended up going with Dan Salas, we took a taxi to the border and walked from the border to the bank. Let me tell u, the impression i had of dan from the things i read on this forum was totaly wrong. atleast for me. Dan never really pushed me to buy his equiptment nor he asked me for money. He was actually very friendly with me, he made me feel like i was his brother. at times i felt bad because he walked all the way to wells fargo with me and i couldnt give him no money i just had enough that i saved for my surgery and hotel. i know i should of gave him soemthing but i appologized. but what shocked me the most is that Dr Camacho dont give him a cut. i mean Dr Camacho asked him to take me there so he should of atleast gave him something. Dan opened up to me and told me that business for him is not going very well. as he told me his story i really felt bad. I wanted to give him atleast 100 dollars but i just didnt have money. I am planning to come back in a year or so after i gain my length and go for PMMA. he told me next time i come back we can hang out and go to the bars down here. he knows the good spots. So to anybody on here who is considering doctor camacho or dr Casavantes end up going to tijuana i advice u to just meet dan salas even if ur not interested in his equiptment just to be friends he is very friendly and such a nice guy. So anyway back to my surgery.

My surgery went well, i dont see much difference as far as length wise but i guess is too early to tell... doctor camacho said i should start the weights on friday. but im worried that my lig will re attach back. so maybe ill try a little sooner. i dont know. any advice from people that have gone through with lig cut would be much appriciated. I really gotta give a shot out to new Inch, if it wasnt for his passion for lengthening i wouldnt have follow thru with the surgery. he is my inspiration because he reminds me so much of my self. his struggle and hunger to gain length made me keep going. and his accomplishment made me a believer. because i always doubt this would work. but it really works.

oh and I got in trouble on this board because somebody misunderstood my advice and thought i was trying to sell them a device so i just want to publicly say on here i do not own or am affiliated with any device. I have a x4 labs at home but im not the creator so i do not sell any devices. somebody on here said i was trying to sell them a device. what ever the case may be hopefully this will clear the air. so thats pretty much it..

for anybody considering dr camacho surgery the reason why i chose to have surgery with him was because he does the surgery through the scrotum. and i didnt want to have a visual scar. so do ur research and hopefully everybody including me can get bigger and bigger.

Thanks to everyone for reading this and i hope we can all get along here.

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280140115

I am glad that your experience in TJ has been good. As I told you, as long as you follow the same common sense that you should follow in any major metro area in the US you will do ok. As far as starting to hang before Friday, don't be so eager to start earlier, but rather follow Dr Camacho's instructions to the t. The same goes for weights, start with lower weights and see how you feel before advancing to higher weights. Good luck with your recovery.

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280145740

congrats dcpimpin looking forward to seeing your results

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280153754

Dc, just passing by to say I\'ll be reading your report and also, GOOD LUCK BROTHAAAAAA!!!!

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280214738

quick update: I had my surgery last tuesday october 29. It Has been a week since my surgery and Im very dissapointed, I read about it before but i just didnt believe it or didnt thought it could happen to me. I lost about half an Inch. am feeling very down right now. my bladder and my pubic area are swollen. it is untachable right now. I have been trying to use the grip system but it is very painful right now i feel alot of pain even if i dont touch that area. I been taking 800 mg of ibuprofen. also taking the antibiotic called clindamicina 300 mgs. Also am putting alot of ice since it is very painful right now. I Hope I can gain the half Inch i lost back. At this point I dont know if the surgery was worth it. Are there any successful Patients of Dr Camacho lig cut on here?

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280214956

You\'re swollen. You can\'t possibly judge at this stage. Once the swelling goes down you should easily get your old length back.

You should certainly gain Flaccid length from the procedure.

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280215563

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280222665

dcpimpin12 wrote: quick update: I had my surgery last tuesday october 29. It Has been a week since my surgery and Im very dissapointed, I read about it before but i just didnt believe it or didnt thought it could happen to me. I lost about half an Inch. am feeling very down right now. my bladder and my pubic area are swollen. it is untachable right now. I have been trying to use the grip system but it is very painful right now i feel alot of pain even if i dont touch that area. I been taking 800 mg of ibuprofen. also taking the antibiotic called clindamicina 300 mgs. Also am putting alot of ice since it is very painful right now. I Hope I can gain the half Inch i lost back. At this point I dont know if the surgery was worth it. Are there any successful Patients of Dr Camacho lig cut on here?

We got cut off the chat. My internet is slow and unreliable.

Cal the Dr in TJ, Mexico. I know you can call him. I had talked to him directly before. Get the answers you need from him about your concerns. You should be getting a little better every day but don\'t expect to be jumping up and down any time soon. Just relax and eat and sleep well. Do not use too much ice for too long, you need blood supply to that area to heal.

Good luck!

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Going in for surgery in Tijuana 11 years 4 months ago #1280230881

thanks for the advice guys... quick update This morning i woke u with very painful needle pain around the scrotum and bladder area. Ibuprofen is not working. So i made an appointment with my Internal Doctor to see if she can do something for me. I explained her i had a lig cut surgery and that the antibiotic is not working yet. She didnt know what the surgery was. She was like Lig what? I was like Suspensory Ligament Cut she said what is that? lol I had to expain to her. so anyway she gave me another antibiotic she said if it doesnt get better in 10 days to go to er. So hopefully it gets better. Another observation about my surgery with dr camacho when he did the lig cut he didnt shave my pubic area. So making the lig cut with all the pubic hair isnt that unsanitary?

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