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TOPIC: Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success!

Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275836797


I would like to continue my penile surgery nigmmare. My history with Dr. Elist and dermal graft procedures can be found within this section titled \"Epic Fail!\"

Last Tuesday penile re-constructive surgery was performed on me by Dr.Joel Gelman here at University of California Irvine. Let me tell you, this is a world class hospital teaching facility that has surpassed all my expectations! Dr. Joel Gelman and 3 other surgeons spent 8 hours on me re building my penis. He says it was the worst scar tissue and deformation he has ever delt with. He had to harvest a 1x4 in graft off my leg because he skin was so mangled from Dr. Elist\'s \"FDA Approved!\" Implants. I am on bed rest until tomorrow have 2 drains and a Catheter aside from the 24hour hour I\'ve antibiotics and pain killers. I have been on my back since tues at 11am!

No one should have to go through this, if you are considering the Elist implant DO NOT DO IT! It will ruin your life. I am 30 years old and have been put under more then people 3x my age.

Dr. Gelman is happy with the result, has restored near my original lengths back and says I\'m lucky Elist didn\'t screw up more nerve endings than he did otherwise I may never be able to have an erections.
I highly recommend seeing dr. Gelman he is ad good as Dr. Alter without the Beverly Hills attitude.

I will post before and after pictures once I get home. Thanks for all your support you guys I am nearing the end of a dark journey and may soon be able enjoy a normal life soon

Please ask any questions P.M. Or post

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275837855

Great post, happy to hear that normalcy is returning.

I know there are others on this forum who have been seeking physicians that are willing to go near that area (the penis) and resolve scar tissue problems - I hope this Dr. Gelman can be of assistance to other members who have had poor outcomes resulting from poor Phalloplasty techniques.

I\'m Pinning this thread. Thanks again!

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275838117

I\'m glad you surgery went well basque.

Since you first appeared on the board and mentioned Dr Gelman, I suggested other members consult with him. However, it seems he\'s more likely only going to be an option for guys who have health insurance that will cover this kind of surgery. From my understanding, due to the size of his team and the medical facility he uses, that cost of surgery with him would be extremely expensive. Did you pay for your own surgery or did insurance cover it? Do you know how much it cost?

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275853121

Thx for your PM\'s. Good luck on your recovery and keep us updated.

I wish you, and all the elist victims, the best

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275893140


Hey there, I am in a very similar situation that you were in before the surgery and I appreciate you taking the time to post your story of surgery success on this website. I wondered if there is anyway that I could possibly see the before and after pictures of your surgery?

I am in a very bad situation because-

-Dr.Alter has basically black balled me from ever being his patient (long story). He was extremely rude anyway

-When I contacted Wade about a possible reconstruction he said another surgeon( would be doing my procedure if I choose to go with Dr.C\'s office in Mexico. Also, I asked him to ask the surgeon on a scale from 1-10, (10 being the most difficult) how difficult the surgery would be and he told me a 3, but I\'m guessing he was just talking about the scar tissue Removal because he said the surgeon would have to look at the nodules I have in my shaft position close to the head in person because that area is the hardest part of operate on.

-I actually had a consultation with Dr.Gelman at the beginning of the year and flew to CA for an appointment for $200. Dr.Gelman had a great bedside manner and treated me with respect. During my consultation he looked at the 3-4 Inch thick wall of scar tissue and told me that there wouldn\'t be a reason to remove it because it wasn\'t interfering with me urinating... Depending on the difficulty of your surgery and what he was able to do for you, he might have just said that to me, but maybe he has enough skill to remove the scar tissue, most of it at least. My only problem is that Dr.Gelman doesn\'t take my insurance, which would be hospital fee\'s and a lot of other things on top to the surgery it\'s self.

So if there is anyway that you would be willing to share your photos of your successful surgery I would extremely greatful.

Thank you,

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275919727

Hoping to hear back from you Basque23.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275943563

Similar situation, looking forward to hearing your results....also someone else asked....Cost?


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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275944754

Hopefully Basque23 comes back because I really don\'t want to loose thousands of dollars by going somewhere when I haven\'t seen any patients succesful pictures. I\'ve lost going on 3 years of my sex life because of this surgery and I am going to make damn sure that I go to the right surgeon who can say this is what I can do without just taking his word for it. That seems to be the problem with reconstruction surgeries, there is barely any actual visual evidence of the succesful procedures.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275960473

Basque, we\'d be grateful for an update when you have the time. Thanks!

Those who are interested should also PM Basque, per his request (check original post).

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 3 months ago #1275988084

Thanks for the post Skeptical One, I private messaged Basque again tonight and am really hoping to hear back from him. But thank you for the reminder about the private message.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 2 months ago #1276102031

Hi Guys,

Wow thank you for all the support it is very comforting to have people that can relate or that are interested. I am proud to report that the surgery went very well! Dr. Gelman is obviously a class act. My surgery began at 11am on Nov. 21st and was suspected to be completed within a couple of hours. I was actually in surgery until 8p.m. that night. Dr. Gelman worked diligently and mentioned that I was one of the worst hes has ever encountered in terms of scar tissue growth and damage. He ended up having to take a 8in. x 5in. skin graft off of my leg to replace all the damaged skin.

I am currently doing well and appreciate my 6in member. He was able to retain as much Girth as possible which measures 5.5in Erect. Here are some photos. I will follow up in a day or so. The photos are 1 and 2 weeks post op.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 2 months ago #1276102231

Hi Basque, thanks so much for posting those photographs. There are probably the most important photos posted on the forum to date. Anyone considering PMMA needs to make themselves aware that this is the type of surgery that will be needed if it needs to be removed in large quantities. PMMA will have to be cut out, which will cause scarring and often skin lost, requiring grafts like basque\'s.

It looks like Dr Gelman has done a good job and I wish you well with the rest of your recovery. It would be great if you could update with some new photos every few months, so we can see how things improve with time.

It\'s amazing that some people end up in prison for not paying parking fines, yet Dr Elist is free to walk the streets.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 2 months ago #1276106123

Thank you so much Basque
You are truly a hero on this site.
And I agree with Hoddle. It\'s amazing that Dr. Elist is still walking around. One would think with all the carnage he has caused to date, he would have lost his license by now , or met up with a disgruntled patient who wasn\'t interested in waiting around for the justice system to do something about it.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 2 months ago #1276108394

Thank you so much for taking the time to post your pictures Basque. From what I have read on your post is that the scar tissue was a result of Dr.Elist\'s silicone implant procedure or did you also have to have some PMMA surgically removed?

Either way I am very glad the surgery was a success. Just as another member stated I cannot believe that Dr.Elist is still walking around and running a practice. I had a procedure go very bad for me in 2010 so I can relate to some of the feelings you must of gone through, but everyone\'s experience is their own and we can only do our best to try to understand the pain.

I wish you the best in the rest of your healing process, just like Hoddle said you are truely a hero to this site, so please remember the positive impact that you yourself have brought to the forum.

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Epic fail continue "Dr. Gelman" reconstruction success! 12 years 2 months ago #1276157546


These pictures are the result of the Dr. Elist Implant Scar tissue. His implant was put into me 4 times and destroyed my penis!

Thank God Dr. Gelman took so much time with me as I have a decent working penis right now.

I am considering PMMA down the road one the skin normalizes. I will post current pictures this week so you can see how much better it looks.

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