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TOPIC: Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275792016

Intro: Hows it going, I\'m 25 years old and I\'ve always been curious about enhancement. Honestly I\'ve never been told I was small, but I\'ve had a few tell me that I was perfect, which to me means \"hey, your good looking and I like you so you\'re average penis will work for me.\" Needless to say I could see right through their tactics. I\'ve had a few who were impressed and honestly that made me feel good, who wouldn\'t? I\'m currently married with 2 kids and another on the way. I made the mistake of asking her a while ago where I would rank on her list of \"sizes\", to my dismay I fell to #3........ But she assured me that she was satisfied, which seems fair because when we make love she seems to enjoy it, but we use toys and such and I know that she handles me inside her plus another dildo (6x5 or so) fairly easy and she goes into another level of pleasure when she\'s filled up like that. This type of play is of course after she gets warmed up. I enjoy the play and so does she, but I cant really get the impression she means it when she says \"your big, huge etc.\" I\'m sure shes just being nice. And the fact that she\'s hoping on a plane with me and not telling me no pretty much sums it up I think

I pump sometimes (1 or 2 times a month) and wear a traction extender for about 7 hours a month roughly, I wouldn\'t say I\'ve gained much, maybe .2 or so in length, but at least that\'s headed in the right direction.

My numbers as I type this are as follows:

Flaccid: 4\'\' (this varies a lot)
Simulated Erect: 6.25\'\'
Simulated Erect to pelvic bone: 7.4\'\'
Erect Girth: 6\'\'

I\'m a large guy, 6\'3 280lbs and fairly fit 15% body fat. I\'m an athlete, so as you can imagine my ego is affected by performance and how I perceive myself. For better or worse that\'s my story. So, my path has led me to Dr.Giunta in Alexandria VA. I\'m interested in the ligament and FFT with the platelet stuff.
I contacted his office today, and talked with my wife and we will be planning to take a trip next week (800 miles.)

I will post my before and after pictures with updates as well. I talked with the Dr. and told him that im using an extender and that with the extender on with it to full length the measurement is around 7.65\'\' from the base of the extender to the tip of my penis. And my Girth, he explained that Im above average and that he believes he can get my penis to over 8\'\' if measured from the pelvic bone and that he can get my Girth to 7.5\'\'. He told me that would be the most he\'d suggest because a Coke can is around 8\'\'. He even said that I would have a very large penis, I cant lie that normally hearing this from a man wouldn\'t be flattering but for some reason it made me very proud that I could possibly achieve those numbers. I\'m not to wrapped up on length, although I would love to have a visible 7\'\'+ penis, but the Girth is whats really got me excited. He said that it depends on my anatomy if I can achieve that Girth, but honestly I have a lot of skin on the upper shaft so I am hopeful it will work like he said.

Obviously he has to have a selling point, but from the experienced members out there.... What would you consider reasonable results?

Thanks for reading.


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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275792407

You\'re big by all standards. Please reconsider any need to get any sort of (medical) alteration to your penis. Your sense of inadequacy (assuming you have any) are purely a result of body dysmorphia and a lack of ego-stroking by your significant other. Many men are fortunate to achieve your stats after having undergone Phalloplasty.

Take my suggestion as sincere advice, I don\'t mean to belittle your sentiments in this regard, but you really need to reallocate your focus in other areas of your life that may genuinely be lacking (and that\'s certainly not your Dick).

Length cannot be guaranteed surgically, and Girth via FFT is not permanent.

If it aint broke, don\'t fix it.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275792485

I don\'t feel like I satisfy my wife, and I know its an ego issue as well. But I feel like I have to do something. I recall a instance where me and my wife were having sex and she was talking to me as if we were sitting at the table. I can\'t help but imagine the Girth enhancement will give me the desired results and self confidence.//

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275794626

Since I\'ve been researching the website, heres what I\'ve figured out.

The ligament suspension surgery is not a good choice, FFT is the most known but isnt permanent and PMMA is the favorite but least known in terms of safety. Talking with a few members on the forum has somewhat helped me to come to terms with me actually having a decent (relative term) penis. I wish I could say that was enough, but its not.

As of right now I will be going through with the ADULT STEM CELL/BLOOD PLATELET FFT with Dr. Giunta. in hopes that I may retain some of the original transfer.
He has stated that he believes 7.5\'\' of Girth is attainable, true to mankinds form I\'ll be asking for the maximum he\'ll allow that way i\'ll retain a larger portion of the transfer..... or at least thats the plan. I will continue using the traction device as pictures and pumping more regularly, not sure about the pump though after the FFT.

Anyways, I\'m only 6 days away from said procedure. I will update my progress so others may benefit from my quest in determining whats best for them. I won\'t sugar coat anything, whatever the results are is what you\'ll read. Thanks for listening.


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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275794751

thehulk wrote: I don\'t feel like I satisfy my wife, and I know its an ego issue as well. But I feel like I have to do something. I recall a instance where me and my wife were having sex and she was talking to me as if we were sitting at the table. I can\'t help but imagine the Girth enhancement will give me the desired results and self confidence.//

I\'ve been Moderating this forum for a couple of years and have been a member of a variety of penis enlargement forums over the years and can tell you with near 100% sureness your issues are not size and your reasons to undergo any sort of Phalloplasty are incredibly weak given what you\'ve already said. Have you also talked with your wife about addressing her (possible) issues? I mean, considering that no one was born with a 7.5\" Girth, why exactly is size your problem? Women can suffer from \"larger-than-desirable-canals,\" or a decreasing libido do to any number of factors. Food for thought.

Don\'t take this message the wrong way, I\'m not attacking you or your conviction to undergo Phalloplasty. I\'m simply letting you know that you\'re treading into an area that really doesn\'t need fixing. Good luck with your outcome and please keep the forum up to date on your progress.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275794822

Your point is noted, but I normally take after water in terms of \"path of least resistance\".

There are two fixed to this problem if you make the decision black and white. Either I get bigger, or she gets smaller. Which do you think is going to go over the best? LOL

I think we\'ll all agree that each mans battles are specific to him and no two men suffer the exact same problems or scenario. So just because there are some who are smaller than I that seek the same thing I do, does not mean that my quest is any less important than theirs. I understand from reading some threads that if I was a single man I would have a hard time finding young women who can handle me currently, but the fact of the matter is I\'m married and I want to enhance my self esteem. I want what everyman wants..... A good mother to my children, good food, to satisfy and be satisfied.

Back on topic my friend, a lot of you have been around the forums a lot longer than me and have heard and seen some results with the FFT. Whats a realistic gain and if not permanent whats the time frame between injections. Thanks again guys, this is really frustrating. I appreciate your help.//

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275797521

He\'s currently roughly the size of Sizemic, pre-procedure, with BPEL.

I say start trying to cut down on your fat pad, it\'ll increase you\'re not bone-pressed length and likely increase your erectile quality. I\'d also recommend adding basic jelqs to improve EQ and perhaps add size.

And as regard to FFT, it seems all over the place a couple years, to five? I think the current only permanent is PMMA, yet of course we haven\'t see that long term.

Also, your stat pic stretched is with an extender, is your Flaccid stretched length the exact same as your Erect length? BP or not. My Flaccid stretched is about 1.5cm longer than my Erect.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275825472

The measurements are the same.

I\'m getting nervous and excited at the same time. I wonder if ill still be able to see my major vein? Hopefully I\'ll get the results I\'m after. Honestly I\'d be perfectly happy with 6.75\" around, but I\'m gonna request he do the 7.5\" like he originally stated.

In my Flaccid stretched pic, can you guys see the extra skin? I think I can handle the 7.5\" Girth. What do you think?

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275825611

Didn\'t Giunta try and talk you out of it? I think any responsible Dr would. This procedure has a low satisfaction rate, so it seems crazy that he\'d be prepared to do it on such a large penis. I find it really shocking that he said he could give you a 7.5\" Girth.

My advice would be to cancel.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275832206

No he hasn\'t tried to talk me out of it. He actually was giving me a decent deal for both procedures. But since reading on the forums I don\'t want the lengthening.
I didn\'t realize the FFT had a bad satisfaction rate?

So is PMMA my only reliable option?

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275832995

FFT has a terrible satisfaction rate. He\'s injecting fat into you penis. Fat grafts have low satisfaction rates anywhere on the body. It absorbs and not always evenly. If you go down the FFT route, then expect to return for regular top ups and certainly don\'t have any hope of a 1.5\" gain. It\'s highly unlikely you\'ll gain that much and if you do, it will probably feel soft.

Here are links to threads of members who have had FFT with Giunta. As you can see none had good results.

We do have a member called IDM who did have a pleasing result with Giunta, but he ended up having PMMA as well, as the fat wouldn\'t stay in certain places.

There are other patients who have had FFT with other Dr\'s, myself included. JAM had FFT in London and was pleased, but he went to a Dr who stores fat and tells patients they will have to come back every few months for a top up. By doing this he was able to maintain a 0.5\" gain for about 2 years, but then had PMMA. We have another member called Iain who had FFT with the same Dr, but his absorbed quickly and he gained nothing despite top ups. Another member called Frankbean had FFT and is pleased to date, as he has regular top ups. However, he\'s now run out of fat, so as it absorbs he wont be able to go back for more unless he pays for further lipo. He also had an infection from one of his top ups. We have an Australian poster who had FFT who I thought was pleased, however I recently emailed him and he is no longer pleased and he too has had to have regular top ups.

There are also numerous other members who have had FFT, but they date back along time, so wont bother going through their case histories, other to say they weren\'t happy.

PMMA isn\'t for you either. Its reliable in that as it\'s synthetic we know it will give permanent gains. But in terms of long term safety and complication rates we are currently reliant on educated assumptions. It\'s a good option for those who feel they are in desperate need of a penis enlargement, as it doesn\'t involve a surgical process and extended healing, which to date have been the bane of penis enlargement procedures. For someone like you, with your size, the best advice anyone could give you is to leave it alone. Dr Giunta should certainly have given you that advice and I think it\'s pretty poor of him that he didn\'t.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275834564

Well I\'m currently using the extender, but how do I naturally enhance Girth? Jelqs?
I like the pump because I can see gains of 6.3\" sometimes. Cock rings help that alot too.

Any topical stuff?

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275938173

You can look at \'natural\' exercised based enlargement over at, it seems many members report sustainable Girth gains from basic jelqs, to more advanced and risky techniques like Clamping. There\'s tons of info at that site so read all around, especially before doing anything more than the Newbie Routine.

Sometimes when I\'ve gotten bored I do a bit of heavy Clamping and then pop a Viagra, it often makes the puffy Girth of the pump a bit harder and gives you some nice fun Girth to play with and or fuck with.

Also, if you do do PMMA, it is almost a certainty that your big vein will be obscured and or drastically changed. I had a similar prominent bulging vein on my pre-PMMA penis and it is completely gone now, replaced with several new non-bulge veins.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 3 months ago #1275959619

I think its better that your wife starts doing kegel exercises or gets a vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Your unit is freaking huge and should not be alterned because of another person.

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Any Given Sunday 12 years 2 months ago #1276380408


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