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TOPIC: bruno's progress report

bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277242032

Hi gents,
Haven\'t posted as of yet but understand that participation has responsibilities so...
I\'m around 50, in good shape and take care of myself.
I was about 3.5 inches Flaccid length and 4 width
Erect about 5.75 inches and 4.5 width
Have been concerned about Cock size for as long as I can remember. I\'m definitely a Grower. I have a friend who had enlargement done a long while ago (silicone) and had always wanted to ask about it. Last year on a long drive I got the nerve to talk my partner about my desire to pursue Girth enlargement. No problems or judgements. I then talked to my friend who suggested that the only option he would consider at this time would be PPMA and Dr. C. Dr. C\'s office referred me to the site. It\'s been a great help to me.
I went for round 1 in January 2013.
First photo
Day of: Hotel room in San Diego

The staff was great. Christian, Mel, Wade and Dr. C. All were very professional and made the experience a good one. I felt calm and safe (Ativan helped). I watched the procedure and felt little pain or discomfort. I got 30% at the base and 10% nearer the glans. I didn\'t ask about quantity. I will when I go back for my second round.
They gave me antibiotics and gel to keep my new unit lubed and sanitary. Then back on the shuttle to SD and waking every hour or so to massage.

After the procedure:



I\'ve had not concerns about the process. I did hit the \"Frankenweenie\" stage but know that it would calm down. Looked mis-shapen in the way it did after a pumping session. Kind of a J shape and swollen near the glans. Very similar.
I love the feel of the new size especially Flaccid. I used to turtle a lot and that is gone. I hang at 4.5 length and 5 with Flaccid now. Feels great. Erect I\'m still 5.75 length and width now.
I\'ll be going back in 2 weeks for my second round. I don\'t want much additional Girth but would like more at the base and there is a ridge/lump near the base on the right hand side which I\'d like to have more integrated into the taper from the base. Hope that can be done. I have no regrets, concerns or complaints at this point. I might not have done this if available when I was younger but feels like the right decision for me.

Here are some shots I took today. Not much of a scientist or archivist but wanted to share what I have if it might help someone else as you\'ve all helped me.





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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277242693

Looks good thanks for sharing, very important to be involved with the site! Don\'t be afraid to update often

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277246339

Hey, Bruno....Thanks for sharing with us....Keep posting and keep healing..

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277269000

Glad it\'s all worked out so far Bruno, congratz

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277419391

Hi guys,
Going in on Friday for round 2. Very excited. Took some pre-procedure pictures today but don\'t know how to load them up. Doesn\'t seem to be the same attachment option as when I started the thread. Can someone direct me here or in a PM. Thanks.

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277421181

I\'ve only tried on my phone or iPad and it was pretty straight forward. Are you uploading with a laptop?

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277421520

Ok. I think I have it figured out. Here are some shots from today. I\'m imagining another full round but certainly open to what Dr. C. and Wade think. I\'d like more uniformity of the shaft when Erect but am very pleased so far.
IMG_0159.jpg IMG_0161.jpg IMG_0163.jpg IMG_0168.jpg

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277421879

Is that Flaccid or Erect Girth? Either way, very impressive. Good luck on Friday bud!

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277422013

First 3 are Flaccid and last pic is Erect and thanks for the good wishes.

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277432665

That\'s impressive for Flaccid Girth! I\'m about that Erect. What\'s your MEG?

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277452273

Hi guys,
Had round 2 yesterday with Dr. C, Wade, and Mel. Christian hooked me up with the shuttle again and I was worried it would be a nightmare crossing being Good Friday but all was pretty quick going.
The procedure was really smooth and the guys were as great as they had been the first time. I think they are remarkable. I was the last appointment of the day and it got to be quite late. I never felt a moment of exhaustion or a lack of focus. They made me feel like my satisfaction was all that mattered. And, I am very satisfied. It\'s amazing that the feelings and insecurities I have felt for decades about my size are gone. It\'s so crazy how this thing feels in my pants and in my hand--a life changer.
I was up palpating and massaging as directed and things seem good so far.
They added Girth but also filled some at the base, towards the glans and broke-up and smoothed some harder patches to even it all out.
In January 2013 I had 6 x 10% and 16 x 30% = 22cc\'s
In March 2013 I had 5 x 10% and 12 x 30% = 17cc\'s
Don\'t have a tape measure with me so I\'ll post measurements soon.

Here\'s a shot from today and 3 shots of my Cock and the bathroom of the Sommerset in SD where I\'ve stayed. Pre-round 1, Post-round 1, and Post-round 2. Same bathroom/different Cock.


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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277452530

Glad to hear everything went well and you\'re pleased with the results Bruno. Keep us updated and get some measurement pics up when you can. Also I would ask if you liked the place you stayed in SD? I\'m booked at the Grand in TJ but am contemplating changing my reservations to somewhere in the gas lamp district.

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277482504

Had a great nite\'s sleep -- first without checking and massaging. Feel great. I\'ll take and post some pics tomorrow when I have time but very pleased. Aesthetics are great so far and holding at about 6 evenly down the shaft when Erect.

@ justadude. I stayed at the Sommerset Suites. Utilitarian. The Grand looks nice and is right next door to the doctor\'s office or Gas lamp sounds more fun if you want to see SD.

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277483034

Awesome bud, 6\" mseg is huge...something I can\'t wait to have! You should check out to see just how much volume you\'ve gained.

Thanks for the hotel info. I\'ll check it out. I lived in San Diego back in \'04 during my Navy days so I\'m pretty familiar with the area...

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bruno's progress report 11 years 11 months ago #1277503217

Day 5
Everything seems good so far. Bruising, discoloration and swelling are resolving. Currently Flaccid at 5 length and 6 Girth. Transforming from a lifetime Grower to a shower feels great. Wade said that my Flaccid look and feel would be the biggest difference this round and he was right. More smooth and tubular in shape and the knot that was there seems to have gone and not returned. Here are some pics.

IMG_0178.jpgIMG_0179.jpg IMG_0184.jpg

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