hey guys, I\'m new to this website but just thought I\'d share some of my experience about penis enlargement with you as I\'m most of you have considered it at some stage.
I was born with some problems with my penis (I honestly am not too sure what exactly but part of it was about size and something to do with my
Foreskin) and would every 6 months to a year have to go to the doctors to get examined when i was a child and in my teens. When I was 17 i was told that my penis would not grow anymore (i was about 5
Inch Erect, maybe little less than an
Inch Flaccid)and was told that I was well below average for
Erect. I was told that the average
Erect was from memory about 16cm or 6.5 inches, which of course made me feel terrible.
So i got penis enlargement surgery (very expensive)but unfortunately it was not successful (which a large part was because of me). So the result was that my penis
Erect is now pretty much just 5inch.
Flaccid however is longer like 3
Inch or something. So I now feel much worse than before cause of the major ordeal the surgery was and how it was this big secret that no one knows about, also knowing it could have worked out better.
I read on some websites and stuff that the average is actually like 5-6 inches, which makes me wonder what was the doctor basing his average on? I\'m assuming it would be the Kinsey survey or something. But honestly i have no idea if I\'m a little below average or well below average, because being a doctor/
Urologist I\'d assume he\'d know the truth. But other urologists on TV have said the average is 5
Inch. My doc was also saying stuff like i was close to being micropenis, which recently i have heard in many cases i\'ve heard is for those with
Erect penis less than like 3
Inch not 5
Inch. but i don\'t know.
My point is this, i feel terrible all the time now because of the surgery, because im the same size but before hand i was just \"me\" all natural and stuff, now i feel selfish, fake and live in fear that people will find out. it sucks. BTW i know that many people on this site have a smaller penis than me and would love to be in my position, i just thought my experience could benefit others.
As i was young at the time i was very impressionable by his words and they have had a large impact on me to this day (i have had zero sexual experiences because its like \'I\'m medically wrong\' or something). My point is this I largely wish i didn\'t have the surgery, or had spent more time considering things and got a second opinion or tried to find out more accuratly what the average size was. I am happy to answer any questions, sorry about the long post, i was sent here from another forum measurection.com which i reccomend u guys look at.
Any thoughts?