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TOPIC: Elist Implant 5 days out

Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271540492

Hi all, I\'m 5 days out from having Elist implant put in. Everything has been pretty true to what I\'ve read and was told by the doctor. Things are very stiff and painful. I have a pain deep in the pubic area, which I\'m guessing is from the end of the implant hitting the inner pubic tissue. The edges of the implant is noticeable by touch on the underside of the penis and round the head. I want to know from all you veterans if the mobility of the penis come back full to normal. Right now, the Flaccid shaft is stiff and does not jiggle one bit even when I shake my hips. Also I know that in the beginning Erect length is lost, but when it returns where does it length come from? Outer skin or inner tissue stretching back out along with the implant independent from the outer skin? I hope to hear from those of you who have had success with the Elist implants.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271540629

Welcome GP, congrats with having your procedure done. There\'s a couple of members here who\'ve had Elist implants, just browse through the Patient support group & progress reports and you\'ll see. Also being 5 days out and experiencing pain what other medications were prescribed to you besides antibiotics?

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271540674

thanks for the welcome Funky,ty 3 with co. I don\'t like taking it since it makes me nauseate.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271540782

Hmmmm, have you been taking the proper amount/dose? Also have you tried taking it with food, sometimes that can help relieve nausea. The effects of nausea should also decrease as you keep taking them because your body becomes tolerable. If it does persist, I\'d give your doc a call and have him prescribe you something else...

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271542010

Why did you choose to get a procedure with a low success rate and causes complications.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271549119

One week post op- Pain is less, more dull, but still pain in groin area. Erection pain is tolerable, but pretty strong. Flaccid was increased by 2 inches long and an Inch Girth. The Erect is 1/5 inches retracted but around 1 2/3 inches thicker. Still not able to really walk around without being really uncomfortable. Still some swelling.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271549268

Could you post some before and after pics for us? What size implant did you choose? Also how much did it cost? Did he stitch it to the glands? I hope you have a good out come and recovery.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271549641

$11,000, I had the newest model XL and yes it was stitched to the glands very securely. Now that the pain is not a severe, it looks decent. the Flaccid is good 24/7. And I can tell that the Erect will come back, because right now the base is so swollen and stiff, I\'m surprised I\'ve only lost 1/5 Inch in Erect length. The Erection pain is not pleasant, and the worst pain is my pubic bone where the implant was placed deep into the pubic area. The tissue around there are very swollen and painful, really hurts to move that area around and lean/bent forward. It has gotten better VERY slowly day by day.

Thanks guys.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271549753

Those of you who\'s had the Elist implant, does the Flaccid state eventually becomes very loose again so that when I shake my hips, the penis flaps loosely? Right now it\'s very stiff, no mobility.
Please let me know, thx

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271552920

Can I ask what before and after stats were?

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271554803

Perhaps you should start reading this thread, I\'m sure it\'ll give you a rough idea of what to expect... .

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271556546

The penis does eventually hang more loosely...
But at this stage, I would worry more about properly wrapping it and getting
through the next few weeks than the aesthetics.
There are more than a few threads that deal with the implant on this site.
I recommend investing a little time into reading them.
Happy healing

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271565780

Thanks Messageman, It\'s my 8th day post op. Everything is going really well. The penis feel and looks better and better. Have quite a bit of pain in the pubic area from trauma of the incision. Finally getting some sleep. By the glad where all the stitches are feel smooth, and not noticeable. The worst part is staying in bed mostly on your back ALL day... Swelling is much less, still some. The implant started to soften and become more penis like. Also not being able to get off is really a challenge...
Before Measurements Flaccid 3.5 length 4 girthErect 6.25 length 5.5 Girth
After MeasurementsFlaccid 5 length 5 Girth at shaft 5.5 Girth at baseErect 5.75 length 6.25 Girth at shaft 7 Girth at base

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271565943

These are good and expected numbers from the implant. I caution you not to masturbate or have sex, it can cause severe problems later on. Do not listen to the Dr IF he says OK to have sex...Not OK for at least 4-6 weeks and may be longer depending on your healing and even then, the mildest sex possible.

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Elist Implant 5 days out 13 years 2 months ago #1271566661

Gently massage olive oil to the shaft...This will keep it from
drying out and help loosen things up a bit.
If you have any issues that you don\'t feel comfortable discussing on the board, please feel free to PM me...
The length may eventually come back, but it will take time.
Best if luck,

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