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TOPIC: carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report

carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276747888

My Procedure date is 2/13, only 10 days away - Hopefully everything turns out okay and this will be a nice valentine\'s day gift for my wife. A bit about me...some of it sounds similar to what I\'ve read here posted by others. I\'m in my mid thirtys in age, 215 weight muscular build. I eat well, exercise and take far better care of myself than average. I\'ve got a good job, nice house living exactly where I want to live. Married to and completely head over heals in love with the best woman I\'ve ever known. Although I\'m a very fortunate and lucky person these things are not a coincidence, I\'ve worked hard for them all. Unfortunately there is one thing, one of the absolute most important things in my mind, that I can not improve with hard work. I\'ve been ashamed of my penis size as long as I can remember. As soon as I knew it was \'important\' to have a big one I was embarrassed ever since. I\'m a \'Grower\' not a \'shower\' and I\'m certain that is primarily to blame for my anxiety. When Erect I\'m \'normal\' but it sure doesn\'t feel that way in my head. I avoid urinals and open showers (like at a gym). If a skinny dipping situation starts to arise I immediately want to leave. Ironically I know that I please my wife 100%. Prior to PMMA everything sounded too risky and with a possibility of no permanent gain. When I found out about this and told her I expected to be looked at like I was crazy but she knows of my insecurities and has been supportive. I plan on 2 procedures most likely. If I\'m happy after one then I\'m not going to push it. But I\'m realistic and assume there will be a need for a touch up and/or possibly a little more Girth on a second round. I\'m not sure what to expect or state as my goal. I\'d like help defining this. My wife is not large down there, in fact I have no frame of reference but I beleive she is smaller than average perhaps. I think 5.5 would be a nice minimum and maybe 6 would be ideal. I\'m interested with how it looks Flaccid almost as much as when Erect. I want to feel proud if I\'m naked. I\'ve got the rest of my body taken care of I just need this part to match. Side note...I know I\'ve seen it somewhere but can\'t find it...does anyone have a link to the Girth distribution chart (lifestyles I think). I can only find the average number....I\'d like to see the distribution again. I have to admit if I\'m going to take the risk to have a foreign substance put in me I would like to end up larger than most. It would be nice to go from insecure about it to sporting something others would be envious of, as opposed to something more modest. But all in all making sure the wife is still happy is priority number one. So what do you think I should aim for size wise and what concentration? 3.75 to 4.75 FL (this really flutuates a lot, sometimes even smaller)3.75 to 4.75 FG (this really flutuates a lot, sometimes even smaller)5.75 to 6 - EL5 EG

*Erect pics are not full blown Erection

For the record, carljohnson is an alias. A character from a video game.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276761724

Not trying to seem impatient, but I\'ve only got just over a week before the procedure date. Any mods or vets care to give opinions/suggestions? It\'s quiet in here!!! Frankly I need someone to lean on and talk to about this and my time is running out. I wish I would have posted sooner and not been just a \'lurker\' for so long.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276761956

Mr average is a great site to check out with size distribution charts. As for advice, I didn\'t sleep more than two hours at a time the entire first two days of my procedure, and kept a hard on as much of the time as I could, and massaged constantly while it was Erect, not limp. I held it at stretch when it was limp to avoid Turtling. Listen to wade for post op care instructions as closely as possible. Be advised its gojng to swell horribly and grossly, and you are going to lose a LOT of the size between days 1-7. It will hurt to have it and then lose it. Every morning you will wake up and it will be smaller, but it will stop and you\'ll be left with something good. Have faith, massage a lot, sculpt it like an artist.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276761967

You will get nervous as the date approaches, and it\'s totally natural. Dr. C & team are great at making you feel at ease and the procedure is mostly painless. As for concentrations & quantities - nothing specific - simply tell Dr. C what your overall goals are (aesthetically and size-wise) and he\'ll offer you his recommendation which is worth taking.

There are tons of progress reports around that chime in on things to bring, things to do prior to the procedure, & etc - probably something good to scour in the meantime.

Good luck, we\'re all around, just sometimes not as active as others.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276763821

Hey, CarlJohnson....we understand every word you have written....especially about the Flaccid of luck to you and thanks for posting...
we are here for you....

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 1 month ago #1276779371

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CJ you\'re among friends and in good hands with Dr. C and staff. My starting stats were similar to yours, but I was only about 4.25 mid EG. After 3 procedures I\'m at about 5.5 EG about 3 weeks after the 3rd procedure. There\'s definitely an initial blast of Girth and then the shrinkage begins! They won\'t guaranty results but you should get at least 1/2\" from your first go at it. Depending on whether I gain some back from collagen growth or if I lose more, I\'m contemplating a 4th procedure, but not for a while. I think it\'s best to wait several months between procedures until you are fully healed. I can say that I\'m thrilled with my results and I\'m betting that you will be as well. Best of luck, but you really are in good hands. Dr. C and staff are the best!

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276889905

- Update - Procedure Day!!!!

Just had the procedure today. Dr C and his staff are all wonderful. The Dr and Wade made me very comfortable. I explained my goals...that I\'d like to get to 6\" hopfully in just 2 prodecures (started about 5). I\'m also concerned with asthetics but understand that it won\'t be perfect. Hell penises are weird to begin with and they all seem to have something weird or unique anyway right? I had a huge vein right down the top of mine. I never really cared, but it certainly is unique.

I was given an adavan to help relax, that was nice. There was virtually no pain. A slight pinch on the first anesthetic shot, after that I felt nothing. It\'s kinda weird, you can tell they are doing shit but you can\'t actually feel much.

I was prepared to get 10% everywhere based on Hoddle\'s recent data aggregate and im a fan of the slow and cautious method. However after the consultation Dr C suggested 30% in the shaft and 10% towards the head. He knows more than I so I took the Drs suggestion without hesitation.

Back at the hotel now. Things aren\'t too swolen or black and blue yet. Seeping from the injection sites is slowing...just one or two are still leaking periodically out of 6. I had a slight gap ring mid shaft...Wade showed me how to massage it and it seems fine now but I\'ll continue to check it hourly.

It looks good, feels good, and its amazing what is possible now. Obviously I understand this is still somewhat experimental but its still amazing to me.

The Driver and all of Dr Cs staff were amazing. It\'s not easy making someone feel comfortable naked when that is the whole problem to begin with...embarrasement when naked in front of strangers. I can\'t compliment them enough. Awesome team all around.

I ended up with 21CCs of 30% in the shaft and 6CCs of 10% towards the head.

Currently the head is a little more swollen than the rest but that is normal according to them and should get better soon. I took some after pics...we know they really don\'t mean anything until at least a couple weeks after but I\'ll post them anyway later...probably tomorrrow.

I\'m super appreciative of everyone who did this before me and was nice enough to report on their results. I\'d be happy to answer any and all questions about my experience to return the favor.

Also tired now so I wot go into details but we did discuss the allegations of fake product. I saw everything...the preloaded syringes in sealed metacril packaging as well as the vials that are cheaper because it is bulk. I see now why they dont want to fill these at the time. I\'ll explain in more detail later if anyone still cares. But to get you started picture the goo in the vial is so thick you can turn it upside down and it doesn\'t fall to the bottom of the vial. You have to let it sit forever and then withdrawl what you can...then let it sit more so more goo drops doen and repeat, etc. I\'d be amazed if this gentleman would jeopardize his carreer to make a couple extra bucks. He seems like far to nice and honest of a man for that nonsense. Just my .02

I am a little buzzed at the moment so forgive me for rambling, etc.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276897514

The First Day After

First of all, getting up in the middle of the night to piss and remembering what you had done, not because you see it in the mirror but becuase you can feel the weight between your legs is pretty cool. Then grabbing it and remembering how much bigger it is now is even better.

In the morning I could see that the gap mid shaft was back. I massaged it for a while and the PMMA is much less mobile after the first 12 hours. It seems like it didn\'t want to move. I think I helped it a little but i can still see it. I emailed Wade pics to get his opinion if this was going to be a major issue. He called me within an hour. He showed Dr C and they decided it was just irratated from all of the abuse. They said just leave it alone. Wade confirmed that the larger swelling at the gland is typical since the skin is so tight should be fine. He thinks the ring will be fine too assuming I got enough PMMA pushed there before. He reassured me that I\'m in the peak of swelling and now is when it will look the most ugly. I\'m very anxious for it start to look like whatever the final result will be so my mind is at ease. I\'m sure subsequent rounds don\'t come with as many head games.

When its hard its crazy to hold it...a man is obviously so familair with his own junk, and then one day for it to feel remarkably larger is just hard to wrap your mind around. So far no regrets. I\'m just so anxious to see what I end up with and then to try it out with the wife. So nice to go from being embarrased to hoping someone throws a clothing optional pool party! haha just kidding (kind of)

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276898018

Days 1-4, when Flaccid, my Dick looked like a malformed alien mutant with elephantitis. Seriously, it was gross, frightening and given that I had just been dumped, I figured I was going to die alone and the coroner would laugh and show all is friends my crazy, disgusting, and malformed Dick. By day 9 I slept with a woman and she had no idea I had anything done. The moral of this story is you\'re going to be fine, just hang on, follow your aftercare instructions, and remember this is not what your final will look like. Everything is kosher, it\'s part of the process, unless it has signs of infection, like very bad pain. Breathe, relax, go take a walk. I walked about 20 miles around gas lamp in two days. Tis gonna be ok.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276900465

Thanks DWD. I understand that and am of sound mind. Swelling, ugly, etc I\'m okay with. The only part that has me a little more concerned is the ring that is not quite as wide as the rest. The area nearest the glanse is extra swolen (I know this is normal), then there is a ring where it its thinner, then it thickens back out for the rest of the shaft. Wade thinks it will be fine so I\'m not overly concerned. Just anxious to see it looking normal. They suggested 400 ibuprofen every 6 hours to help with swelling.

I can tell already as long as everything heals properly I\'m going to be a much more confident and happy person. I already feel like a new man.

I am somewhat curious what caused this thin ring...I do not beleive it was related to the Dr\'s technique...I beleive it is realated to my speciffic anatomy. I\'m curious if anyone else has had something similar.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276902718

Carl I have the same issue with a smaller ring, but that is because I\'m uncut. The end of the Foreskin is rarely stetched out to the Girth of my shaft so that part is essentially tighter around the the rest of my skin which is very compliant. If i retract my skin that tight ring goes with it and the tight ring ends up on the middle of my shaft squeezing it into two big balloons on either end. I\'m assuming as my swelling goes down this will become less drastic and then hopefully that part of my skin will begin to stretch. Still holding out to see what happens.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276902944

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Hi CJ, congrats on your procedure Keep us posted on the results. I hope everything is going well for you!!

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 3 weeks ago #1276904308

The ring is looking better already as the swelling reduces from the ibuprofen. I suspect you\'ll be fine too beta. I head back home tomorrow...long flight. I\'ll post pics once I get back.

On a side note, San Diego/Gas Lamp is a wonderful place to stay.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 2 weeks ago #1276925410

Back home and things are looking a little better every day. When the wife first saw it her first word, \'Yikes!\'.

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carljohnson's PMMA Progress Report 12 years 2 weeks ago #1277006500

DAY 9 after procedure

The swelling has been looking better every day. Although it was getting smaller I knew it would still fill back in somewhat and I kept thinking, even if it doesn\'t get much bigger it is still satisfactory. And really I still feel that way when Erect or when it hangs normally. My retraction is a lot better, but once in a while (pretty rarely) it retracts more than I\'d like.

So my first question the collagen fills in and the thickness increases a little will this also help prevent retraction more? I suspect it will but I\'d like opinions.

Question two, I\'m at day 9 after the procedure today. Is it safe to say this is probably the low point and I should start to notice growth soon? I know its different for everyone, but how long can I expect to see growth before it plateaus?

I\'ll post more pics soon. I\'ve got house guests currently and can\'t find a time to download Dick pictures without an audience lol.

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